

2021 年 2 月,经过近一年的整治提升,由 AUBE 欧博设计完成的东莞广发片区城市品质提升工程全面建成。该项目是东莞中心城区“一心两轴三片区”范围内街区式人居环境品质提升的首个示范项目,塑造了一个充满活力、生态自然的城市公共空间。东莞广发片区位于东莞市行政中心东侧,占地约 11 公顷,由 4 个住宅小区、3 栋商业建筑构成,是贯通东莞市中心广场、黄旗山、会展西绿地公共空间廊道的关键组成部分。作为东莞城市公共文化、城市商圈和绿色生态廊道的联系中心,广发片区具备城市公共性与连接性的双重特点,是推动东莞中心城区品质提升的核心区域。
In February 2021, the urban quality upgrade project for Dongguan Guangfa Area, designed by AUBE Conception, has been fully completed after almost one year of renovation and improvement work. The project, as the first demonstration program to promote the quality of urban block-style living within central Dongguan city’s “One Core, Two Axes, Three Areas” scope, showcases an urban public space bursting with vitality and nature. Located on the east side of Dongguan administrative center, Dongguan Guangfa Area covers an area of approximately 11 hectares. Consisting of 4 residential communities and 3 commercial buildings, it is the key component of the public space corridor which connects Dongguan Central Plaza, Huangqi Mountain and the green space to the west of Dongguan International Conference & Exhibition Center. As the network hub of Dongguan urban public culture, business district and ecology corridor, Guangfa Area possesses the dual characteristics of urban publicity and connectivity which makes it the core to promote the quality upgrade of central Dongguan district.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © 曾天培
东莞广发片区城市品质提升工程改造面积约 8 万㎡,其中道路面积约 2 万㎡,景观面积约 6 万㎡。AUBE 欧博设计连同代建方东莞市万科房地产有限公司,对片区公共空间绿化、铺装、城市家具以及人车交通空间进行全面深度的整治提升,建设具有特色的人性化城市公共空间。广发片区内社区建成多年,改造前因缺乏统筹管理,公共开放空间被凌乱的停车和设施占据,绿化植被杂乱、市民出行不畅、商业萧条,环境品质并不高。为优化片区路面停车,实现人车分离。设计团队与交通顾问重新统筹规划了广发片区的停车流线和路面停车,于片区西北角修建含 378 个停车位的立体停车楼,缓解片区内的停车压力。同时优化慢行流线,营造一个人车分离、适宜慢行的城市活力空间。
The site of Dongguan Guangfa Area urban quality upgrade project occupies an area to renovate of around 80,000m2, including road area of roughly 20,000 m2 and landscape area of about 60,000m2. In corporation with the construction agent, Dongguan Vanke Real Estate, AUBE Conception carries out comprehensive renovation and in-depth improvement upon aspects of public green space, paving, urban furniture and traffic space for both vehicles and pedestrians, so as to create a distinctive and user-friendly urban public space. The communities within Guangfa Area have been established for years. Before the renovation, due to its absence of overall management, the public open space in the area were disrupted by unregulated parking and facilities with messy greenery, which led to considerable inconvenience for citizens to move around the neighborhood and also impedes its business to flourish, resulting an unsatisfying urban environment quality. In order to optimize on-street parking as well as to separate the pedestrian and car traffic, the design team and traffic consultant re-planned the parking circulation and on-street parking. By adding a 3D parking structure with 378 spaces in the northwest corner of the site to relieve the parking stress in the area with better organized slow traffic, a slow-traffic-friendly urban vitality space that separates pedestrians from vehicles is created.
▼改造前照片,photos before the renovation © 欧博设计
AUBE 欧博设计通过重点打造两条全新景观轴线,缝合、激活片区公共空间。自然活力轴创造生态自然街区,营造复合性功能场所,吸引人气,创造活力。设计通过保留现状长势良好的树木,在林下增加休憩活动空间,在硬质区域增加特色开花乔木和雨水花园,融入绿色生态理念和海绵城市生态功能,聚集人气、提升街区价值和活力。社区生活轴打造邻里交流舞台,针对儿童、老人、青年等不同年龄层群体,设置儿童乐园、休憩亭廊、康养花园、运动空间等丰富多样的功能活动载体,形成具有健康关怀和社交关怀的公共场所。
AUBE Conception aims to stitch and stimulate the public space in the area by focusing on the establishment of two brand new landscape axes. The Natural Energy Axis provides an ecological urban block that fosters a multi-functional place to increase popularity and initiate vitality. The design preserves the existing plants with good conditions, adds more spaces for leisure and activities under the tree canopies, supplements the hard-paving zone with featured flowering trees and rain gardens, integrates the green ecological concept and sponge city ecological functions, and therefore achieves the goal of crowds gathering, urban block value promotion and energy enhancement. The Communal Living Axis offers a stage for neighborhood communication, where a rich range of functional spaces, including children’s playground, leisure pavilion, wellness garden and sports venues for all ages of the junior, the elder and the young, are laid out to form a public place with health care and social care.
▼自然活力轴,natural energy axis © 曾天培
▼休憩亭廊,leisure pavilion © 曾天培
▼休闲步道,leisure trails © 曾天培
In order to drive the commercial vitality within the area, the design reorganizes the green spaces along the commercial street. By removing trees and bushes in poor condition, the covered green spaces are able to re-gain the view of sky, offering more display and exterior spaces for the local shops and thus activating the community businesses on both sides of the street, which encourages a positive interaction between the businesses and public activities.
▼商业街道,commercial street © 曾天培
The Vitality Plaza at the intersection of the two axes converges as the essential place for community communication and neighborhood sharing. During the day, kids can enjoy themselves around the playground, while at nighttime the Plaza will turn into a communal stage, which is the best choice for nearby residents to exercise and hang out.
▼活力广场,vitality plaza © 曾天培
▼孩子们在广场乐园尽情玩耍,kids can enjoy themselves around the playground © 曾天培
The urban quality upgrade project for Dongguan Guangfa Area has successfully created a composite urban block with ecological functions where man and nature live in harmony. The design has solved the long-term problem of unregulated parking within the area, invigorating and exhilarating the community to become an ideal space for wandering in the green and nature.
▼入口夜景,night view of the entrance © 曾天培
▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view in the night © 欧博设计
▼总平面图,site plan © 欧博设计
项目地点:广东省·东莞市 委托方:东莞市城建工程管理局 代建方:东莞市万科房地产有限公司 设计单位:深圳市欧博工程设计顾问有限公司 设计范围:景观设计 主要功能:公共街区 用地面积:111,080 m² 景观面积:62,174 m² 设计 / 竣工时间:2020 / 2021
Project Location: Dongguan, Guangdong Province Client: Dongguan Urban Engineering Construction Administration Bureau Construction Agent: Dongguan Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd. Design Team: Shenzhen AUBE Architectural Engineering Design Co., Ltd. Design Scope: Landscape Design Main Function: Public Urban Block Land Area: 111,080 m² Landscape Area: 62,174 m² Design/Completion Time: 2020/2021