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城市洄游 · 微观视野下的深圳想象丨中国深圳丨CABLE

2021/12/14 10:57:22
时间   2021年10月16日 – 12月30日 地点   深圳市南山区南头古城if工厂204 
Date   October 16 – December 30, 2021 Venue 204 idea factory, Nantou City, Shenzhen
▼主视觉海报,poster © CABLE
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在迷蒙中 / 某些山形坚持完整的轮廓 / 生长又生长的枝桠 / 接受不断的涂抹 / 雷声隐约再响 / 蝉鸣 还在那里 / 在最猛烈的雷霆和闪电中歌唱 / 蝉鸣是粗笔浓墨间的青绿点拂 / 等待中肌肤上一阵清凉 / 因为雨滴溅到身上
——也斯,《雷声与蝉鸣》,1978 年
▼展览现场,general view © 胡康榆
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你我飞驰在城市化的高速公路上,个体被抽象的发展裹挟进前行的车流,身后只留下理所当然的一往无前;远处海岸线上不断搏击、逆流而上的鲑鱼群,则前赴后继地回到出生地产卵、死亡,世代践行生命不息的循环之道。城市(短暂的)历史,以及这途中我们所认知的空间、观念与行为遗产,究竟只是远古的回声、消费的符号、异化的景观,还是每个人视网膜上不可磨灭的印迹? 我们是否还有机会拥抱循环的动机和想象,与生命万物一样在累积延续中更新?
We are galloping on the highway of urbanization, engulfed by the abstract idea of development, aiming relentlessly at the next checkpoint. On the distant coastline, Pacific salmons are constantly migrating back to their birthplace for spawning and eventual death, driven by the nature of life. Is the (short) history of the city, as well as the heritage of space, concept, and behavior as we perceived, only echoes of ancient times, symbols of consumption, alienated landscapes, or indelible marks on every person’s retina? Do we still have the opportunity to embrace the cumulative cycles like all living species?
▼展览现场 -《今日已旧:重新想象过去的未来》,exhibition view © 胡康榆
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CABLE’s first exhibition invites artists, architects and research institutions from China, the Netherlands and Japan to jointly explore the definition of history in the present, outline the difficulties and hopes of regeneration, and weave possible prospects for the future. Through four groups of works in different media forms, the exhibition attempts to blur the disciplinary boundaries of urban research at a micro level, inviting audience to an open perspective — perhaps development is not a linear one-way street after all. It could be the seasonal monsoon when thoughts rise in mind, or the sparkling water surface when memories come, also the sum of the substances in this metabolizing world.
▼展览现场 -《“历史文化街区”模拟器:前门大街》,exhibition view © 胡康榆
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▼展览现场 -《新山海经III》,exhibition view © 胡康榆
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▼展览现场 -《1972——中银胶囊大厦》,exhibition view © 胡康榆
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“The New Old”是MVRDV创始合伙人、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学教授威尼·马斯在代尔夫特理工大学创立和领导的智库机构——“为什么”工厂(The Why Factory,简称t?f)与西班牙加泰罗尼亚高级建筑学院IAAC城市与技术硕士项目合作开展的一项研究。作品通过对“旧”的重新定义和思考,阐述了任何现存状态由于技术、社会或文化的变迁,都可能成为过去的崭新理念。研究小组通过分析“即将过时”事物的位置、大小和时间线,想象塑造了在未来这些过去或者已经成为过去的事物在城市发展中再次利用的可能。最后,通过对“旧”的再处理,比如移动、再利用、重置或保存等不同策略,试图在不同的城市环境下,为这些被遗弃的场景和建筑赋予全新价值。
The New Old is a research by The Why Factory (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) in collaboration with the Master of City and Technology at IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain). The research explores what ‘Old’ means, what will become ‘Old’ in the future and how to manage everything that due to technological, social or cultural changes will soon become obsolete. By understanding the location, size and timeline of the soon-to-become-obsolete, we envisioned its future. ‘Re’ actions on the ‘Old’, such as ‘Re-moving’, ‘Re-using’, ‘Re-locating’ or ‘Re-membering’, to name just a few, let us understand what the New Old will be and how it will look like.
▼《今日已旧:重新想象过去的未来》,The New Old: Rethinking the future of the past © “为什么”工厂 The Why Factory
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The science-fiction Folding Bejing, tells a story that future Beijing is folded into three layers due to excessive population, including one conventional rich community, one newly built CBD and one crowded poor residential area. Will one of them disappear completely or will they exist together? The city becomes a giant beast in the author’s writing, where time is cut and divided as space spins and overlaps.
▼《魔方叙事》,Turning Texts © CABLE
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As a special sampling of Chinese cities, the “historical and cultural district” was “preserved” and “redesigned” as a historical specimen in the context of large-scale developments. Qianmen Street, located in Beijing Dongcheng District, has a history of more than 500 years, and rebuilt in 2006. The Wonder Architects designed the images of Qianmen Street out of the conventional visual experience through a series of historical research on the literature, oral history, video, and urban construction archives of Qianmen Street, as well as the records and analysis of current situation. Through the design, the real-object image meets the ethereal imagination. Peep show is a simulator of heterogeneous space. In pre-modern society, it carries imagination of distant scenery and becomes the in-between medium. False architectural scenes, shriveled commercial imaginations, strong industrial packaging, accumulated tourist products and advertisements are all described here as laboriously as words. A maze of time composed of memories, images, imaginations, and realities unfolds here. The myth about the historical district is re-told between each building.
