

AD Intérieurs 是十年前由 Architectural Digest France 发起的,该平台将十位不同的建筑师和设计师聚集在巴黎,并为他们每个人提供一个房间和“全权”来展示他们的风格和工艺。这让人想起20世纪20年代巴黎的沙龙,允许经常为私人客户工作的艺术家在公共空间展示作品。
AD Intérieurs was initiated ten years ago by Architectural Digest France, a platform bringing ten different architects and designers together in Paris and giving each of them a room and “carte blanche” to show their style and craftsmanship. It is reminiscent of what used to happen in Parisian salons of the 1920s, which allowed artists who often worked for private clients to show in a public space.
Nicolas Schuybroek很荣幸能受到邀请,并利用这个机会展示了一个浴室。在某些方面,这是一个不寻常的选择,因为这是一个如此私人的空间,但浴室是人们在房子中投资最多的空间之一,而浴室是一个最有助于营造舒适感的空间。更重要的是,这对设计师来说是一个完美的挑战:如何做一个纯粹的室内项目,同时给它一个强大的建筑维度。对工作室来说,这也是一个机会,让所有杰出的工匠和工匠,如Obumex、Eggermont、Odilon或mform,过去多年来一直和他们在合作,并公开庆祝他们的才华。
Nicolas Schuybroek was honored to be invited and took the opportunity to show off a bathroom. It's an unusual choice in some ways because it's such a private space, but the bathroom is one of the Spaces that people invest the most in in a house, and the bathroom is the one that helps create comfort the most. More importantly, it was the perfect challenge for the designer: how to do a purely interior project while giving it a strong architectural dimension. It is also an opportunity for the studio to have all the outstanding artisans and artisans, such as Obumex, Eggermont, Odilon or Mform, who have been working with them over the years, publicly celebrate their talents.
这个浴室项目没有任何背景,一个“盒子里的世界”。这也是一个没有任何借口的项目,因为没有客户,没有真正的限制。这些通常是非常重要的考虑因素,尤其是在室内设计需要的细节水平。这是一个自由设计的空间项目,以及这种自由带来的能量和动力。这里的板条石让Nicolas Schuybroek想起他一直着迷的装饰艺术细节。设计团队能够创造一个感觉像寺庙的浴室,捕捉在双年展Interieur项目中唤起James Turrell和Constantin Brâncuși的感觉。
This bathroom project has no context, a "world in a box". It's also a no-excuse project because there are no customers and no real limitations. These are often very important considerations, especially in the level of detail required in interior design. This is a space project with the freedom of design and the energy and momentum that comes with that freedom. The slatted stone here reminds Nicolas Schuybroek of the art deco details he has always been fascinated with. The design team was able to create bathrooms that felt like temples, capturing the very feelings evoked by James Turrell and Constantin Brancu ș I on the biennale Interieur project.