与通常情况下或花园绿地周边区块的开发不同,Green Office® ENJOY 是一座通透的办公建筑。建筑事务所 Baumschlager Eberle Architekten 和 SCAPE 认真地重新研究了巴黎城市中传统建筑的临街面设计,以及私密与公共区域之间的严格界限,这种研究对于建筑的使用者是一个福音,因为这样他们就可以轻松地从当地的地铁站步行穿过马丁路德金公园(Martin Luther King Park),到达这座办公建筑的庭院,并欣赏周边的当地景色。
Unlike common or garden perimeter block developments, Green Office® ENJOY is a transparent building. Baumschlager Eberle Architekten and SCAPE have consciously revisited the street-facing design of traditional Paris buildings with their strict boundaries between private and public spheres. This is a boon for building users, who have an easy walk from the local metro station through the Martin Luther King Park to the courtyard and its views of the local surroundings.
▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Luc Boegly
穿过公园进入建筑,这样的入口流线设计已经是一种非同寻常的创新性城市体验了,这座正能量效益的建筑还充分利用了其地理位置,进行总体布局的设计。三个侧翼体量从中央的核心筒开始向外延伸,以完全不同的方式在外部空间中发挥着作用。其中的两个侧翼体量位于 Mstislav Rostropovitch 街上,立面顺应街道的形式略微折角。这种设计所产生的附加值显而易见,一个侧翼体量的窄端标记出通向新总部大楼的通道,另一个侧翼体量的窄端则突出了其位于街角的地理位置。这一切的进行都十分自然有序,无需复杂的施工技术,也无需过度强调建筑的主体地位。
Just as the approach through the park makes for an unusual, not to say innovative experience of the city, the general layout of this positive-energy building makes the most of its location. The three wings emanating from the core fulfil their roles in terms of the exterior space in quite different ways. The two wings which make up the gently angled façade on rue Mstislav Rostropovitch follow the line of the street. The added value produced by this arrangement is immediately visible, the narrow end of one wing marking the gateway to the new quarter, that of the second emphasising its corner location. It all works quite naturally without the need for complex construction techniques or architectural flourishes.
▼建筑外观,三个侧翼体量从中央的核心筒开始向外延伸,exterior view,three wings emanatefrom the core©Luc Boegly
这座建筑总共只有 7 层,即使是往来列车上的乘客,也能看到其立面,从而在宏观和微观上都能展现出规划布局的细节。因此,无论人们从哪个角度去观察,Green Office® ENJOY 办公大楼都能提供一种真正的建筑体验。
实际上,不仅是路过的行人和乘客,大楼内的使用者也可以有一种与众不同的空间感受,比如他们可以在建筑五层的三个带顶棚的露台上欣赏周边的景色。站在南侧的露台上,视线一直延伸到圣心大教堂(Sacré Coeur);站在西侧的露台上,使用者们可以看到到埃菲尔铁塔(Sacré Coeur);而站在北侧的露台上,则可以欣赏附近的 Palais de Justice 法院建筑。
But even that is not all. The building’s third wing, together with its two counterparts, in relation to which it forms a right angle, creates two highly interesting exterior spaces. To the north-west the building opens up in a generous gesture to embrace the surrounding urban space and the railway tracks. To the south-west, on the other hand, it encloses a landscaped courtyard. Rising only seven stories, its façade visible to the passengers in passing trains, the block offers both macroscopic and microscopic planning detail. Whichever way you look at it, Green Office® ENJOY provides a real architectural experience. Not only for passersby, but also for the building’s users, who can enjoy their surroundings from three covered terraces on the fifth floor. In the south, the view stretches away to the Sacré Coeur; to the west lies the Eiffel Tower, while the terrace on the northern side looks out towards the nearby Palais de Justice.
▼建筑外观局部,立面顺应街道略微折角,并在建筑五层设置带顶棚的露台,partial exterior view with the gently angled façade following the line of the street, organizing covered terraces on the fifth floor © Luc Boegly
这座办公大楼在建筑设计方面与其规划布局一样,都具有严谨的逻辑性。在建筑设计上,建筑事务所 Baumschlager Eberle Architekten 与其合作伙伴 SCAPE 没有采用空气动力学或是生物学形态的信息或图像,而是单纯地使用最基本的建筑设计手法。因此,在这座 Green Office® ENJOY 办公大楼中,建筑的外立面完全统一。这个多层次的建筑外立面展现出内部的进深感,为城市景观增添了些许雕塑感。在实际的使用上,这种外立面有着着自己的优势。高大的窗户和旁边的铝制面板突出了外立面的垂直感,从而表现出这座建筑的一种拔地而起的基本特征。
The building is every bit as logical in architectural terms as it is in relation to planning. The approach adopted by partners Baumschlager Eberle Architekten and SCAPE makes reference to the elementary nature of the building medium without the need for messages or imagery (aerodynamics or biomorphic shapes). At Green Office® ENJOY, the building shell spans the entire building space. This outer surface, its multiple layers revealing inner depths, lends a certain sculptural quality to the cityscape. And when it does have a message to convey, it is a nuanced one. The tall windows and accompanying aluminium panels give the façade a clear verticality, a reference to the fundamental character of the architecture: the fact that it is standing.
▼建筑外立面局部,多层次的建筑外立面为城市景观增添了些许雕塑感,partial exterior facade view, the multiple layers of the facade lend a certain sculptural quality to the cityscape © Luc Boegly