

The vitality of a city comes from the streets, which is a kind of humanistic manifestation of the active form of society. Only in walking can we find and taste its customs and understand its history of civilization. Shenzhen, Baihua – a neighborhood with more than 13,000 school-age children who walk the streets every day to deepen their understanding of society. It is the extension of extra-curricular life and the poetic expression of the natural context. Streets with cultural atmosphere slow us down, and memories grow with blocks, increasing the possibility of wandering around and creating memories in more cities.
▼项目概览,overall of the project©光魅影像工作室
百花二路位于深圳市福田白沙岭片区,全长约 750 米,项目周边集聚十一所名校资源,是深圳标杆性的教育基地。项目依托政府“一路一街”改造计划,从儿童友好出行及快乐成长角度出发,结合空间慢行、建筑立面、智慧人文多个维度提升,全方位打造深圳第一个儿童友好示范性街区,满足片区儿童及居民安全出行、互动交流的多元需求,提供人文趣味的场所体验。
Baihua 2nd Road is located in the Baishaling area of Futian, Shenzhen, with a total length of about 750 meters. The project is surrounded by eleven famous schools and is a benchmark education base in Shenzhen. The project relies on the government’s “One Road and One Street” reconstruction plan, from the perspective of child-friendly travel and happy growth, combined with the improvement of space, building facades, and wisdom and humanities to create Shenzhen’s first child-friendly demonstration block in all directions. It meets the diverse needs of children and residents in the area for safe travel and interactive communication, and provides a culturally interesting place experience.
▼区位图,site location© 深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公司
Before the renovation, the green space at the corner of Baihua 2nd Road was negatively closed and lacked active outdoor playgrounds for children. Pedestrian and non-motor vehicles had chaotic rights of way, and students had poor travel experience and comfort. The facades of the buildings along the street were complex and uncoordinated, in sharp contrast with the clean, tidy, and orderly space of the school, and there were two heavens inside and outside the school. There were various forms of paving facilities along the street, the construction timing was chaotic, the connection was out of touch, and the path of childhood memories became fragmented silhouettes.
▼百花二路改造前,before transformation© 深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公司
从培养儿童对于社区的认同感和荣誉感出发,我们打开 850 平方米封闭式绿地,活化成百花门户花园;百花儿童友好型街区标识花池,厚重的大理石花池比喻成百花片区三十多年的教育底蕴,孕育出活力多彩的百花文化,我们采用多彩的糖果色、可爱的猫咪字体,作为我们儿童友好型街区的文化标识,凸显百花二路作为深圳第一条儿童友好街区的门户特色。
Starting from cultivating children’s sense of identity and honor for the community, we opened up 850 square meters of enclosed green space and activated it into a garden with hundreds of flowers. Baihua’s child-friendly block symbolizes the flower pond. We compare the thick marble flower pond to the educational background of the Baihua area for more than 30 years, gestating a vibrant and colorful Baihua culture. We use colorful candy colors and cute cat fonts as the cultural identity of our child-friendly neighborhood, highlighting Baihua Second Road as the gateway to the first child-friendly neighborhood in Shenzhen.
▼百花儿童友好街区门户 LOGO,Baihua Children-Friendly Block Portal LOGO ©光魅影像工作室
我们应用阿尔多•凡•艾克的游戏场理论,提供自然的场地,不按照成人设想界定的游戏规则,让孩子释放天性,自由的攀爬、跳跃。将原有 1800 平方米的封闭式绿地小径打造成儿童户外生活的“城市客厅”。我们组织沿街的孩子参与到活动设施的选型过程中,从小培养孩子“共享共建”的家园意识,共创百花场地记忆。希望我们的孩子在我们的场地中既能挥洒天性尽情玩乐,又能收获知识有所启发,打造出百花寓教于乐的宜学氛围。
We apply Aldo van Eyck’s playfield theory to provide a natural field, not according to the rules of the game defined by the adult imagination, so that children can release their nature and climb and jump freely. The original 1,800 square meters of closed greenbelt path will be built into the “urban living room” for children’s outdoor life. We organized the children along the street to participate in the selection process of activity facilities, so as to cultivate the children’s sense of “sharing and building together” and create the memory of the Baihua site. We hope that our children can not only play with their nature, but also gain knowledge and inspiration in our site, so as to create an atmosphere suitable for learning.
