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斯洛伐克 Chita Kids 旗舰店

2015/01/30 17:09:13
Slovakia Chita Kids Flagship boutique
室内设计:bcSTUDIO,Barbara Corej
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bcSTUDIO在斯洛伐克Ko?ice市的Aupark地区,设计了一家叫做Chita Kids的旗舰店。为了让顾客将视线都聚焦在店内所售卖的物品本身(也就是衣服)上,这里的主色调采用白色。店内的墙上画着各种野生动物的剪影,有立体感的蝴蝶还有真人大小的三维树木,这些就好像是在一本真正的儿童故事书里。这些东西吸引着顾客,尤其吸引孩子们来到店里,因为这里就好像是他们想象中的幻想世界一样。顺着画在地板上的顽皮的Chita造型的爪子,孩子们可以找到隐藏在店内后面的游乐场。
bcSTUDIO has designed a new flagship store in Aupark located in Ko?ice, Slovakia called Chita Kids.To give all emphasis on the product (the clothes themselves), the majority of the store is left predominantly white. Silhouettes of various safari animals painted on the wall, butterflies protruding from the wall and life size three-dimensional trees mimic a children’s story book. They invite customers and most important children into the store, making them feel as though they are walking into their own fantasy world.The playful Chita paws painted on the floor guide children to the play area at the back of the store via way finding.
All wall and floor furniture is modular and flexible to accommodate easy rearranging, keeping the store looking fresh all the time. It allows the displays to change to best suit the clothes (according to season) they are displaying. The layout is easy for parents to ordinate themselves in and the back play area is tucked away for safety but clearly visible from all sides of the store.The design concept of the store is a simple yet animated space that, most importantly, considers and addresses the needs of the little ones.
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斯洛伐克Chita Kids旗舰精品店室内实景图
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斯洛伐克Chita Kids旗舰精品店室内局部实景图
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斯洛伐克Chita Kids旗舰精品店外部实景图
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