阿兹海默日间医疗中心丨GCA Architects

2021/10/13 14:52:24
由GCA Architects设计并落成的阿兹海默日间医疗中心位于加泰罗尼亚乡下地区,距巴塞罗那仅有几个小时的路程。建筑伫立在郁郁葱葱的绿色景观中,带给人们平和与治愈的感觉。本医疗中心的建设由一家非盈利基金会推动,同时也是GCA Architects事务所参与的首个公益性项目。
A new Healthcare Center opened recently in the Catalonian countryside, a few hours out of Barcelona. The project -surrounded by green spaces- generate a peaceful sensation. It was promoted by a non-profit foundation and it is the first pro bono project of GCA Architects, design and architecture firm.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Salva López
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Quality materials like wood and concrete were used to give a peaceful sensation of simplicity. Recently inaugurated, this Healthcare Center for elderly people has been built with the innovative CLT system, which allowed a high level of accuracy, sustainability and high speed of construction. The plot has 1070sqm of constructed area and 3500sqm of green area.
▼主入口,main entrance © Salva López
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▼木材和混凝土等材料营造出简约而宁静的氛围,Quality materials like wood and concrete were used to give a peaceful sensation of simplicity © Salva López
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▼立面,facade © Salva López
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▼次入口与室外走廊,Secondary entrance with outdoor corridor © Salva López
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▼遮阳挑檐细部,details of the sunshade eaves © Salva López
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▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram © GCA Architects
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The outdoor spaces were designed to be part of the healthcare therapies and treatments. The circulations are solved in a simple and logical way to facilitate the use to the users and to take advantage of all the spaces of coexistence. The gardens or outdoor spaces are designed to carry out complementary activities to the regular therapies. It is divided into 6 independent spaces, communicated with each other, determined by the building’s own projection towards the outside. These spaces are designed to improve the physical and general state of each person.
▼中央天井庭院,central patio courtyard © Salva López
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中央庭院是整个建筑的核心区域,庭院中耸立着一棵橄榄树,旨在纪念推动该项目的非盈利组织创始人Rosa María Vivar家族。室内交通流线围绕着天井式的庭院空间组织起来,同时庭院也为这些宽敞而慢节奏的交通空间引入了充足的自然光线。漫步在回字型的走廊中,橄榄树的身影时时伴随着人们的视线,传递着敏感性与宁静之美。庭院作为建筑的交通枢纽连接了六个不同的空间单元,每个单元都有自己的独立花园,这些独立花园与中央庭院一起构成了场地上75%的绿化面积。
In the central courtyard -core center of the project- rises an olive tree, symbol for the founder family Rosa María Vivar, the non-profit organization who promoted the project. This patio supports and illuminates the central circulation area that is intended as a wide but slow space, always accompanied by the image of the olive tree that transmits sensitivity and tranquility. The patio also articulates six modules for different uses, each with its own independent garden, having 75% of green area at the plot.
▼围绕中央庭院组织的宽敞明亮的交通空间,Spacious and bright circulation space organized around the central courtyard © Salva López
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▼由走廊看庭院中央的橄榄树,viewing the olive tree in the middle of the courtyard from the hallway © Salva López
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It comes as state-of-the-art technology the use of a wood construction system called CLT. Wood is the main material of this project not only for its sense of spatial warmth -the idea of ​​creating a warm and friendly environment- but also due to its flexibility of use, essential in the case of the Healthcare Center, dividing areas of controlled dimension without losing the advantages that a single large space can provide.
▼室内空间概览,overall of the interior © Salva López
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▼CLT木结构系统营造出温暖舒适的空间氛围,CLT timber system creates a warm and comfortable atmosphere for the space © Salva López
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▼室内细部,interior details © Salva López
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▼区位图,site plan © GCA Architects
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▼总平面图,master plan © GCA Architects
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▼平面图,plan © GCA Architects
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▼立面图,elevations © GCA Architects
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▼剖面图,sections © GCA Architects
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▼节点构造,construction details © GCA Architects
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