

Open Teaching Space for Children
机构希望将其打造成为一个 EYFS 为教学理念的高端教育机构。
VMDPE 圆道设计承接了本次设计项目。
Crown Dream International Kindergarten is a renovation project located in the Xiangmihu area of Futian District, Shenzhen. VMDPE Design was brought on as architect, with the school aiming to build the project into a high-end educational institution with EYFS as its teaching philosophy.
The children’s activity space, as a place for them to move about and learn, is designed to be adaptable, depending on evolving teaching content. For the teachers, it is important to have a space which is flexible enough to accommodate a variety of learning activities in the future. Thus the space as a multi-use area for teaching is an important focus of the design.
The main spaces of the project are on the second and third floors, with an abundance of natural light within a square-shaped overall plan. The first floor of the project is where the main entrance is located, as well as offices for administration and external consultation.
VMDPE 圆道将一层空间赋予接待、安保、谈判、后勤、医务的功能。集中的换鞋收纳区,隔离了室外的灰尘,避免灰尘的扩散。另外,一层大厅预留了足够的面积,方便后期儿童在入园晨检,以及大型活动时的集合作用。
VMDPE Design has allocated reception, security, meeting rooms, logistics, and medical services to the first floor. The central storage area for changing shoes isolates outdoor dust and dirt, and prevents their spreading to the rest of the building. Additionally, there is another hall in the lobby with sufficient area to facilitate children’s late morning check in to the kindergarten, as well as large-scale events and gatherings.
A circular open reading area greets visitors upon entering the main space on the second floor. The ceiling has a dimmable overall light source to meet the soft and moderate ambience required for children’s indoor reading. In addition, there are classrooms for exploration courses arranged around the reading area.
The main space of the second floor is composed of two interconnected areas. After passing through the public reading space, a more circular space is entered, which is the children’s indoor public activity space. Overall, eight large classrooms are distributed around this main space.
VMDPE 圆道一直在探索“消除走廊”的各类方法。其目的是设计师认为走廊作为链接各个空间的辅助空间,主要作用是秩序管理,而非自由探索。所以在本次项目中,设计师将链接所有课室的动线进行了整理和分配,将所有的走廊面积融合成了一个大的活动空间。
VMDPE Design has been exploring various methods to eliminate corridors in their projects. The thinking behind this is that the designer believes corridors serve simply as secondary space linking other programmed spaces, with their main function being to manage rather than freely explore. Therefore, in this project, the designer organized and distributed the lines of circulation linking all the classrooms through the integration of all the corridor areas into a large activity space.
VMDPE 圆道希望能利用这样的空间布局方式,将所有的走廊面积集中在一起,减少了各个空间的连接成本,变为开阔的公共空间。增加空间的功能多样性,激发孩子们可探索的区域。
By incorporating this spatial layout design, VMDPE Design has gathered all the corridor areas together, reduced the connection cost of each space, and created a welcoming open public space. The intention is that the increased functional diversity of the design will inspire the children to explore different areas.
The main classrooms have external information displayed around the public space for children’s activities in various locations, to visually communicate the teaching content of each class to both parents and children. There is also a platform area where amusement and drama performances can be held in the public space, which anticipates for the diversified teaching content to come in the future.
In the children’s main teaching classrooms, the designers have striven to ensure plentiful natural light and good air circulation in each space, in accordance with the varying orientations of the different classrooms. Everything has been done to also provide complete supporting facilities, in order to ensure the children have spaces of the highest comfort and quality.
根据项目的特点,将室外区域规划在了三楼,具备广阔的室外活动空间以及 STEAM 区、小农场、沙池、戏水区等完整的配套设施,同在三楼的还有具备集会、舞台表演、舞蹈排练等功能的多功能厅。
In accordance with the project’s program, the outdoor area occupies the third floor/roof of the building, with a generous outdoor activity space complete with supporting facilities such as a steam area, small farm, sand pit, and water play area. Also on the third floor, there are gathering areas and stages, plus a multifunctional hall for performances, dance rehearsals and other functions.
This project is a return to original design principles for VMDPE Design. We hoped to think about the design of the kindergarten space from a more essential point of view - putting aside adult aesthetic concepts, in favor of a perspective which emphasizes warmth, sunshine, and exploration, and above all, tolerance. By also bearing in mind the teaching activities that will occur in the space in the future, we strove to create a project that was simple and coherent, but full of possibilities for children's space design.
项目信息:Project Information:
Project Name: Crown Dream International Kindergarten
项目地点:中国深圳福田区香蜜湖路 3012 号熙园
Project location: Xiyuan, No. 3012 Xiangmihu Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China
设计时间:2020.4 -2020.7
Design Period: 2020.4 -2020.7
施工时间:2020.7 -2020.11
Construction Period: 2019.7 -2020.11
场地面积:室内 1630,户外旅行 700m²
Site area: Interior Space 1630 m²,Outdoor Space 700m²
Project Status: Completed
Design company: VMDPE Design
Project Director: Cheng Fengqi, Zhang Jian
Project Directors: Vanci Chan, Dio Zhang
设计团队: 韦柱任,邓静余,陆欢,郑通
Design team: Sean Ve, Edith Deng, Nacy Lu, Zoro Rong
项目类型 :外立面改造与室内设计、景观设计、灯光设计、道具设计
Project Category: Facade renovation and interior design, landscape design, lighting design, prop design
Photography: Bruce Zheng
深圳 VMDPE 圆道设计是一家主要为高端儿童教育品牌提供品牌定制的空间策划顾问及设计服务的设计机构。从教育、安全、互动、科技、商业的角度去思考和规划,同时通过对目标品牌的深度梳理,圆道设计擅长打造具备市场差异化儿童教育/成长空间。圆道设计具备建筑、室内、产品的开发能力,能有效落地各类高难度硬件设计需求,并力求达到质量、成本与时间三者的平衡,为国内市场带来高质量兼具美感的儿童教育/成长空间设计。
Vinci Chan.JPG
VMDPE 圆道设计主持设计师
VMDPE 圆道设计创始人
作为 VMDPE 圆道设计的创始人和主持设计师,进入品牌/教育设计领域,以人的行为和空间的关系为主要研究方向超过 12 年。设计完成了 IBOBI 国际幼儿园,BeneBaby 国际日托等代表性设计作品。
曾经专注于服装/日用品品牌的品牌建设及视觉设计,参与过华为,歌力思,小猪班纳等品牌系统打造。并对装置家具开发及新材料有丰富的经验,对空间行为及品牌建设有深刻的自我理解。因为自己孩子的诞生开始了解教育市场,后进军教育设计行业,在教育空间设计业务开展之初用了 2 年的时间考察了大量幼儿机构,并根据对国内气候环境,儿童身体素质,及国内外的教学理念,材料及制作工艺的研究,对幼儿教育空间的设计进行了大量的改良,2015 年在儿童教育项目 IBOBI 幼儿园获得广泛认可。未来将继续为儿童教育市场提供更多的优质体验,为中国儿童的成长提供更专业的环境。