知末案例   /   家装空间   /   平层   /   现代平层


2020/10/20 00:00:00
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 原始结构图 1.阳台空间能否可以与客厅结合,使得通透采光性更好? 2.能否将厨房与餐厅结合起来,做开放式厨房设计,增强家人之间的互动性? 3.卫生间空间拥挤,考虑如何拆除墙体扩大面积,做干湿分离卫生间增加其颜值和实用性? 4.此处空间过小,考虑与其他区域结合,怎么增加其实用性? 5.空间浪费,思考怎样用更好的办法处理构造柱,并增加其实用性? 6.主卫空间狭小,考虑拆除墙体,增加面积,并实现洗手台,马桶,淋浴区三分离,如何增加女主人的化妆台?
地面整体选择灰色地面砖通铺,增大空间延伸感和视觉感,浅灰色的颜色也在空间中有提亮空间安静气质的效果;沙发背景墙设计偏心落地画,阳台设计储物柜,与墙体做平,开放式厨房u字形做岛台,开放式客餐厅在考量互动体验之余,也形成集社交、休闲于一体的枢纽所在,整体整洁肃静。 Ground whole chooses gray ground tile to spread, increase dimensional outspread feeling and visual sense, the color of light gray also has the effect that raises bright space quiet temperament in the space; The background wall of the sofa is designed with eccentric floor painting, the balcony is designed with storage cabinets, which are flat with the wall, and the u-shaped island of the open kitchen is made. Besides considering the interactive experience, the open guest dining room also forms a hub integrating social interaction and leisure. The whole place is clean and quiet.
Synergy | Focus | innovation | style
We insist on innovative and stylish design
卧室床头背景结合布料硬包以及木色木饰面板使用,品质感十足。飘窗台木制完成面,增加空间温度值。 The bedhead background of the bedroom is combined with the hard cloth bag and the wood color wood decoration panel, which makes the bedroom full of quality. Floating windowsill wooden finish surface, increase the space temperature value.
 拆墙改造图 1.拆除红色区,打开阳台与客厅融合,扩大空间,增强通风采光。 2.拆除橙色区,将厨房与餐厅结合,既扩大了空间也增强互动性。 3.拆除粉色区,做不规则钢板隔断,增强质感,视觉上扩大了餐厅的空间,圆形包裹柱体,增加了空间趣味性。 4.拆除紫色区,扩大卫生间面积,做干湿分离,满足多人同时使用,洗衣机内嵌柜体,隐形美观。 5.拆除黄色区,结合过道做转角柜,中间做艺术装置,既可以处理掉柱体,同时也为这个空间增加设计感。 6.拆除绿色区,用隐形门处理,让整面墙看起来依旧整齐,但内藏玄机,步入式衣帽间满足一家子的储物量。 7.拆除蓝色区,新建墙体,墙体内嵌灯带,与门口全身镜相对,设计卫生间三室分离,台盆干区、独立马桶间、独立淋浴间,方便实用的 同时舒适性更高。
客厅作为居家住宅中的公共区域的中心位置,展示了主人的品味与生活态度。设计师采用留白艺术,灰色的电视背景收纳柜,搭配黑色敞开格,起到缓冲、协调室内各要素的作用。 The sitting room serves as the central position of the public area in dwelling house, the savour that showed host and life attitude. Stylist USES blank art, the TV setting of gray receives ark, tie-in black opens case, rise buffer, the action that coordinates indoor each element.
卧室铺设实木地板,让卧室更具温馨舒适的感受。铺地毯提高生活品质。墙面留白设计,留给人们更多想象空间。 The bedroom lays real wood floor, let the bedroom have sweet and comfortable feeling more. Carpeting improves the quality of life. Metope leaves white design, leave people more imagination space.
定制书桌与电视背景墙形成穿插关系,墙面设计壁灯,可以边欣赏美景边在此办公,为中和整体背景墙的关系,设计灰色柱体,增加空间设计感。如此个性设计也透出业主的性格。 Custom desk and TV background wall form intersperse relation, metope design wall lamp, can appreciate beautiful scenery while in this office, for the relation of the whole background wall, design gray column, increase space design sense. Such individual character design also gives the character of owner fully.
