設 計 机 构 / 拾 未 設 計
项 目 位 置 / 杭 州 依 山 郡 府
设 计 类 型 / 全 案 设 计
项 目 设 计 / 金 坚 能 颜 肇 捷
项 目 面 积 / 800+ ㎡
设 计 户 型 / 独 栋 别 墅
本案为两套排屋打通的别墅,格局功能重新梳理,负一层为娱乐休闲区,一层为会客就餐区,二层为睡眠休息区,三层为主卧套房。U字形灯带在木饰面的烘托下显得神秘而有仪式感,提高观影体验,超大酒吧区,约三五好友,一杯美酒一部电影,话当下。大面积石材与金属的碰撞,打造高级雅舍空间,“ 狮子 ”家徽让入户空间别有洞天,四面对称的中厅将客餐厅空间相连接,略显格调又神秘精致。二层睡眠休息区,动线顺畅,套间设计提高生活品质。主卧区域考虑到要照顾刚出生的小宝宝,将婴儿床纳入其中,超大男女衣帽间搭配“四分离式”卫生间,美好生活在这里将会得到淋漓呈现。
This case is a villa with two townhouses. The pattern and function are reorganized. The first floor is the entertainment and leisure area, the first floor is the reception and dining area, the second floor is the sleep and rest area, and the third floor is the master bedroom suite. The U-shaped light belt is mysterious and ceremonial under the background of wood decoration, which can improve the viewing experience. The super large bar area, about three or five friends, a cup of wine, a movie, talk about the present. The collision of large area of stone and metal creates a high-grade elegant house space. The "Lion" family emblem makes the entrance space unique. The symmetrical middle hall connects the dining room space, which is slightly elegant and mysterious. The sleeping area on the second floor can move smoothly, and the suite design can improve the quality of life. In the master bedroom area, considering the need to take care of the newborn baby, the crib will be included. The oversized men's and women's cloakroom will be equipped with "four separate" toilet. A better life will be presented here.
# 影 音 室 & 酒 吧 区 #
Video room & Bar area
# 入 户 玄 关 #
# 客 厅 #
Living room
# 餐 厅 #
Dining room
# 中 厅 #
Hall way
# 儿 童 娱 乐 室 #
Children's recreation room
# 客 卧 & 起 居 室 #
Guest bedroom & sitting room
# 主 卧 室 #
Master bedroom
# 主 卫 & 衣 帽 间 #
Main bathroom & cloakroom
# 书 房 #
Layout plan of the first basement floor
Layout plan of the first floor
Layout plan of the second floor
Layout plan of the third floor