

Raimondo Guidacci
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Raimondo Guidacci was born at Foggia in 1968. He studied architecture and graduated at the Venice IUAV in 1995. As well as studying architecture, Guidacci attended the Benedetto Marcello Conservatoire of music where he obtained his diploma that same year. His first work experience was at Orsara in Puglia, to which he commuted from Turin where he was on the strength of the Polytechnic for several years and in 1996 opened his own professional practice.

Reford Gardens
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Désignés lieu historique national du Canada, les Jardins de Métis sont reconnus internationalement comme une œuvre exceptionnelle d’art horticole. Quelque 3 000 espèces et variétés de plantes sont réparties dans une quinzaine de jardins. Des œuvres d’art contemporain parsèment le parcours et s’intègrent avec harmonie aux jardins historiques. Les Jardins de Métis sont administrés par Les Amis des Jardins de Métis, corporation à but non lucratif reconnue comme organisme de bienfaisance.

Refik Anadol
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Refik Anadol is a media artist and director born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1985. Currently lives and works in Los Angeles, California. He is a lecturer and visiting researcher in UCLA’s Department of Design Media Arts.

Rizvi Hassan
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‘Being exposed to different notions’ to ‘looking for sole contributions’ to ‘learning to do what is more importantly necessary as an architect’ can sum up the learning so far, as I see the journey continues with wider-spectrum.

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Rush Wright Associates is an award winning design practice based in Melbourne, Australia, offering consultancy services in landscape architecture, urban design and constructed ecology. Bringing together the extensive experience and design expertise of its Directors Catherine Rush and Michael Wright, the company has built its reputation on commitment to client service and innovative design outcomes.