

于著名的高尔夫球场旁,Nicolas Schuybroek设计了一处独特的住宅建筑,它使用了纯粹的材料:粗糙的、有纹理的灰砖,而这种未加工的灰砖,给人混凝土般的坚固感,以一种原始的面貌表达精致的氛围。室内的墙体与玻璃结合,开放了多个景观视角,纳室外景观入室内,形成有机的巧妙结合。
Next to the famous golf course, Nicolas Schuybroek has designed a unique residential building that uses pure materials: rough, textured grey brick, which gives a concrete-like solitudes and a raw face that conveys a refined atmosphere. The interior wall is combined with the glass, opening up multiple landscape perspectives, absorbing the outdoor landscape into the interior, forming an organic and clever combination.
The courtyard extends into the outdoor space and opens up multiple perspectives. This design approach appealed to the local council from an architectural point of view, as it was subtle and discrete, fully integrated into the plot of land, rather than the 'contemporary architecture' they expected.
Lina Bo Bardi、Percival Lafer和Martin Eisler的复古巴西家具与Pierre Jeanneret和Pierre Chapo的法国家具相结合,带来了标志性的设计作品,打破了高尔夫球场附近的保守感觉。令人惊叹的游泳池是房子和露台的延伸,它让人感觉它将房子内部的世界与外部的自然世界连接起来。厨房中使用的相同的蓝色石头延伸到外部的同一层,创造出一种泳池是从内部的蓝色石头雕刻到露台的幻觉。
Vintage Brazilian furniture by Lina Bo Bardi, Percival Lafer, and Martin Eisler combined with French pieces by Pierre Jeanneret and Pierre Chapo brought iconic design pieces in to break the conservative feel of being near a golf course. The stunning pool is an extension of the house and the terrace, and it feels like it links the world inside the house to the world of nature on the exterior. The same blue stone used in the kitchen extends outside on the same level as the exterior, creating an illusion that the pool was carved into the terrace from that blue stone inside.