The Moscow International Business Center, also known as
"Moscow City",
is the business, cultural and architectural center of world significance, combining the interests of Russian and foreign companies. The center includes multifunctional complexes with everything you need for business, living, recreation and entertainment.
The most distinctive and memorable feature of the complex are towers-skyscrapers:
But today is a special day! Today there is a festival of unusual costumes and vehicles. If you have a steam-powered snail stalled in the garage, a cyber-dinosaur, a moose suit, a flying magic carpet or an ancient boat – You're Welcome!
Wow! Is there a closer look? For example, from that balloon?
The column is proceeding along the Moscow riverbank:
On the territory of the Expocenter, various exhibitions and shows are arranged. This time there is a contest for the best hairdo for the dog and its owner:
Despite the festival, the working day continues in the business district:
The construction of Moscow City has been going on since 1998. Twelve of the twenty three planned facilities have already been built. Seven buildings are in construction and another four are in the design stage.
At the time of the illustration, this building is still under construction. But when it is ready, it'll be able to withstand the weight of a real mecha:
Workers begin their shift:
Moscow City provides not only office space, but also residential apartments. All issues of real estate complex is engaged in the company
. There are many different options for any needs:
The riverbank on the other side of the river is a favorite recreational area for residents and guests of the capital:
When the festival is over, it's time for cleaning:
The illustration is made for the company
– a specialist on any real estate issues of the Moscow City MIBC.
Illustrator: Max Degtyarev
Manager: Alex Luri
Сonsultant: Oleg Efimov
And here is a link to zoom in and see all the details:
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