After SHURAN Wellness Space, E Studio has completed the entire design concept of Shuran — Shuran Skincare. Shuran Skincare will be located in the same block with the Wellness Space. The idea of time extension is to contemplate the organic integration and differentiation of two different forms of business such as massage and beauty under the same brand.
我们对舒然品牌进⾏重新整合,升级为能关注到⼈们更全⾯需求的舒然生活馆,全称为「SHURAN」; 我们从功能性将舒然分成两个板块:舒然养生「时间洞穴」, 舒然美学「时光蜕变」。「时间洞穴」定义为时间静止空间, 停下步伐,释放身心压力;「时光蜕变」则为逆时光空间,寓意皮肤及身体状态能得到新生的蜕变。
We have reintegrated the Shuran brand and upgraded it into a comfortable living space that focuses on people’s comprehensive needs – called “Shuran”. Based on different functions we have divided Suran into two sections: Shuran wellness “time cave” and Shuran Skincare “time metamorphosis”. “Time Cave” is defined as a space where time stands still and stops to release physical and mental pressure. “Time metamorphosis” refers to the reverse of time, implying that the state of the skin and body can undergo metamorphosis.
For the brand’s new logo, we have extracted the “U” in the name, making it appear in the brand and space as a highly concentrated visual sign. The image of double “U” means that the new “U” bursts out and transforms from the past “U”. The logo’s multiple “U” curves and a fading light creates a sense of professionalism, fashion and healing beauty for the brand.
The facade window is composed of freehand arcs that allow pedestrians have a sneak peek of the mysterious aurora of delightful aesthetics.