Oriental restaurant design paradigm
在餐厅里,好的室内设计有时甚至比食物本身更为重要。事实上,在没有品尝任何食物之前,单单是室内设计,就可以直接让食客们决定是去还是留。近年来有关餐厅的设计有了长足的发展,今天,我们就从中选取7个顶尖的设计范例,一 一展示给大家。尽管这7家餐厅分布在全世界不同的7个地方,但是它们有一个共同点,那就是都具有一些东方特色,有蓝色的马赛克和瓷砖、传统的织锦挂毯、还有一些装饰物,这一切都让餐厅的室内显得怡人而温暖。
Foolscap Studio设计团队打造的Gordon Street Garage餐厅,位于澳大利亚西波斯市的工业区内,这是一家传统意大利风味的居家餐厅;奥地利维也纳的Cafe-Restaurant Corbaci餐厅具有典型的东方特色,看看那令人惊叹的天花板造型吧;Andrin Schweizer Company设计团队于2011年打造的 Azzurro餐厅,位于瑞士的苏黎世。该餐厅里的每一层都具有不一样的颜色基调;设计师Mohamed Keilani在意大利罗马打造的Kook餐厅。餐厅的水泥或者木头墙壁上,雕刻着一些文字,告诉客人哪里是厨房,哪里是酒吧;Concrete团队打造的The Doner Company餐厅,位于荷兰的莱顿市。在厨师们烤制面包或者肉串时起到照明作用的壁灯,被巧妙的安装在贴着马赛克的墙壁上;Kebab Land餐厅;罗马尼亚布加勒斯特的Divan餐厅。来到这里就好像来到了一个土耳其的集贸市场,这里有漂亮的蓝绿色墙面、古老奥斯曼帝国的神器、还有一些从伊斯坦布尔弄来的其他饰物。
Interior design is sometimes more important than food in a restaurant. Actually, it is element that persuades clients to stay or run before even tasting food. As restaurant interior design has grown very fast lately, we picked 7 examples that are on top of the list.Although they are located in different parts of the world, one thing they have in common: an oriental touch – be it on blue mosaics and tiles, traditional tapestry, or furnishing items – that makes the interior welcoming and relaxed.
Gordon Street Garage by Foolscap Studio;The concept of the Gordon Street Garage, located in an industrial area of West Perth, is that of the traditional Italian country kitchen and homestead. Cafe-Restaurant Corbaci, Wien, Austria,The ceiling is absolutely amazing! A restaurant interior design with an Oriental touch;Azzurro by Andrin Schweizer Company, Zurich Completed in 2011, each level is defined by a color, and in the same way also the restaurants;Kook restaurant located in Roma, Italy designed by Mohamed Keilani,Some of the words carved on the cement and wood walls of Rome’s Kook point out the restaurant’s kitchen (“Cucina”) and bar;The Doner Company by Concrete, Leiden – Netherlands。