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Platinum@BCN 办公楼丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨GCA Architects

2021/12/30 15:14:33
“这个项目代表了一种理解建筑的方式,建筑不仅是艺术,更是科学。在这里,形式之美与可持续性、社会责任和技术整合等价值观交融在一起。” —-GCA Architects
“This building represents a way of understanding architecture not only as art, but also as science. Here the beauty of form merges with values such as sustainability, social responsibility and technology integration.” —-GCA Architects
▼建筑外观,exterior appearance of the building ©Salva López
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位于巴塞罗那市中心22@的 Platinum@BCN 办公综合体被认为是世界上最具可持续性的建筑之一,以 101 分的破纪录评分获得了LEED白金认证。在设计这座建筑时,GCA Architects 将可持续性放在首位,并回应了项目基址的能源需求、阳光照射、城市环境和建筑功能。
The Platinum@BCN office complex, located in 22@, has been considered one of the most sustainable buildings in the world, obtaining LEED Platinum certification with a record rating of 101 points. When designing the building, GCA Architects prioritised its sustainability and responded to the energy requirements of the location, the incidence of sunlight, the urban environment and the building’s use.
▼建筑外立面,building facade ©Salva López
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▼建筑仰视视角,an upward view of the building ©Salva López
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Platinum@BCN 办公楼丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨GCA Architects-10
Conceived according to the principles of biophilic design, the complex has three green areas, which help to reduce its ecological footprint and to improve well-being. Two terraces act as a meeting place and outdoor area for workers, while the centre block acts as a green lung for this typically industrial neighbourhood and provides it with a space for socialising. The unique design allows all workspaces in the complex to enjoy outdoor views and natural lighting, which improves people’s quality of life and enhances levels of well-being and productivity.
▼为员工提供室外休闲空间的露台,terraces that act as outdoor space ©Salva López
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▼位于架空层之上的露台,terrace on the overhead floor ©Salva López
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▼露台下的公共空间,public space under the terrace ©Salva López
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▼中心街区,the centre block ©Salva López
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▼中心街区兼具“绿肺”和休憩功能, the centre block serves as the “green lung” and recreational space ©Salva López
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A layer of aluminium covers the building and acts as a double skin of thermal insulation, helping to significantly reduce energy requirements (Platinum@BCN saves almost 45% more energy than other buildings). The building has photovoltaic panels, capable of covering its entire electricity consumption, and an innovative thermoactive foundation system that integrates geothermal energy into the building’s construction.
▼建筑外立面近景,close shot of the building facade ©Salva López
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Platinum@BCN 办公楼丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨GCA Architects-27
Platinum@BCN 办公楼丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨GCA Architects-28
▼建筑玻璃幕墙,glass curtain wall ©Salva López
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▼玻璃幕墙近景,close shot of the glass curtain wall ©Salva López
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Platinum@BCN 办公楼丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨GCA Architects-33
在用水方面,日常工作中产生的中水被循环利用。建筑屋顶上有一个用于植被灌溉的雨水收集系统,在灌溉时不再需要饮用水,节省了 60% 的总用水量。此外,滴灌可提高灌溉效率,而雨水和湿度传感器则可以防止水资源浪费。
In terms of water consumption, grey water from domestic use is reused and there is a rainwater-retention system on the roof for use in vegetation. This saves 60% of total water and eliminates the use of potable water for irrigation. In addition, drip irrigation increases efficiency while rain and humidity sensors prevent water waste.
▼灌溉系统近景,close shot of the irritation system ©Salva López
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For its construction, materials that take into consideration global warming, the deterioration of the ozone layer and water acidification were used, including locally sourced recycled materials, while almost all of the waste from the construction site was recycled.
▼室外铺装材料,outdoor pavement ©Salva López
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▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©GCA Architects
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▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©GCA Architects
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▼四层平面图,third floor plan ©GCA Architects
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▼立面图,elevations ©GCA Architects
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Platinum@BCN 办公楼丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨GCA Architects-51
▼剖面图,sections ©GCA Architects
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▼外立面细部,facade details ©GCA Architects
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