
2021/11/22 20:49:51
SUTPC : Forty years have gone by, and the changes have made shenzhen, a young city, pulse faster and look brand-new. The traces of past memory and time are more like fine sand washed away all floating floc shining more and more. The ancient city in Shenzhen is the starting point of the development of this new city, representing the lifestyle of a regional ethnic group. How to rely on the resource endowment, preserve the urban context and carry forward the local history and culture in the renewal of the ancient city has become an issue that we should focus on and pay attention to.
In Longgang, Shenzhen, Gankeng Village (Gankeng Laowei), originated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is a Hakka village with a long history. It is honored as one of the top ten Hakka ancient villages in Shenzhen together with Mission Hills Printmaking Village, Hehu Xinju, Ma Hom Village, and Dawanshiju. With generations of migration, Gankeng Hakka has formed “cool hat”, “row house”, “Qingming fruit tea” and other unique cultures, which are similar to the traditional Hakka but different. With its unique spatial pattern, unique Hakka architecture, and cultural resources, the town attracts a large number of tourists with its high-quality cultural heritage.
▼多元文化 Multi-culture
甘李路作为进入甘坑客家小镇南门的城市主街道,在轨道十号线开通后,承担了 60%公共出行的人流量。通过的需求、杂乱的界面与文化割裂感使场所矛盾重重。团队觉得充满故事的街道才是甘李路魅力所在,其线性的布局更像是一束游走于历史与未来的光,穿过细缝发生衍射,将小镇生活的烟火气、游人的欢声笑语固定在街巷里。深城交与华侨城集团携手为甘李路提供提升方案,旨在对传统的街道空间的营造进行创新探索,用文化激活街道,使之成为人民的街道、活力的街道,成为城市历史感知、在地的生活展示与文化传承的重要的空间载体。
Ganli Road, as the city’s main access to the south gate of Gankeng Hakka town, bears 60% of the public travel flow after the opening of track Line 10. The need to pass through, the disjointed interface, and the sense of cultural fragmentation make the place contradictory. Its linear streets are like a dazzling beam of light, diffracting through the cracks, fixing the fireworks and laughter of the town life and visitors in the streets. Shenzhen urban transport planning center CO.,LTD. together with OCT Cultural Property Investment Co.,Ltd was appointed to provide the improvement plan for Ganli Road, aiming to make it a people’s street, a living street, and innovate the construction mode of street space and make the street become an important spatial carrier of the city’s history and culture.
▼场地改造前 The site
叙事的品质慢行“故事线”|Narrative “story line”
泉源甘甜,是为甘坑。碧波荡漾,青山环绕。甘坑的生态资源引得数千只白鹭在此处驻足,展开双翼翩翩起舞;或而成群结伴,涉水而来。故事以白鹭归来为线索,从千年前南迁的客家人,到 360 年前于甘坑开基立村,鹭鸟伴着一代代甘坑人繁衍生息,耕读传家,文脉永续,绵延不绝。
The ecological resources of Gankeng attract thousands of egrets, which is the second-class national protected animals, to stop here and spread their wings and dance, or wading in groups. The story takes the return of egrets as a clue, from the Hakka people who moved southward one thousand years ago, egrets have companyed with generations of Gankeng people to reproduce and live, farming family. We take “egret” as the symbol and history as the clue, with the hakka culture symbols engraved among them, and image elements of small town culture mixed with them. We‘ll go on a journey carrying forward Chinese traditional culture with natural ecology, farming culture and hakka history, to create “egret in the wind, with water and moon” aesthetic artistic conception, in series to guide visitors entry story line.
▼南门广场鸟瞰 Aerial view of Nanmen Square
引境入画的街道广场空间|Street square space
To the south gate of the square as the boundary, the inner lane twists and turns deep, black brick tiles, into it, as if stepping into a light color ink painting. The outer street is rich in modern and simple space, and its strong cultural atmosphere inspires people to explore. Inside and outside the city, a story expresses two situations. As the entrance to the town, the South Gate Square recreates and deconstructs the original street space to form a modern cultural interaction space. At the same time, it collides with the gate of the ancient town in time and space, forming a contrast with the immersive ancient city behind the wall.
▼小镇南门内外 Inside and outside the south gate of the town
▼道路东侧快行线 & 雨水花园 Express lane on the east side of the road & rain garden
The elements of the roof of hakka buildings give the space full imagination. Children running in the square are like speeding through the cascading roofs. With a whistle, they call back a group of egrets returning to their nests. Roof ridge, eaves corner, blue brick, tile, through reconstruction into the artistic terrain and square seating design, every little detail is the epitome of Hakka culture.