Meet the right person at the right time
轴侧解析图 当我们称赞一把椅子或是一幢房子美时, 我们其实是在说, 我们喜欢这把椅子或这幢房子 向我们暗示出来的那种生活方式。 ——阿兰·德波顿
走道尽头内嵌灯带,增加氛围感,转角电视柜于衣帽间内藏艺术装置过渡。增加空间设计感。顶面吊平顶,线性灯搭配轨道射灯,增强氛围。 The end of the corridor is embedded with a light belt to increase the sense of atmosphere. The corner TV cabinet contains art installations in the cloakroom. Increase the sense of space design. Top hanging flat top, linear lights with track spotlights, enhance the atmosphere.
皮质双人床,自然哑光与手工质感的暖灰色系床品,与温润的木饰面搭配。在光的作用下,材质本身的质感便足矣传达出空间温和而舒缓的气质了。 Leather double bed, natural matte and hand-made warm gray bedding, matching with warm wood finish. Under the action of light, the texture of the material itself will be enough to convey a gentle and soothing temperament of the space.
项目信息  /  苏州新馨花园
Project information/Suzhou White Collar Living Hall
床头柜使用温柔木色质地,搭配整体空间和谐统一。 Ark of the head of a bed USES quality of a material of gentle wood color, tie-in whole space harmony is unified.
设计机构  /  一道设计
Design mechanism/design together
设计师大量使用木饰面、皮革、以及布艺软装,配合素色材质,融入国际化的设计手法,强调精英品味的同时,着力打造空间的舒适性与实用性,使“家”的概念真正回归到了对舒适的现代化生活的追求中。进门的玄关处,若隐若现着客厅,玄关柜下是换鞋凳,方便换鞋,上挂吊灯,形成穿插关系,增添设计感。 Designers use a large number of wood veneer, leather, and cloth soft decoration, with plain color materials, into the international design techniques, emphasize elite taste at the same time, focus on creating the comfort and practicality of space, so that the concept of
设计柱体包裹构造柱,不规则钢板,若隐若现着卫生间干区的精致,镜面内藏灯带,洗手台柜体与内嵌洗衣机的柜体相同材质,洗衣机烘干机,方便干净卫生。 The design cylinder body wraps the construction column, the irregular steel plate, if concealed, appears the toilet dry area delicate, the mirror inside hides the lamp belt, the lavabo cabinet body and the built-in washing machine cabinet body the same material, the washer dryer, the convenience is clean and healthy.
设计主创  /  李银
Chief designer/Ye Ting
主卧设计延续客整屋的调性,考虑收纳,主卧设计整墙衣柜,因为有衣帽间,所以储物空间足够。 Advocate lie design continues the tonal sex of guest whole house, consider to receive, advocate lie design whole wall chest, because have cloakroom, store content space so enough.
卫生间三室分离,梳妆台置于洗手台旁,侧翻式镜柜,下拉化妆凳,镜面内藏灯带,卫生间的三分离实现了安全性强,减少因水花四溅地面积水而滑倒的可能性,提高卫生间实用效率,便于多人同时使用,而且能够隔绝气味和湿气,还可以延长设备使用寿命。 Toilet 3 rooms separation, dresser placed next to the sink, a cartwheel type lens ark, drop-down makeup stool, mirror inside hid lamp belt, three separate toilet achieved strong security, reduce the possibility of slip due to splash the ground water, improve the efficiency of toilet is practical, to facilitate people to use at the same time, but also can isolate odor and moisture, can prolong the service life of equipment.
客户概况 家庭成员:夫妻(打算要小孩、未来考虑二胎)、长辈偶尔小住 客户需求:  a. 氛围 —在自由轻松的基调中融入简约黑白灰、台式、宜家多元的设计元素;  b. 功能 —在满足需求的情况下,希望有更多收纳、展示、阅读空间; c. 喜好 —咖啡、运动、阅读、手工、个性玩具等; d. 材质 —木材质感、石材质感、不锈钢玻璃;
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