重庆九龙外滩 · 重建人与自然的连接,打造韧性滨水带丨中国重庆丨MYP迈柏,林同棪国际
重庆是立体的山地城市,也因无数的网红级现象被称为5D 魔幻都市。重庆因长江而立,在水路与步行作为城市主要交通方式的年代,城市的生产与生活沿江展开。滨江是市民重要的公共活动空间,随着城市进入工业化、城市化阶段后,滨江空间逐渐被道路、码头及工业等所占据。然而,城市生活区与滨江空间有巨大的高差,因每年季节性的30-50米的水位高差所形成的巨大消落带,使得长江难以亲近。通过对游客与市民的随机访问,大家普遍表达了对滨江的热爱与回忆,但当前的滨江难以到达,也无法长时间停留。

Chongqing is a famous mountain city. It is also called the 5D Magic City because of countless trend videos and reports which show the huge elevation difference of Chongqing. Chongqing is built by the Yangtze River. At the time when waterway transport and walking were the main means of urban transportation, urban life were relied on the river. Riverside areas is the important public activity space for the citizens. The riverside space was gradually occupied by roads, docks and factories as the rapid urbanization of Chongqing. However, there is a huge elevation difference between the urban living area and the riverside space. Even worse, there is a fluctuation zone formed by the seasonal 30-50 meters of water-level difference each year. As a result, Yangtze River became hard to approach. People have expressed their love and memories of the riverside space during interviews and surveys. But people can hardly get close to the riverside space and cannot stay for a long time.

▼重庆是立体的山地城市,滨江难以到达,Chongqing is a three-dimensional mountain city, the riverside is difficult to reach © MYP迈柏/林同棪国际
重庆九龙外滩 · 重建人与自然的连接,打造韧性滨水带丨中国重庆丨MYP迈柏,林同棪国际-3
针对主城区109 公里的重庆“两江四岸”治理提升工程的全球竞赛,MYP 迈柏与TYLIN 林同棪组成联合团队,以“重回长江”为理念,成功中标长江北岸段。九龙外滩项目,作为“两江四岸”十大公共空间节点之一,是目前首个建成节点,获得了领导与市民的一致好评。

MYP and Tylin have formed a joint team to participate the competition of the 109-kilometer “Two Rivers and Four Banks” upgrading project which is in the main urban area of Chongqing. The team have successfully won the competition with the design concept of “returning to the Yangtze River” and got the chance to make detail plans for the northern section of the Yangtze River. The Kowloon Bund, as the first completed node of the ten public nodes of “two rivers and four banks”, has won unanimous praise from the officials and citizens, as the first completed node of the ten public nodes of “two rivers and four banks”.

▼九龙外滩建成鸟瞰实景,Overall View of the Jiulong Bund © MYP迈柏/林同棪国际
重庆九龙外滩 · 重建人与自然的连接,打造韧性滨水带丨中国重庆丨MYP迈柏,林同棪国际-7
九龙外滩,是九龙坡区重要的滨江活动空间,岸线长度2.1 公里,占地46 公顷。因巨大的高差与成渝铁路的分隔,使得居住区与滨江空间严重割裂。居住区与滨江直线距离虽然只有100多米,却因30-100 米的高差,让人们难以到达。该段长江洪水位的统计情况如下:165m(低水位),4 月至9 月,淹没期290 天;175m(高水位),10 月至次年3 月,淹没期111 天;185m(洪水位),6 月-9 月,淹没期14 天;191m(20 年一遇洪水位),平常年份不会被淹没。根据该数据,项目设计了一个基于不同高差的公共活动与生态体系,来重新建立人与自然的连接。

The Kowloon Bund is an important riverfront activity space in the Kowloon Slope District. It has 2.1 kilometers coastline and 46 hectares. However, the residential area and the riverfront space have been separated by the elevation difference and Chengdu-Chongqing railway. Although there are only 100 meters away from the residential area to the riverfront area, it has 30-100 meters of elevation difference between them which makes it difficult for people to reach out.The flood conditions of this section of the Yangtze River are as follows: 165m, low water level, 290 days of inundation period from April to September; 175m, high water level, 111 days of inundation period from October to March; 185m, flood stage, 14 days of inundation period from June to September; 191m, 20-year flood zone… According to these statistics, in order to re-establish the connection between human and nature, the project proposes a system which balances the public activities and ecosystem based on the different elevation differences.

▼恢复了重庆大台阶的传统,使人们最大程度地亲近长江,Recovering the tradition of Chongqing’s Great Steps, it enables people to get close to the Yangtze River to the greatest extent © MYP迈柏/林同棪国际
重庆九龙外滩 · 重建人与自然的连接,打造韧性滨水带丨中国重庆丨MYP迈柏,林同棪国际-11
▼向滨江打开的弹性庆典广场,Flexible Celebration Square Facing the Riverside © MYP迈柏/林同棪国际
重庆九龙外滩 · 重建人与自然的连接,打造韧性滨水带丨中国重庆丨MYP迈柏,林同棪国际-13




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