

Schlegel Pavilion
2014年2月,Schlegel公司是第一次在杜塞尔多夫零售业展览会上亮相。这个展会展区设计十分现代,仅仅120平方米的空间,就展现其公司的各种服务和理念。旨在为设计师、商业客户和其它感兴趣的人提供一个交流平台,目标是让人发现产品并且讨论做生意的潜力以及优势。国际化的主题是公司在展会上的重点,总经理Albert Schlegel说他们希望让顾客更好了解Schlegel并且认为他们会是值得信任的生意伙伴。“按照你的方式行动”这个标语就表明公司活动的中心在于满足顾客的要求,而且还能体现其愿意而且有能力满足顾客的要求。在国际市场环境中,Schlegel的地位十分优越。除了总部还有个分布在波兰弗罗茨瓦夫和匈牙利布达佩斯。
译者: Jasereen
Schlegel, Bietigheim-Bissingen, has been successfully showcased for the first time at EuroShop in February 2014. The shopfitter und general contractor offers its customers an integrated project and construction management for national and international retail projects and store types of all sorts.
For its première appearance, an exhibition stand had been designed in modern industry look that reflected the company’s range of services and philosophy in an authentic way on 120 m² of exhibition space. It aimed to create a discussion platform for architects, commercial clients and other interested parties. The objective was to discover commonalities and to discuss the potential and advantages of a future basis for doing business.
The theme of internationalisation was the main focus of the company at this trade fair presentation. ‘We would like our customers to get to know us better from this perspective’, according to Albert Schlegel, owner and managing director, ‘and increasingly to perceive and integrate us in the future as a reliable partner for their international projects and rollouts’.The guiding principle, ‘WE DO IT YOUR WAY’, means on the one hand that the customer’s wishes and projects are the focus of all of the company’s activities. Furthermore, the slogan refers to the readiness and capability to go in whatever direction the customer desires. In spatial terms, Schlegel doesn’t see any boundaries here.
Schlegel is ideally positioned for the international environment. Besides the head office, the company has a subsidiary company in Wroclaw, Poland and a branch office in Budapest, Hungary. Furthermore, Schlegel has built up an international network of partner companies and installation specialists. Projects all over Europe and beyond are the order of the day at all times. Projects have already been completed even in New Delhi, Mumbai, Dubai und Abu-Dhabi.