迪拜 Late Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash 清真寺 | 光与神圣的连接
Dabbagh Architects 创始人兼主创设计师 Sumuya Dabbagh 带领团队,在迪拜完成了已故 Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash 清真寺的设计建造。这是一个当代的礼拜场所,设计师娴熟地运用形式、材料和对自然光的控制,创造了一种平静的精神连接,将朝拜者们从外部的日常世界带入内在的精神体验。该项目是阿联酋第一座由女性建筑师设计的清真寺。
Dabbagh Architects lead by Principal Architect and Founder, Sumaya Dabbagh, completes the Mosque of the Late Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash (Dubai, UAE), a contemporary place of worship that is quietly masterful in its use of form, materiality and controlled natural light to evoke a sense of calm and spiritual connection and transition the worshipper from outer material world to inner sense of being. The mosque is one of the first in the UAE to be designed by a female architect.
▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Gerry O’Leary Photography
在沙特,Sumaya 是她那一代人中少有的女性建筑师之一,并在湾区成立了自己的事务所,这在女性建筑师中更是少之又少。她的设计以在文化建筑和周边环境之间建立对话见长,强调建筑中的不可见之物,试图创造意义和诗意的感觉,与每位使用者之间形成连接。她过去的作品包括 2016 年的 Mleiha 考古中心,这是一座从沙漠中升起的曲线状砂石建筑,位于被列为 UNESCO 世界遗产的小城 Mleiha。这个项目在 2020 年获得了建筑大师奖,并于 2018 年获得了 Aga Khan 奖的提名。
Sumaya is one of only a few Saudi female architects of her generation and amongst a handful of women architects leading their own practice in the Gulf region. With a reputation for crafting culturally relevant buildings in dialogue with their surroundings, she places emphasis on the intangible in architecture; seeking to create meaning and a sense of the poetic to form a connection with each building’s user. Previous projects include Mleiha Archaeological Centre (2016), a curved sandstone structure that rises from the desert in the small town of Mleiha, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The project was awarded an Architecture MasterPrize (2020), amongst other award wins, as well as being nominated for the Aga Khan Awards (2018).
▼祷告厅,prayer hall©Gerry O’Leary Photography
项目是献给当地社区的礼物,为了纪念已故家族元老 Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash,业主希望创造一座简洁的当代清真寺,为位于迪拜工业中心的 AL Quoz 社区的礼拜者们带来一个宁静的精神空间。为了支持当地产业,以及保持公司的可持续设计理念,Dabbagh Architects 从当地获取材料,包括采自 Oman 的石材,以及阿联酋产的混凝土、铝盖板、细木工和陶瓷制品等。设计的核心目标是通过建筑加强礼拜这一行为以及从物质到精神的过渡之旅,让礼拜者做好祈祷的准备,感受到与神圣之物的亲密连接。
As a gift to the community and in honour of the late patriarch of the family, Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash, the Gargash family’s brief was to create a minimal contemporary mosque, a calm and spiritual space for prayer, for the community of the Al Quoz, the industrial heart of Dubai. Committed to supporting local industries and in keeping with the practice’s sustainable approach to design, Dabbagh Architects sourced materials from the mosque’s locality: stone from Oman; concrete, aluminium, cladding, joinery and ceramics from the UAE. At the heart of the design approach is the enhancement of the act of worship and a transitional journey throughout the building so that the worshipper is ready for prayer and feels a sense of intimacy with the sacred.
▼从外部街道看向建筑,view to the building from the outside street©Gerry O’Leary Photography
创造礼拜空间是一个十分独特的设计挑战。祈祷是一种虔诚的行为,它要求礼拜者全身心投入。现代繁忙的生活中有大量干扰,如何让礼拜者们的头脑安静下来,找到内在的宁静以沉浸于祈祷之中,对我们来说是一个挑战。Sumaya 表示,“通过设计,我们创造了一系列空间,作为繁忙的外部世界的过渡,让礼拜者为接下来的内在体验做好准备。”
Creating a space of worship was a very particular design challenge. Prayer is a devotional act. It requires the worshipper to be totally present. With all the distractions in our modern busy lives, it can be challenging to quieten the mind and find an inner calm to allow for full immersion into prayer,” says Sumaya. “Through the design, a series of spaces are created that allow the worshipper to transition from the busy outer world and prepare for an inner experience.
▼建筑外观,external view of the building©Gerry O’Leary Photography