

英文名称:America Vondom Flag store
设计公司:Ramon Esteve Estudio
首先在纽约,接着在洛杉矶,然后现在是迈阿密。在2016年的12月,Vondom在温伍德区域开了一家新的品牌旗舰店,因此显示出了他们在美国大陆上继续扩张的步这个家具品牌的新旗舰店是由Ramon Esteve Estudio设计指导的,艺术家Okuda San Miguel作者则在一堵面积很大的墙壁上作了一幅画。这为来自西班牙的艺术家所创造的
在他的设计中,彩色的几何图形式建筑与有机的形状、不一致的组织、动物和很多互相矛盾的标志结合在了一起,这会让你恢复体力。几何结构和多彩的色型一起与灰色的体量以及艺术作品的有机形式结合了起来,这可以被称之为拥有一个街道灵魂的流行超现实主义。项目拥有一个独一无二的肖像学语言。Ramon Esteve在项目中使用了用途建筑体量相同的曲线和工业语言,圆角的设计让商店的内外看上去都是连续的。
First New York, then Los Angeles and now Miami. In December 2016, Vondom launches the brand new Flagship Store in the district of Wynwood, thus asserting its continuous expansion throughout the American continent. The new flagship store of the furniture brand is designed and directed by Ramon Esteve Estudio and the artist Okuda San Miguel is the author of the painting on the large facade.The design proposal by the Spanish artist was the winner of the Miami WallArt Project competition.
In his design, multi-colored geometrical architectures merge with organic shapes, bodies without identity, animals and a lot of conflicting symbols that move you to refection. Geometrical structures and multi-colored patterns join together with grey volumes and organic shapes in an artistic piece of work that could be labelled as Pop Surrealism with a street soul. A unique and very special iconographic language.Ramon Esteve has used the same curvilinear and industrial language of the building, with round corners that make it look continuous both inside and outside.