维也纳 MQ Point 商店 | 数字绘画的艺术空间

2014/06/12 17:04:12
Vienna MQ Point store
设计方:BEHF Architects
位置:奥地利 维也纳
图片来源:MQ Point, MuseumsQuartier Wien © Hertha Hurnaus
维也纳 MQ Point 商店 | 数字绘画的艺术空间-7
在一个文化极其丰富的额地方,一个防守型外表的小空间经常需要更多的个性。而MQ Point的新店明确的设计概念就在于一种材料+一种颜色+一种图案=一家店面。地板、家具以及墙上的图案是变换的数码绘画,就好像用橘红色来说着人造的语言。设计概念是一种商店功能的过度使用、视觉习惯的改变或者是一种模仿。为了支持这种概念取得认可,商店以这种方式设计来推销自己。在这个小空间里面,有MQ Point以顾客和员工为中心的设计。而这个中心十分简单,空间和产品的布置都是这样构思的。除了所有的艺术设计,这个店就是一个产出和功能性的销售机器。新的商店以其独特变得更加惹眼。
译者: Jasereen
The pattern´s symbolism/ symbolic character, which is a kind of constantly changing “digital brushstroke” over flooring, furniture and walls, speaks the same “artificial” language like the “loud” red orange CI colour of MQ Point. A kind of “overpainting” of the functional contents of a classic point of sale/ shop, a change of viewing habits, a little irritation. In order to support this concept of independence and recognition, the shop pushes itself into the existent building structure. The shop stands out clearly against it. The consistent, creative superelevation of the guiding principle and conscious contrast to the old building support the perception and branding of MQ Point at the same time inside and outside of Museumsquartier.
Inside MQ Point an intelligent and clear orientation for customers and employees is created in a small space. The orientation within the shop is simple, the space and its range of products are perceived in their entirety. Despite all artistic overlaps, the shop remains a productive and functional sales machine. Diverse products are summarised under the formal patronage of the pattern and are still at the same time, as single objects or product groups, more visible than before.
The new MQ Point is more visible, the shop in its uniqueness more receivable, the products receive a strong frame. A sovereign, strong statement for a central issue, within a strong, lively and for the city important cultural complex.
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维也纳MQ Point商店外部图
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维也纳MQ Point商店室内局部图
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维也纳 MQ Point 商店 | 数字绘画的艺术空间-18
维也纳 MQ Point 商店 | 数字绘画的艺术空间-19
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