▼《“历史文化街区”模拟器:前门大街》,Peep Show for Qianmen Street © 神奇建筑研究室 Wonder Architects
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Kisho Kurokawa’s Nakagin Capsule Tower, designed with 140 removable capsules, envisions the future of urban living by Kurokawa of the postwar Japan. Yet in the early twenty-first century it exists in the city as an ‘anachronistic’ and controversial building, a constant reminder of this unfinished future. In a wave of conservation and documentation, Noritaka Minami’s project ‘1972’ uses photography to document the current state of individual capsules as a response to their potential disappearance. We selected six images from a wide range of conditions, in which the round windows and the narrow view of the landscape, together with the furnished objects and furniture, become mere words that give a full picture of life here. Whether it was the perfect place to live in an ideal city, this radical building, symbol of a new model of life at the post-industrial society, is once again scrutinised, and whether the bold imagination of the past about the future could be glimpsed in this visual retrospect, is questioned in the project.
▼《1972——中银胶囊大厦》《1972——中银胶囊大厦》,1972 – Nakagin Capsule Tower © 图片由艺术家惠允
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The Nakagin Capsule Tower, designed by Kisho Kurokawa and completed in 1972, is an exemplary work of the post-war Japanese architectural movement “Metabolism”. But since 2006, there has been a debate about whether to demolish this historic building because of problems such as asbestos, leaks and ageing pipes that do not meet building material standards. Why do we need to preserve it? What are the difficulties of preservation? Is demolition a tragedy or a natural phenomenon for modern architecture? Tracing the history of postwar Japanese architecture and reviewing the characteristics of the Nakagin Capsule Tower, this documentary examines the meaning of preservation and demolition from various points of view. It includes interviews with residents of the Nakagin Capsule Tower, an architectural historian, a former architect who was in charge of the Nakagin Capsule Tower project, Kurokawa’s son Mikio Kurokawa, and leading architects Arata Isozaki and Toyo Ito.
▼《中银胶囊大厦:濒临毁灭的日本新陈代谢主义地标》,Nakagin Capsule Tower: Japanese Metabolist Landmark on the Edge of Destruction © 图片由艺术家及迈克尔·布莱克伍德制作公司惠允
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The Work of Kisho Kurokawa: Capsule, Metabolism, Spaceframe, Metamorphose was published by Bijitshu Shopansha, Tokyo, in 1970. Published at the time as research of the current state of the “Metabolism” collective. It contains documentation of the construction of the pavilion for the Expo ’70, as well as Kurokawa’s earlier works, and the first chapter boldly made a bold statement about the possibilities of capsule visions and its constant metabolism in the city. It is a visual scrapbook of posters and book graphic designs by one of the Metabolism advocates Kiyoshi Awazu, who was also a founding father of the new wave of Japanese graphic design after World War II. The book’s interiors are a mix of Western Victorian-style graphics and traditional Japanese imagery and text, with adventurous typography that responds Kurokawa’s vision of the future, while the poster designs are futuristic and folkloric, in contrast to modern functionalism. The accompanying vinyl record is playing music Music for Living Space produced by composer Toshi Ichiyanagi that was played at The Tower of Sun in the Expo ’70, where computer-generated robotic voices accompany Gregorian chants in a verbatim reading of Kurokawa’s Capsule Declaration, it was a cyberpunk expression from the 1970s, echoing longingly in the ideal field Kurokawa has imagined.
▼《黑川纪章作品集:胶囊、新陈代谢、空间构架、变形 》,The Work of Kisho Kurokawa: Capsule, Metabolism, Spaceframe, Metamorphose © CABLE
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New Classic of Mountains and Sea III puts modern life into delineated images framed by unbelievable narratives faithfully depict the absurdity of the world around us. The video particularly draws a broken city that is surrounded by fictitious scenarios, and the residents are in chaos because they are living under a double life of virtual and real world. Between waking and dreaming, the modern thinking of “past-future” is raised. For the first time, the film and the artist’s manuscripts are displayed opposite to each other. It is intended to contrast and conflict the urban spaces serving as a starting point and a visual frame of thinking: how can we find the trajectory of urban circulation along the stream and get rid of the constraints of the information society, picturing a habitable world together?
▼《新山海经III》,New Classic of Mountains and Sea III © 图片由艺术家和博而励画廊惠允
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主办:CABLE 时间:2021 年 10 月 16 日 – 12 月 30 日,每周二至周日 地址:深圳市南山区南头街道南头古城 if 工厂 204 策展:何柳、刘雨欣、邱奕枳 空间设计:梓集 展务:刘雨欣、林梓瑜 视觉:罗嘉慧 制作:乐造展务、龙正堂
Organizer: CABLE Opening Hours: October 16 – December 30, 2021 Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 – 12:00, 14:00 – 19:00 (closed on Mondays and public holidays) Venue: 204 Idea Factory, Nantou City, Nantou Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Curation: He Liu, Liu Yuxin, Qiu Yizhi Interior Design: fabersociety Exhibition Design: Liu Yuxin, Lin Ziyu Visual Identity: Luo Jiahui Production: LEZAO, LONGZHENGTANG
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