本方案在现代化的今天,运用全新的家具表达,色彩的完美搭配,空间之间的相互关系,打造一个绿色科技,可持续的一个空间。 未来的空间塑造,不仅仅是需要设计师的创意琱琢,更需要营造一个生动的生态场所,并以精准的模数化控制,发挥使用效率的极致。
In today's modern world, this project USES brand new furniture expression, perfect collocation of colors and mutual relationship between Spaces to create a green technology and sustainable space. The shaping of space in the future not only needs designers' creative carving, but also needs to create a vivid ecological place with precise modular control, so as to exert the extreme use efficiency.