

英文名称:Shanghai Innovative office park
该项目位于上海嘉定旧城区的边缘地带,是一个改造性工程,被命名为“Now Factory”。这里有800多年的历史了,有着古老的南方小镇特色。该工程在建设过程中十分注重对当地传统文化的保护,利用特定的景观来激发它所蕴含的文化活力,这样的设计理念受到了人们的肯定。最开始的时候,这里是一个纺织工厂,里面的厂房很多,很密集,对整个城市的肌理产生了重要的影响。
“Now Factory” is a renovation project located at the edge of old Jiading, a city with 800 years of history and a small southern town flavor. This project plays a role of injecting cultural vitality into this historical town. The original factory was a textile manufacturer whose workshops were densely crowded within the precious downtown area.
Such density is no longer allowed in the old city today, so with this project, preservation is not only an issue of urban memory, but also an economic measure as well.The first renovation on site was a large workshop with skylight that was converted into an art museum by an earlier architect.Urbanus was then commissioned to renovate the remaining set of massive buildings. Since a large scale institution was already on site, our approach was to encourage a plural community, which can include diverse tenants instead of just one, employ a rich network of communication away from seclusion, and obtain creative public scenarios inside inspiring spaces.