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湖畔屋 · 自然材质与独特软装的完美融合丨中国杭州丨DNA

2021/12/01 10:48:33
The project is a lakeside private residence located in Hangzhou. The original structure allocation did not meet the owner's requirements. In the design scheme, we removed the two bedrooms on the north side, and rearranged the spatial relationship between the living room, study and dining room to make it more in line with the spatial vision of the large flat floor. We combine natural materials with white space, as well as unique soft outfit collocation, trying to have a unique style with the past.
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Porch designed enough receiving space as the buffer area that enters the living room, and uses easy-to-clean floor materials and Roman column decorative elements to distinguish the boundaries.
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After the renovation, the living room has a large spacing of 8.6 meters. We divided the furnace area and the film area, and recombined the placement of the living room furniture. Daybed replaces the traditional sofa, it can more express the multi-function and free spatial relationship of furniture.
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▼这把来自1943年设计的Pernilla chair,其设计师Bruno Mathsson非常善于研究人体工学,使得这把休闲椅具有极佳的舒适坐感。我们将它摆放在此,享受壁炉的暖意同时也能观赏窗外的湖景。或许在一个惬意的午后,坐上这把椅子几秒钟便能让自己的思绪放飞远去。
The Pernilla chair designed by Bruno Mathsson in 1943, and the designer is good at ergonomics, which makes this leisure chair with excellent comfortable sitting feeling. The reason we put the chairs here is to enjoy the warmth of the fireplace and also to look out of the window view. Perhaps sitting in this chair for a few seconds on a pleasant afternoon will let your thoughts drift away.
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The living room is at the convergence point of the whole room, connecting the porch, dining room, study, public toilet. In the design, we want to highlight the relaxation and tolerance of the living atmosphere, most of the selection of natural and affinity materials, a large area of white space for the diversity of soft decoration to provide a better performance space.
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▼美国艺术家Christopher Wool最有代表性的字母版画,在空间里有非常高的辨识度。
American artist Christopher Wool's iconic alphabet prints are highly recognizable in space.
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We widened the original corridor to 1.8 meters, and replaced the partition wall of the study with glass to introduce outdoor lighting, combined with the customized 1.5 meters super-large herringbone floor, laying orderly guiding texture.
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▼通过两个不同尺度的拱形门洞作为餐厅空间的界限,也颇具趣味性。 It is also interesting to use the two arched doors of different scales as the boundaries of the dining space. ▼外界环境色彩对室内空间的映射是最好的天然“滤镜”。 The best natural "filter" is the mapping of the colors of the external environment to the interior space.
It is also interesting to use the two arched doors of different scales as the boundaries of the dining space.
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The best natural "filter" is the mapping of the colors of the external environment to the interior space.
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We chose a bold matching style for the wall texture of the kitchen. The random texture of black and gray seems to break the boring working atmosphere of the kitchen.
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The main function of the bedroom is rest, and the use of materials and colors is more restrained. We used teak as the main element to make the room atmosphere more calm and rational.
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▼床头的一侧借用了部分空间做了内凹处理,用于放置落地挂衣架,来存放主人的外套大衣等。 Part of the space beside the bed is concave to place a hanger to store coats. ▼独立的梳妆间是为女主人设立的专属空间。 Dressing is the exclusive space that establishes for hostess.
Part of the space beside the bed is concave to place a hanger to store coats. ▼独立的梳妆间是为女主人设立的专属空间。 Dressing is the exclusive space that establishes for hostess.
Part of the space beside the bed is concave to place a hanger to store coats.
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Dressing is the exclusive space that establishes for hostess.
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▼次卧的当下还没有固定的使用者,我们设计中尽可能的去掉年龄、性别、风格等因素,希望通过家具和床品等软装变换来满足不同人的使用。 There are no fixed users in the second bedroom. We remove age, gender, style and other factors in the design, hoping to meet the needs of different people through the transformation of soft decoration such as furniture and bedding.
There are no fixed users in the second bedroom. We remove age, gender, style and other factors in the design, hoping to meet the needs of different people through the transformation of soft decoration such as furniture and bedding.
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▼精简化设计的公共卫生间具备简单易用的基础功能,供来往做客的朋友使用。 Public toilet is designed with easy-to-use basic functions for guests to use.
Public toilet is designed with easy-to-use basic functions for guests to use.
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▼平面图 | Plan
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项目地点 |  中国杭州
项目面积 |  245㎡
设计时间 |  2019.05
主案设计 |  夏伟
软装设计 |  sasa
摄影 | 川河映像
主要材料 |  橡木、柚木、天然石材、超大人字地板、玻璃
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