

艺术设计风格从古典式的奢侈华丽,到现代式的简单直白,绕不开包豪斯这一重要分水岭。 此项目在设计上,从功能性出发,结合了包豪斯极简主义与传统方法之间,提供以人为本设计解决方案,以回应BULUCE 公司的极简品牌文化。旨在表达纯粹的宁静空间。运用冷静美学来传达视觉上的语言,让简约的空间充满着个性魅力的视觉效果。在色彩方面运用了的极简和舒适色调,大理石纹理和简洁干净的线条没有丝毫吸引人们的眼球,更多的是衬托。
From the classical style of luxury to the modern style of simple and straightforward, there is no way around the important watershed of Bauhaus. In terms of design, the project combines Bauhaus minimalism with the traditional approach from a functional point of view to provide a people-oriented design solution in response to the minimalistic Office culture of BULUCE Office.The use of calm aesthetics to convey visual language, so that simple space full of personality charm of visual effects. In terms of color used in the minimalist and comfortable tone, marble texture and simple clean lines do not attract the eye, more is set off。