Cribbar surf ba
位于英国纽基的Cribbar冲浪吧是由康沃尔郡顶尖室内设计工作室Absolute翻修设计的,面积约557平方米。Absolute的重新设计向纽基的最有挑战性的波浪致敬,设计师采用冲浪主题,在硬板上使用定制主题,形成海浪形状,而其他家具和灯光设计用来反映20世纪60年代——冲浪运动在英国兴起的时代。Shaper Coffee Table与放在橱窗的冲浪板用的同样的材质,Net Stool的灵感来自于海,将渔网悬挂起来,而主要色调为黄色和蓝色。金色天花板上的GRP石膏是Absolute工厂的,整个形状和灯光的设计是为了让人有听见海底回声的感觉。吧台采用模铸混凝土和一些亮黄色箭头图案结合,这样与吧台外面的Grey混凝土材质的沙发搭配。Cribbar的品牌形象在玻璃和木板上得到了体现。国际知名艺术家SOMA设计了一些随处可见的印刷图案,Oakwood和Cardiff设计了在漂白木板上的海景风格。全球顶尖的冲浪杂志Carve and Surfgirl和英国的史书The Surfing Tribe上都提到该项目,因此把这些文字印在前面的白色瓦片上,能够吸引更多类似的报道。另外,Sex Wax主题也是随处可见,经常可以在墙上看见和“你昨天应该也在这儿”类似的话。为了满足当地冲浪者的需要,特地安装了显示屏,顾客可以看到赛事直播。在这里,他们可以冲浪又一次近距离接触。
译者: Jasereen
At first glance the design of a surf bar in Newquay, Cornwall, may seem like a simple task however an obvious or corny response to such a brief would immediately be slated by the local water-fuelled community. And when the client CEO is Tim Martin, a keen big wave surfer himself, every detail is going to come under close scrutiny.
However Cornwall’s leading architectural and interiors agency, Absolute, have risen to this challenge with gusto, calling in the UK’s top surf magazine editors to create a collaboration that has delivered a 6,000 sq ft surf-inspired bar and club, adding a significant new dash to Cornwall’s style scene.
The radical design departure for bar owners JD Wetherspoon, has seen Absolute reworking the space to create a homage to the town’s most challenging wave, The Cribbar. All potential clichés have been avoided and the designers have opted for a Surf-infused scheme that utilises bespoke swell chart motifs across a range of hard surfaces and bright, acid inspired fabrics and low level furniture and lighting curated to reflect the 1960s, the era when the sport first arrived in the UK.Helen’s team called in a range of local and UK based designers and makers to help craft their vision into reality. The founders and directors at Cornwall-based MARK are both surfers so it is fitting that their ‘Shaper Coffee Table’, made from the same resin as heavy duty surfboards sits in the front windows of the establishment.
MARK’s ‘Net Stool’ is also inspired by the sea and hanging fishing nets and is used in blue and yellow throughout the bar and on the outside deck. Absolute’s very own shop fitters crafted huge metallic gold ceiling ‘volcanoes’ from GRP plaster in their factory in Penryn and the shape and light shafts were designed to echo the feeling of being at the bottom of the sea.
At some 16 feet, The Cribbar’s bar rivals that at St Pancreas Station however this one is made from solid cast concrete with bright yellow swell arrows and matching Chesterfield-inspired concrete sofas were commissioned from Grey Concrete to sit outside the bar. Massive 2m bespoke geometric yellow external planters have come from IOTA and ‘pop’ coloured urinals have been made by Philip Watts Design.
A Cribbar brand motif has been specially etched throughout in glass and on wood and street inspired graffiti by the Cornish boys at Ceri Pashley Designs is found in the toilets. Globally renowned artist SOMA has also provided a range of prints which are to be discovered across the property and Oakwood, Cardiff have provided sea-side style bleached wood panelling throughout the bar.
One of the most significant elements of the project has been the input from the publishers of the leading surf magazines Carve and Surfgirl as well as the acclaimed British historical book ‘The Surfing Tribe.’ The editorial team advised Absolute on what they thought would work for the local market and artwork using the images from the book have been screen printed into the white tiles that front the bar and a specially chosen range of prints are framed around the property. In addition, ‘Sex Wax’ motifs are to be found throughout, phrases such as ‘you should have been here yesterday’ etched into a solid concrete wall are peppered around and tactile materials and over stitching have been used to reflect wetsuits and post-surf warm-up blankets.
Knowing the needs of local surfers, Absolute have had a specially installed screen and technology mounted behind the bar so that customers can watch live key contests and surf videos with a local beer in their hand. As well as checking out the current swell charts.Absolute Interior’s Creative Director Helen Blake says, “One might be forgiven for thinking that a Cornish surf bar only needs some surfboards on the wall and pictures of bronzed dudes scattered everywhere to capture the essence of this historic culture – but you’d be wrong. Surfers and the surfing culture is based on the idea of creativity and spontaneity with a little dash of anti-establishment thrown in for good measure, hence our approach and results.”
Helen continues, “Working with the team at Carve has been a brilliant way to ensure that the surfing history and heritage references are relevant and authentic and that the end result completely befits the ‘legend’ of the bars’ namesake. As such, this calls for a site that reflects this rather than being too close to their sport.”




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