Second Home 荷兰公园办公室丨英国伦敦丨Selgascano

2022/01/27 17:39:57
Everything in this building is about scale. It is small but with a strong personality, like in a circus; every act is as important as the other, no hierarchies, and only working all together do they create something unique. Scale due to the dimensions of the site. It is made up of five existing buildings which all together are only 800 sqm, and all of them different in periods and shapes.
▼项目概览,preview ©Iwan Baan
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项目尺度还取决于场地历史,米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼(Michelangelo Antonioni)的电影《放大》(Blow Up)在这里拍摄,取景于《Vogue》杂志摄影师约翰·考恩(John Cowan)的工作室,影片中,演员大卫·汉明斯(David Hemmings)就在这里办公。并且几年后,理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rogers)赢得了蓬皮杜中心竞赛,而后他在这里拥有了首个个人工作室。楼梯、天窗、桥梁和理查德·罗杰斯亲自在院子种下的绿植等设计元素融入建筑历史,我们将其视为现代建筑的瑰宝。
Scale due to the amount of history in the place. Blow Up, Michelangelo Antonioni’s movie, was filmed here. It was filmed in the studio of Vogue photographer John Cowan, and the actor David Hemmings was working in the spaces which you can still recognise in the movie. A few years after that, Richard Rogers had his studio here, his very first personal studio, after winning the competition for the Pompidou Centre. Stairs, skylights, a bridge and a vine that Richard Rogers himself planted in the courtyard are bits of his design added to the history of the buildings that we kept as a treasure of modern archaeology.
▼不分等级的办公空间,the office space without hierarchy ©Iwan Baan
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▼一层办公区,the ground floor office ©Iwan Baan
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▼二层办公区,the first floor office ©Iwan Baan
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▼遍布各处的绿植,the plants all over the place ©Iwan Baan
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▼会议室,the meeting room ©Iwan Baan
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▼资料室,the reference room ©Iwan Baan
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剩下的就简单了。我们需要扩大既有夹层,并开设更多天窗,为人们和18棵树提供更多自然光。这些树木赋予场地更多的自然历史。此外,我们还需要找到覆盖大部分庭院、同时保持绿植活力的方法。为此,我们使用透明的双层屋顶,并且与环境工程师亚当·里奇(Adam Ritchie)合作,用肥皂泡填充层间空隙,达到保温效果。填充需要20分钟,效果可以持续一整天。项目建成后,理查德·罗杰斯的绿植依然非常有生命力,除了泡沫,还覆盖了整个屋顶。
▼泡沫填充序列,foam filling sequence capture ©Selgascano
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The rest was easy. We needed to expand the existing mezzanine and we opened some more skylights to give more natural light to the people and to the 18 real trees that are now adding more natural history to the place. We also needed to find a way to cover a large part of the courtyard, whilst keeping the vine alive. We used a clear double layer roof, and to insulate it we worked with environmental engineer Adam Ritchie, filling the gap between the layers with soap bubbles. It takes 20 minutes to fill and the effect can last a whole day. Richard Rogers’ vine is still very much alive and covering the whole roof in addition to the bubbles.
▼透明的双层屋顶,the clear double layer roof ©Iwan Baan
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▼肥皂泡填充层间空隙,filling the gap between the layers with soap bubbles ©Iwan Baan
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▼从外部看填充层,the filling layer from the outside ©Iwan Baan
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▼屋顶鸟瞰,aerial view of the roof ©Iwan Baan
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▼区位图,location ©Selgascano
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▼平面图,plans ©Selgascano
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▼剖面图,sections ©Selgascano
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