

America los trompos pavilion device
:hector esrawe、ignacio cadena
从4月24日直到11月29日,亚特兰大高级艺术博物馆将成为‘los trompos’凉亭的展出地,该项目由33个大型的编织旋转凉亭组成,它是由设计师hector esrawe和ignacio cadena共同设计的。这些色彩明亮的凉亭将出现在woodruff艺术中心的carroll slater sifly广场上。los trompos项目理念是基于一种传统玩具的手法,借鉴了玩具的色彩表达方式以及构造特点。该设计意在探讨墨西哥手工匠人的传统和技术,作为文化的传承,尤其是编织者文化的传承,设计团队很喜欢这种将传统手工艺转化为全新的代表符号的理念。”二位墨西哥籍设计师在高级艺术博物馆的网络访谈上这样说道:“该项目的创作灵感来自于日常生活中很常见的事物,同时,我们又深受我们所处的生活环境和日常活动的影响,可以使我们感受不同的文化:,认识不同的人,并与之分享我们的想法。激发我们创作灵感的因素有很多种,比如艺术、音乐、建筑、书籍甚至一座城市本身”。
from april 24 until november 29 the high museum of art in atlanta will be home to ‘los trompos’ an installation of 33 large, woven spinning tops designed by hector esrawe and ignacio cadena. the brightly colored structures can be found at the woodruff arts center’s carroll slater sifly piazza.the concept behind los trompos is based on an approach of traditional toys, their colorful expression and the way they are constructed. we wanted to talk about the traditions and skills of the craftsmen in mexico, as an inheritance of our culture, specifically the weavers. we like the idea of translating these techniques into new symbols.’ said the mexican designers in an interview on the website of the high museum of art. ‘we are inspired by ordinary objects that surround us. we are influenced by our context and our every day activities which allows us to visit and share with different cultures and different individuals. we are inspired by art, music, architecture, books and the city itself.
美国los trompos凉亭装置外部实景图
美国los trompos凉亭装置外部局部实景图