“生态穹顶”自然科学博物馆改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨KANVA 事务所
“生态穹顶”自然科学博物馆坐落于加拿大蒙特利尔,由当地建筑事务所 KANVA 设计改造。KANVA 事务所以天马行空的创意与超越建筑形式本身的项目作品而闻名,本项目则旨在带领游客沉浸在多重生态系统的真实环境中。
项目的前身为 1976 年奥运会建造的室内自行车赛场,后改造为“生态穹顶”自然科学博物馆,自 1992 年对外开放以来逐渐成为最受欢迎的博物馆之一,堪称加拿大博物馆界最耀眼的明珠。
2014 年,Rami Bebawi 和 Tudor Radulescu 共同创立的 KANVA 事务所赢得了该博物馆改造的国际建筑竞赛,承接下了这个由蒙特利尔生命空间协会组织(Space for Life)发起的耗资 2500 万美元的大型项目。
KANVA, a Montreal-based firm renowned for meaningful projects extending beyond the boundaries of architectural shapes and forms, is proud to unveil the delicate grandeur of the newly redesigned Biodome, a Montreal science museum that immerses visitors in the authentic environs of multiple ecosystems. Housed in the former Velodrome, constructed for the Montréal 1976 Olympic Games, the Biodome opened in 1992 and is a jewel in the crown of a consortium of facilities that collectively account for the most visited museum spaces in Canada. After winning an international architectural competition in 2014, KANVA, co-founded by Rami Bebawi and Tudor Radulescu, was commissioned for the $25 million project by Space for Life, the body charged with overseeing operations of the Biodome, Planetarium, Insectarium, and Botanical Garden.
▼博物馆外观概览,appearance of the museum©KANVA
“我们的任务是增强游客和博物馆独特生态系统之间联系,使游客们获得身临其境的体验,同时改造建筑的公共空间,使整个博物馆空间更加完备。”KANVA 联合创始人兼项目首席建筑师 Rami Bebaw 说道,“在这个过程中,我们可以自豪地说‘生态穹顶’给人们提供了一个接触并了解复杂自然环境的平台,特别是在当前气候变化的大背景下,认识到人与自然间的相互影响则显得更为重要。”
“Our mandate was to enhance the immersive experience between visitors and the museum’s distinct ecosystems, as well as to transform the building’s public spaces,” notes Rami Bebawi, a partner of KANVA and the project’s lead architect. “In doing so, we proudly embraced the role that the Biodome plays in sensitizing humans to the intricacies of natural environments, particularly in the current context of climate change and the importance of understanding its effects.”
▼入口与入口广场,entrance and the entrance plaza©KANVA
项目之初,KANVA 事务所就对原始建筑进行了深入的分析与研究,“生态穹顶”就宛如一个由生态系统与维持这个系统正常运行的复杂机械结构共同组成的生命体。因此,任何类型的设计干预都应该是精巧而微妙的,在此前提下,再由统一的全局策略对这些微观的干预措施进行统筹管理与协调。设计过程中每一个决定都需要经过跨学科的协商,可以说,KANVA 事务所为“生态穹顶”设计的故事线是一个真正的合作过程。
From the onset, KANVA studied the tremendous complexity of the building, a living entity comprised of ecosystems and very complex machinery that is critical to supporting life. They realized that any type of intervention would need to be very delicate, and that a global strategy to the scale of the mandate would require careful coordination and management of numerous micro interventions. Every decision required consultations across multiple disciplines, and it became a truly collaborative effort that embraced KANVA’s storyline.
▼概念生成平面示意图,concept diagram©KANVA
“项目中的每个人都对全局策略有着深入的理解,他们本着合作的精神把这种理解融会贯通。”Bebawi 说,“这是一次非常鼓舞人心的经历,它将成为我们在未来设计中更好地解决环境问题的范本。”从组织的角度来看,KANVA 致力于利用空间改造将建筑遗产价值最大化。建筑师将入口原有的低矮天花板拆除,并重新设计了一个富有视觉冲击力的核心空间,这种设置打开了游客们的视野,为人们留下深刻的第一印象。拆除天花板后,室内向天空开放,将人们的视线引向建筑非凡的屋顶,同时,巨大的玻璃天窗也将充足的自然光线引入室内。
“Everybody understood the global vision, and they carried that understanding with them in the spirit of collaboration,” says Bebawi. “It was a very inspirational experience that will serve as a model for better addressing environmental issues in design in the future.” From an organizational perspective, KANVA began by targeting spaces that could be transformed in ways that would maximize the value of the building’s architectural heritage. The carving of a new core combined with the demolition of the particularly low ceiling at the entrance of the building allows visitors to appreciate the impressive scale of the existing space. In gutting the existing ceiling, KANVA opened the space skyward to the building’s extraordinary roof, composed of massive skylight panels that infuse an abundance of natural light.
▼剖面示意图,concept section©KANVA