▼组合互动设施,Combination interactive facilities for children ©光魅影像工作室
▼蹦蹦床,Children’s trampolin ©光魅影像工作室
We seek natural places suitable for children, so that children can perceive nature in the urban environment. Add a rain garden to let children learn in nature, learn about the sponge city, understand the relationship between rain and land, and cultivate children’s love for nature in life.
▼可参与雨水花园,Participatory rain garden©光魅影像工作室
Baihua builds a farm together, giving children a place to work and immerse themselves in the urban jungle. Demolition and recycling of old materials, turning waste into gifts, creating a green, environmentally friendly, beautiful and practical regeneration garden.
▼百花农场科普教育基地,Baihua Farm Science Education Base ©光魅影像工作室
Children’s growth is inseparable from the outdoor living room. Children must have an interesting soul and a healthy body. We regularize the existing venues, eliminate the height difference on the ground, expand the activity space, add rest seats, and create a safe outdoor venue for children to sweat and share the joy of sports during their spare time.
▼轮滑角活动场景,Roller skating corner activity scene ©光魅影像工作室
Hugo said: there are three keys to human wisdom, one to open the number, one to open the letter, one to open the note. Art school scene wall will be music elements and Shenzhen event combination. Landscape wall selected photos of big events in Futian and Shenzhen, so that children can understand the history of Shenzhen and look forward to the future. At the same time, we integrate Mozart’s Variations on the Little Star, the first folk song of children’s artistic enlightenment, into it. The rhythmical fluctuations of the twelve variations correspond to the color fluctuations of the railings. Children walk through the block, see the color of the fence jumping extension of the color, into the adventure of the game space, as if feel music has been flowing in the block naturally and happily.
▼深圳四十周年照片景墙,Shenzhen 40th anniversary photo wall ©光魅影像工作室
▼小星星变奏曲围墙,The scene wall of Variations on Little Star ©光魅影像工作室
The use of colored zebra crossings to warn drivers to slow down the speed, comprehensive protection of children travel safety. The colorful zebra crossing is integrated with dynamic and colorful genes, making the zebra crossing more childlike and interesting. It hopes to become the most beautiful serialized design on the way to school. It can also be interesting and colorful under the premise of safe travel.
▼彩虹斑马线,Rainbow zebra crossing ©光魅影像工作室
新增自行车道以儿童单车为标识,融合红绿蓝三色线条,分别代表着友爱、和平、希望,间隔 20 米设置励志语,例如:奔跑吧!小小少年!营造百花最美上学路,也象征儿童成长快乐的童年。
The new bike lanes are marked by children’s bikes, with red, green and blue lines representing love, peace and hope. Encouraged messages are set 20 meters apart, such as “Run!” Little boy! Create the most beautiful way to school flowers, but also a symbol of children grow up happy childhood.
▼彩虹自行车道,Rainbow Bike Track ©光魅影像工作室
▼彩虹自行车道细部,detail of the Rainbow Bike Track ©光魅影像工作室
为保障儿童出行安全,提高儿童出行体验,我们在南天二花园入口至深圳实验小学部门口新增 100 米长风雨连廊。风雨连廊的顶棚以十二星座为绘本,描绘宇宙星空的奇趣,白天可以作为学生上学路上的安全通道,夜晚则变为街区的艺术通廊,寓意百花莘莘学子既能脚踏实地,又能仰望星空,怀揣梦想。
In order to ensure children’s travel safety and improve children’s travel experience, we have added a 100-meter long wind and rain corridor from the entrance of Nantian Er Garden to the entrance of Shenzhen Experimental Primary School. The roof of the corridor is illustrated with 12 constellations, depicting the strange interest of the universe and stars. During the day, it can be used as a safe passage for students on their way to school, and at night, it can become an art corridor in the street, implying that students can not only have their feet on the ground, but also look up at the stars and have dreams.
