

时尚服装品牌Piazza Sempione委托了Yabu Pushelberg来设计他们位于纽约的旗舰店。Piazza Sempione风格是极简主义的同义词,独特的优雅,是纺织品本身的编织、对体积的研究和色彩的兴奋的结果,遵循尊重并不断发展品牌核心价值的裁缝方法。
Fashion house Piazza Sempione commissioned Yabu Pushelberg to design their flagship store in New York. Synonymous with minimalism, the Piazza Sempione style is uniquely elegant, the result of the weaving of the fabric itself, the study of volume and the excitement of color, following a tailoring approach that respects and continues to develop the core values of the brand.
注重细节、注重剪裁、注重每一针每一针的精心制作、不断尝试、不断创新,是引领品牌不断发展其风格和生产的基本原则。这正是Piazza Sempione的使命:在不忘记品牌DNA的情况下,开发出一种充满活力和创造力的能量,用更多当前的和精致的作品丰富和丰富产品线,从经典到当代的和谐和平衡的选择。
Pay attention to detail, pay attention to clipping, pay attention to every needle every needle of elaborate make, try ceaselessly, innovate ceaselessly, it is the basic principle that leads brand to develop its style and production ceaselessly. This is Piazza Sempione's mission: to develop a vibrant and creative energy without forgetting the DNA of the brand, to enrich and enrich the product line with more current and refined works, from classic to contemporary with harmonious and balanced choices.