迷宫叙事 · 感知沉没的空间探索丨中国北京丨相也建筑
这是一个探索空间叙事的实验性项目。在传统的艺术展览中, 展陈空间常常承担着功能划分、烘托氛围的辅助角色,而在这个以“存在”为题的展陈空间设计中,主角不再仅仅是展出的作品,看展者的“行走”体验被提升放大到一种和作品同等重要的地位,建筑师尝试着以空间为语言去诉说,通过创造一系列浸入式的体验来引导人去感悟“存在”的意义。本设计方案以“迷宫“为原型,在有限的展厅内通过折叠、缠绕、延伸、穿透等手法,搭建起了一个富有层次感、叠加感的均质空间,加上未知的出入口的设置,让人有一种置身于悬念丛生,充满期待的探寻之旅的浸入式体验;与此同时,空间的复杂性和矛盾性会带来一系列空间感知层面的反差和错觉。而错觉所带来的困惑是引发观展者主动思考的动机,它迫使身处其中的人去寻找背后的意义。
▼一层迷宫“感知沉没”整体外观,展览入口,Overall Image of the 1st Floor Maze at the Entrance ©夏至
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This experimental project aims to explore the possibilities of spatial narratives. In traditional art exhibitions, space only plays the supporting role of dividing the functional spaces and setting off the atmosphere; while in this exhibition, the protagonists are no longer just the exhibits but the “walking” experience of the visitors, which is promoted and magnified to an equal position of the works on display. By creating a series of immersive experiences, architects use space as a language to guide people to perceive the meaning of “existence”. “Maze” is the prototype of the design: architects create a homogeneous yet multi-layered space within the limited exhibition hall by folding, intertwining, extending, and penetrating the visiting routes, as well as setting unpredictable entrances and exits. As a result, the visiting experience becomes an immersive journey with plenty of expectations and explorations. Meanwhile, the complexity and contradiction of the paces arouse a sense of misconception, which stimulates the visitors in the maze to pursue the hiding meaning on their own.

▼一层迷宫“感知沉没”空间渐变,The Gradual Spatial Change of “The Sunken Perception” on the 1st Floor ©王一迪,袁梦
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展陈空间所在的山中天美术馆,是由董豫赣设计的一座有游园体验的建筑。原本的室内空间参差交错,展厅间有多个空间接口和视线连接,本身就带有丰富的空间层次,但因开放性的游览流线贯穿于整个建筑,观展者常常会面临路线的多重选择,这种自由有时会让人迷失,重复出入同一展厅。甚至会让人错过某些展览的内容,分散观展者的注意力,使得整个观展体验被碎片化。这种状况显然与本次展览设计所要追求的“沉浸式体验”和“空间叙事”相悖。因此,展陈建筑师在整体上通过控制每个主要展厅的出入口,将原本复杂的空间序列重新排列,形成了单线、连续的闭环,以实现一种环形叙事 (起点即终点)。在三个主要展厅内,通过“迷宫”及隔墙,重新规划原本开敞或者单一的空间流线,确保唯一的出口和入口,形成局部的单线单相动线。由此,整个观展体验被分为三个章节,并由一条完整的故事线串联起来。

The exhibition is located at the Wind H Art Center designed by Dong Yugan. The building is designed to let the visitors feel as if they are touring a traditional Chinese garden: its interior spaces are interconnected spatially and visually. Visitors are often faced with multiple choices and even a sense of disorientation while switching between different rooms of the building, which may be distracting and make the entire exhibition experience fragmented. Therefore, the original space of the gallery is at odd with the purpose of creating “immersive experience” and “spatial narratives”. By controlling the entrances and exits of each exhibition hall, the architects reorganized the spatial sequence into a continuous closed visiting loop, where the origin also marks the destination. Within three main exhibition halls, the once free or dreary spaces are carefully re-planned into controlled but dramatic one-way visiting routes with one entrance and one exit each. The overall visiting experience is divided into three chaptered connected by one continuous story line.

▼整体流线及叙事 ©相也建筑 Overall Circulation and Story Line

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置身事外和身处其中所看到的事物对人来说往往是截然不同的存在。这是整个展览中唯一能让人看清全貌的“章节”。建筑师用一个水平上升的曲线将整个“迷宫”横向剖切,使得墙体从外向内逐渐升高 ,将整个错综复杂的截断面直接暴露给身处开敞大厅里的观展者,使其在进入“迷宫”前就能“清晰掌握”自己即将踏上的路径。

Being an insider or outsider would generate entirely distinct perception of the same object or incident. This is the only ‘chapter ’in which the visitor could perceive the appearance of the space. An invisible surface extruded from an ascending exponential curve cut the maze horizontally, making the walls grow taller gradually from the entrance side to the deep inside. As a result, the ‘plan section ’of the maze is directly exposed to the visitors in the entrance lobby, which gives them a clear sense of the path they are about to take before they enter the maze.

▼第一章“感知沉没”轴测图 ©相也建筑 Axonometric of the 1st Chapter, “The Sunken Perception”

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