▼艺术地形提取屋脊元素 Artistic terrain extracts roof elements
▼艺术地形夜景展示 Artistic terrain night view display
The water feature is the core element of the plaza. Art waterscape is a static scene, like a woman sitting on the windowsill watching rain hit eaves. The central fountain water feature is a moving scene, seems like people talking and startling the egret.
▼“白鹭”涉水 Egrets standing in the water
▼“白鹭”涉水夜景氛围 “Egret” wading night scene atmosphere
山墙拆解空间,置入互动的文化探索|Interactive cultural exploration。无动力画卷创意来自于儿时的跑马灯,基于摩尔纹和运动错觉的原理,通过人眼和孔洞的相对移动,童年的画片展现农户耕种、山水人家的隽永,步移景异,乐在其中。
The moorless wall is based on Moorish lines and the principle of motion illusion. Through the relative movement of human eyes and holes, it shows the meaningful picture of farmers’ farming, landscape and family in their childhood.
▼摩尔纹动态效果原理图 Schematic diagram of moore grain
▼摩尔墙实景-GIF Moore Wall Real Scene-GIF
▼画卷墙实景 Moore Wall
▼摩尔墙鸟瞰 Moore wall bird’s eye view
People in the time floating shadow landscape wall to open a traditional settlement in the cultural and historical context of the visit path.
▼条形砾石铺装空间 Strip gravel paving space
▼时光浮影景墙 Time Floating Shadow Wall
▼标识细节 Logo details
▼景墙细节 View wall details
The bird shaped corridor provides an open and diversified resting place and makes the whole space more dynamic. The negative slope is newly planted with green vegetation, which is used as the background of bird Gallery to create a verdant landscape with egrets returning to Gan Keng and four mountains surrounding the flowing water.
▼飞鸟廊 The corridor of bird modelling wears
印记甘坑,凝聚文化认同感|Cultural identity
Ganli Road created a tour sequence from Gankeng subway station to Gankeng Hakka town. It inherited hakka historical context. In addition to providing convenience to people, residents, tourists and the government need to jointly maintain it. At the same time, exhibitions, festivals and school study activities can be held to enhance cultural identity.
▼可拆卸的树池篦子&小镇导览 Detachable tree pond grate & town tour
▼不锈钢止车柱&简约大气的公交站台 Stainless steel stop column & Simple and atmospheric bus station
▼无障碍设计 Accessible Design
Ancient streets glow with a new look, history collides with the modern and the past connects the future. We use egrets to show the landscape and nature, and hakka elements to depict the context of the site. From then on, Hakka culture has a corresponding site outside the walls of the ancient town, where the flow of people from the east, west, north and south interweave and converge, thus creating a colorful scene and natural human space. We hope to attract more and more people through the dialogue between the new streets and the new town, so as to truly realize the inheritance and development of Hakka history and culture.
▼总平面图 Plan
项目面积:道路长度 1.13km
设计团队:景观: 肖萌、陈杰、傅范宇、王国栋、朱川、张宸、魏冬冬、刘晓萍、陈志敏、马亚男、李丽华、吴霜、杜泽慧;道路:张仲瑾、舒超、张旺;水电:况旺、王超、唐星、范浩东;结构:龚明;工程经济:江逵、李政原
合作方: 深圳市天青文化传播有限公司、东南大学雕塑系
摄影师: 张杰(拍摄);高杨(后期)
Project Name: Transformation Project of Traffic and Slow Traffic System Around the South Gate of Gankeng Hakka Town (Gangkeng Subway Station to the South Gate of Gankeng Hakka Town)
Year of completion: 2021.11
Project area: road length 1.13km
Project location: Ganli Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen
Design company: Shenzhen Urban Transportation Planning and Design Research Center Co., Ltd.
Lead designer: Cheng Zhipeng, Gao Yang
Project chief: Liu Guanghui, Huang Zhenyu, Wang Zhifang
Design team: Landscape: Xiao Meng, Chen Jie, Fu Fanyu, Wang Guodong, Zhu Chuan, Zhang Chen, Wei Dongdong, Liu Xiaoping, Chen Zhimin, Ma Yanan, Li Lihua, Wu Shuang, Du Zehui; Road: Zhang Zhongjin, Shu Chao, Zhang Wang; Hydropower: Kuangwang, Wang Chao, Tang Xing, Fan Haodong; Structure: Gong Ming; Engineering Economy: Jiang Kui, Li Zhengyuan
Owner: Longgang Administration of Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau, Longgang Jihua Sub-district Office
Agent: Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Cultural Property Investment Co., Ltd.
Cooperative party: Shenzhen Tianqing Culture Communication Co., Ltd.、Sculpture Department of Southeast University
Photographer: Zhang Jie (shooting); Gao Yang (Late)
审稿编辑 王琪 – Maggie
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