

Shenyang in MixC
设计方:RTKL Associates Inc.
位置:辽宁 沈阳
摄影师:Hansen / MF Vision
这是由RTKL Associates Inc.设计的沈阳万象城。这是一个高端零售商业项目,建筑共7层,在一个高密度的街区里布置了办公、居住和酒店等功能,以满足沈阳市的发展需求。最初的设计为一个多阶段发展项目,然而沈阳市的高速发展使得该项目升级为分三期完成,目前已经竣工。该项目总共包括125000平方米的商业建筑面积、65000平方米的办公塔楼建筑面积、105000平方米的居住塔楼建筑面积、24000平方米的会议建筑面积以及一座五星级君悦酒店塔楼。建筑的纹理、色调和独特的材质,与先进的照明技术相结合,突出路易•威登、普拉达、爱马仕和Dolce and Gabbana等知名品牌,与整体设计审美完美结合,满足各方的利益。简洁而复杂的体量与通透的技术以最少的手段突出了这些奢侈品牌的形象。
译者: 艾比
A luxurious 7 level retail environment links office, residential, and hotel functions in a dense block that responds to Shenyang's growing space needs. Originally designed as a multi-phased development, the rapidly escalating rate of change in Shenyang sped up the construction of the initial 3 phases, which are now complete. In total, MixC represents 125,000 SM of retail, a 65,000 SM office tower, 105,000 total SM of residential towers, 24,000 SM of meeting space, and a five-star Grand Hyatt hotel tower.
Texture, color, and unique materiality are combined with advanced lighting technology to make such iconic brands as Louis Vuitton, Prada, Hermes, and Dolce and Gabbana unmistakable, yet perfectly harmonious with the overall design aesthetic, and with each other, to the benefit of all. The simple, sophisticated massing and glazing techniques give prominence to these luxury brands with a minimum of means.
A spatially dramatic prow-shaped winter garden engages the office and hotel towers with the retail mall using a series of multilevel connections: a grand stair and escalator escorts visitors from the office and hotel buildings into the shopping mall; a bridge connects hotel visitors directly to the mall; and entries at both ends of the wintergarden ensure easy and intuitive access to the office, hotel, and meeting space from the sidewalk. The wintergarden combines abundant natural light and exhilarating scale with a delicate, reflective 200 foot-long sculpture. Finally, the wintergarden’s form provides an instantly recognizable icon for the project, one that paradoxically unifies disparate component parts by virtue of its own unique identity.The rich spatial interaction between these programs ties into the brand identity for the MixC client, which in English, refers to a "mix of elements".