▼星空风雨连廊,Starry sky corridor ©光魅影像工作室
主题雕塑“蝶变”。寓意儿童友好型街道的美丽绽放和深圳特区 40 年的华丽蜕变。灵感来源于自然界蝴蝶破茧羽化的过程,下部是茧的形态,中间的镂空轮廓表达孕育的过程,上部展现出成长飞扬、蓬勃向上的姿态,两部分虚实交合,仿佛呈现出蝴蝶的另一种平面视角。
The themed sculpture “Butterfly Transformation” signifies the beautiful blooming of child-friendly streets and the gorgeous transformation of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone over the past 40 years. The inspiration comes from the process of emergence of butterfly cocoon in nature. The lower part is the form of cocoon, and the hollow outline in the middle expresses the process of gestation. The upper part shows the growth of flying, vigorous upward attitude. The two parts blend together, as if to present another plane perspective of the butterfly.
▼羽化成蝶雕塑,Feather into a butterfly sculpture ©光魅影像工作室
We set the corner of the soul under the tree in the corner. As a window for psychological consultation, fully considering the children’s curiosity and privacy issues, we made it into a one-meter high mailbox for children to see the world. Children in the neighborhood can get psychological help through the delivery of paper letters, and parents can also scan the QR code on the mailbox to communicate with the psychological tutors online.
▼心理咨询邮箱,Psychological consultation mailbox©光魅影像工作室
The new costume of the street tree is a secret gift for the children. We chose the trunk of the big banyan tree on Baihua Er Road as the canvas, and placed the paintings of animal patterns on the unobtruded location of the trees, hoping that the children in the neighborhood could explore the art hidden in the trees independently. Let the art of the street become the medium of the city and nature, and give creativity and childlike interest to our children.
▼大树彩绘,Tree painting©光魅影像工作室
▼树洞里的小生命,Little life in the tree hole ©光魅影像工作室
独创“百花印”路名石,21 所名校校训融入街道角落。与时间为友,联动高品质的公共设施传递城市精神,街区文化底蕴浑然天成。
The original “Baihua logo ” road stone, 21 famous school motto into the street corner. With time as a friend, the linkage of high-quality public facilities to convey the spirit of the city, the cultural heritage of the block is naturally mixed.
▼21 所名校校训融入街道角落,21 famous school motto into the street corner ©光魅影像工作室
▼“百花印”路名石与校训标识,Baihua logo stone and school motto logo ©光魅影像工作室
项目设计 & 完成年份:项目设计 2019,项目建成 2020
建筑面积:基地面积 0.22km²,道路长度 750m
Project name:Baihua 2nd Rd. Upgradation Project
Design:Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co.,Ltd.
Contact e-mail:office@sutpc.com
Design year & Completion Year:2019-2020
Leader designer & Team:Xiaochun Zhang,Muping Li,Zhipeng Cheng,Zhenyu Huang,Lan Chen,Chao Xiong,Guotian Qin,Qiuqing Tang,Xuechen Wang,Wenjie Zhang,Jinghui Jiang,Tengfei Chen,Yun Xiao,Yu Xiang,Chao Wang,Chuanfeng Zhang,Zhiping Zhang
Project location:Baihua 2nd Rd,Futian District,Shenzhen
Gross Built Area (square meters):Base area:0.22km²,Road length:750m
Photo credits:TYTVISION Landsacpe Photography Partners
Sculpture Development Design + Build:Hangzhou Chenyi Sculpture Art Company
Building Façade Development Design: Shenzhen Donghai Construction Group Co.,Ltd.
Clients:Shenzhen Futian District Yuanling Subdistrict,CCDI Group