

Artist Isaac Cordal's Incredible Tiny Sculptures Offer a Chilling View of Climate Change
设计方:Issac Cordal
图片来源:Lucy Wang
气候变化和资本主义的弊病,是人类社会经常反复强调的两个最大威胁,但我们中的许多人无法想象这样遥远的威胁。艺术家Issac Cordal给我们提供了一个面对这些问题的新视角,他通过一系列挑衅的小水泥雕塑来挑战我们关于社会的观点。这些小型场景经常作为街头艺术被安排在特定场地。
Isaac Cordal以通过一个微小的媒介解决重大的政治问题而闻名。在他的系列作品“等气候变化”中,Cordal创建一组短暂性的并且部分设备安装在水下的装置来关注海平面上升的变化。这些掺有黑色幽默和预警性的场景,显示出对环境问题无所行动和冷漠对待带来的后果。不断上涨的洪水和溺水是他作品中不断重复的主题,这些主题都参照了气候变化和社会沉没的状态。
译者: 饭团小组
Climate change and the ills of capitalism are often harped on as two of the biggest threats to society, but many of us have trouble picturing such far-off threats. Artist Issac Cordal offers us a new perspective on these issues through his provocative series of tiny cement sculptures that challenge our views of society. Thoughtfully arranged without the need for exposition, these miniaturized scenes are often arranged as site-specific street art interventions.
Isaac Cordal is famous for tackling big political issues through a tiny medium. In his series “Waiting for Climate Change,” Cordal created a set of ephemeral and partially submerged installations to draw attention to rising sea level change. Laced with black humor, these grim and apocalyptic scenes show the consequences of inaction and apathy to environmental issues. The theme of rising floodwaters and drowning are themes repeated throughout his work that reference both climate change and the state of our sinking society.
To capture his skepticism of authority, Cordal usually depicts his tiny figurines as politicians and businessmen in the process of needlessly trapping themselves in unpleasant situations. In “Follow the Leaders,” Cordal warns onlookers of the dangers in blindly following the wills of the rich and powerful. Like miniature clones, the identical statues were created in the likeness of middle-aged, white collar, white men, each desperately clutching a briefcase as they huddle together or drown to death in a mindless mass.