普林斯住宅 · 历史与现代的对话
© Aaron Thompson
架构师提供的文本描述。位于诺丽塔王子街和莫特街拐角处的普林斯的住宅曾经是纽约第一所也是最古老的教区学校,也是老圣帕特里克大教堂校园的一部分。它是唯一被指定为一个纽约个人地标,并在全国注册的历史场所。2014年,时代基金公司(TimeEquityInc.)和哈姆林风险投资公司(Hamlin Ventures)的开发伙伴关系聘请了领先的设计公司漫威建筑师(Marvel Architect)监督普林斯其结果是对原学校进行了对场地敏感的适应性再利用,将其改造成七套共管公寓和两栋联排别墅。该项目还为老圣帕特里克保留了一个多用途空间,这是一个长达200年的社区锚。
Text description provided by the architects. The Residences at Prince, at the corner of Prince Street and Mott Street in Nolita, was once New York's first and oldest parochial school and part of Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral Campus. It is uniquely designated as an NYC Individual Landmark, and a Nationally Registered Historic Place. In 2014, the development partnership of Time Equities Inc and Hamlin Ventures tapped leading design firm Marvel Architects to oversee Prince’s conversion into modern residential units. The result is a site-sensitive adaptive reuse of the former school, turning it into seven condominiums and two townhouses. The project also maintains a multipurpose space for Old St. Patrick’s, a community anchor for 200 years.
Text description provided by the architects. The Residences at Prince, at the corner of Prince Street and Mott Street in Nolita, was once New York's first and oldest parochial school and part of Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral Campus. It is uniquely designated as an NYC Individual Landmark, and a Nationally Registered Historic Place. In 2014, the development partnership of Time Equities Inc and Hamlin Ventures tapped leading design firm Marvel Architects to oversee Prince’s conversion into modern residential units. The result is a site-sensitive adaptive reuse of the former school, turning it into seven condominiums and two townhouses. The project also maintains a multipurpose space for Old St. Patrick’s, a community anchor for 200 years.
© Aaron Thompson
The project celebrates the remaining features of the original building and highlights them against the new facades and finishes that were uniquely selected to complement the building’s new life. Extraneous additions were removed to bring back the 1820 Federal-style essence. The interior parti, celebrates the historical surfaces by exposing and restoring rather than covering or over-polishing.
The project celebrates the remaining features of the original building and highlights them against the new facades and finishes that were uniquely selected to complement the building’s new life. Extraneous additions were removed to bring back the 1820 Federal-style essence. The interior parti, celebrates the historical surfaces by exposing and restoring rather than covering or over-polishing.
© Aaron Thompson
对这座建筑历史的分析表明,过去200年来的各种扩建和翻修汇集在一起。这一分析指导了项目的优先次序:历史层被剥离,以暴露建筑的原始物理性,新的补充被建立以回应和补充历史结构。随着原建筑H字形足迹的恢复,西翼被改造成一座宏伟的5层8,000层联排别墅,而东翼和毗邻的莫特街(Mott Street)建筑则变成了7套共管公寓楼,所有工程都得到了地标保护委员会的批准。
Analysis of the building’s history revealed an aggregation of various expansions and renovations made over the past 200 years. This analysis guided the project prioritization: Historic layers were peeled back to expose the building’s original physicality and new additions were built to respond to, and complement, the historic structure. With the original building’s H-shaped footprint restored, the western wing was transformed into a grand 5 story, 8,000sf townhouse, while the eastern wing and the adjoining Mott Street addition became 7 condominium residences with all work being approved by the landmark preservation commission.
Analysis of the building’s history revealed an aggregation of various expansions and renovations made over the past 200 years. This analysis guided the project prioritization: Historic layers were peeled back to expose the building’s original physicality and new additions were built to respond to, and complement, the historic structure. With the original building’s H-shaped footprint restored, the western wing was transformed into a grand 5 story, 8,000sf townhouse, while the eastern wing and the adjoining Mott Street addition became 7 condominium residences with all work being approved by the landmark preservation commission.
© Aaron Thompson