Felixx: 荷兰政府顾问委员会和费利克斯景观设计事务所调查了步行在当代城市环境中的潜在作用。调查得知,步行是一种很有潜力的出行方式。它可能不是最快的,也可能不是最舒适的,但它是唯一一种不需要交通工具的出行方式。选择步行这种低碳方式出行,能减少我们对环境造成的影响。并且,步行空间能释放部分城市空间,从而能增强城市在应对社会和环境问题的抗压性。但奇怪的是,在日常公共空间设计中,步行空间常常被忽视。上述内容是在与城市心理学家 Sander van der Ham–STIPO 密切合作下得出的结论。其中明确了步行有哪些潜在的好处,并确定了如何实现这些好处的设计任务。
Felixx: The Dutch Board of Government Advisors and Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners investigated the potential role of walking in contemporary urban environments. Walking has great potential. It may not be the fastest, and as some may say not the most comfortable way to get around, but it is the only type of movement which doesn’t require a vehicle. By walking more, we limit the influence of our movements on the environment. As a result, creating room for walking frees up space in the city, which can be used to tackle diverse social and environmental challenges. Oddly enough, the pedestrian is often forgotten in the design of our public spaces. This research by design is developed in close collaboration with urban psychologist Sander van der Ham – STIPO. It provides insight into the potential benefits of walking, and identifies the design tasks within our built environment to realize these benefits.
▼步行潜在的功能:增加城市的抗压性 the potential of walking:tackling diverse social and environmental challenges
步行可作为出行的一种选择。在生活中,步行是多种出行选择中的一种,但是我们通常不会特意去选择步行作为出行方式。为了设计出鼓励人们多走路的环境,我们需要了解如何才能引导人们选择步行。研究得出,这会受许多因素的影响。其中最主要因素是我们的大脑,我们的大脑会存储、处理我们在生活中所经历的一切。大体来说,我们的大脑有 2 套不同的系统来影响我们做出选择。面对不同的情况,大脑会启用不同的系统,在系统 1 的情况下,我们会做出无意识的、情绪化的决定。这种选择是基于经验来判断的,在这种情况下,我们不会进行思考就会做出选择。而在系统 2 的情况下,我们处于理性的状态,会进行有意识的思考。这时我们会对之前的经验做批判性的思考,从而做出明智的选择。为了促进大家选择步行出行,我们需要在设计城市步行空间时同时考虑这两个系统。
Walking is a choice, although we often do not make that choice very consciously. In order to create environments that encourage people to walk more, we need to understand how we can influence people’s choice to do so. The choice of walking is influenced by many factors. Everything we experience in the course of our lives is stored in our brain as information. We roughly have two methods or “systems” to interpret this information, and make choices based on it. System 1 makes unconscious, emotional, fast, automatic, and effortless decisions. Choices are based on rules of thumb that originate from previously acquired knowledge, experiences or emotions. They undergo little to no critical reflection. System 2 is rational and requires conscious reflection and costs a lot of energy. It allows informed choices to be made, and questions the rules of thumb of system 1. To boost walking, we need to address both systems in our way of designing cities.
▼心理决策影响城市环境 Psychological decisions affect the urban environment
出行方式 The Journey approach
生活中的步行空间通常是基于城市道路设计来安排的。这就导致我们在去向某地时,关注的是如何花费更少的时间到达目的地,而忽略了途中美丽的风景。这也证实了我们大脑系统 1 的偏见:当你要出行时,它会默默告诉你,如果你选择开车或骑自行车出行时就能更快达到目的地。
Space for walking is often designed according to the same “mechanical” logic as that of roadways. The experience en route is secondary to reaching the destination as quickly as possible. This constantly confirms the prejudices of system 1 in our brain: you are faster by car or by bicycle. Reconnecting society with walking, after years of applying generic rules of car environments, starts by applying human-oriented measures to our streets and public space. Walkable spaces based on enhancement of comfort, proximity, and rewarding can bring humanized street designs that subconsciously tempt us to choose to walk.
▼将社会与步行重新联系起来,做出舒适度好、可达性好和回报性高的步道空间 Connecting the society and walking again, and making a comfortable, accessible and rewarding footpath space
将步行作为完成各项目标的催化剂 Walking as a catalyst for different agenda’s。从长远目标来看,步行能使我们做出更明智、有意识的决定。通过批判性地反思我们当前的经验和习惯,随着时间的推移,步行会成为一个更优势的选择。我们可以将步行与城市环境建设联系起来,帮助实现社会目标。这使得选择步行不仅仅是选择一种出行方式,更是一种减少空气污染,建设更清洁、更健康世界的自觉选择。通过将步行与不同的目标联系起来,能够鼓励我们选择步行,也拔高了步行它本身的意义。链接越多样化,就越能让大众感到有必要走得更远。
By placing walking in a broader context, we can make better informed conscious decisions. By critically reflecting on our current rules of thumb and habits, walking can become a more obvious choice over time.
We can achieve this by linking the act of walking to the contribution it makes to social and environmental agendas. This makes the choice for walking more than a mere choice of mobility. It becomes a conscious choice for less air pollution and a cleaner and healthier world.
By associating walking with different challenges and objectives, we create arguments that can encourage us to walk and transcend the practical consideration of going somewhere by foot. The more diverse the links, the wider the audience that will feel compelled to walk.
▼步行是一种减少空气污染,建设更清洁、更健康世界的自觉选择。Walking becomes a conscious choice for less air pollution and a cleaner and healthier world.




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