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梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑

2018/12/12 10:03:12
Emmanuelle Moureaux:“100 种颜色”是一个始于 2013 年的装置系列,使用 100 种色调形成空间。设计师 Emmanuelle 希望通过色彩来表达情感,就像她在 1995 年第一次去东京时看到街头满溢的“颜色”时的感受一样。她也希望给人们提供机会,让他们用感官观察、触摸和感受色彩,从而进一步意识到他们周围存在的颜色。在“100 种颜色”系列装置中,设计师根据环境的不同,探索各种形式的色彩组合,最大限度地发挥色彩之美。100 种颜色装置系列通过视线触发身体反应并与色彩产生情感的联系,也将继续在世界各地开展。
Emmanuelle Moureaux:”100 colors” is an installation series began in 2013, which forms space using 100 shades of colors. Emmanuelle wishes to give emotions through colors as she felt from seeing overflowing “colors” in Tokyo when she first visited in 1995. She also wishes to give opportunities for people to see, touch and feel colors with their senses to become more conscious of colors that exist around them. In “100 colors”, Colors are explored in various forms depending on the environment, to maximize the beauty of colors. 100 colors entering the body with a glance triggers a physical response to engage with the sensation of colors. The installation series will continue to travel around the world.设计师 Emmanuelle Moureaux
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-2
©Charles Emerson
系列装置之一“时间切片”Slices of Time, One of“100 colors”
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-5
©Charles Emerson
系列装置之一,东京公共艺术装置“mirai”One of“100 colors”, Tokyo Public Art mirai
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-8
©Daisuke Shima
01 时间切片
Slices of Time
“时间切片”装置的设计灵感源于画廊毗邻“格林尼治子午线”的独特位置,16.8 万个小数字组成的 120 个“切片”表达了过去、现在和未来,它悬挂于空间中,如同一个圆形漂浮的地球。该装置由 100 层 100 种色调的数字和 20 层白色的数字组成,形象地描绘了未来的 100 年(2020 年至 2119 年)和过去的 20 年(2000 年至 2019 年)。
Inspired by the location of the gallery, near to the Greenwich Meridian marking time, “Slices of Time” expresses the past, the now and the future through 168,000 small numbers composing 120 “slices” of time, hanged in the space, as a round representation of the earth floating. Composed of 100 layers of numbers in 100 shades of colors and 20 layers of numbers in white, the installation visualizes the next 100 years to come (2020 to 2119) and the past 20 years (2000 to 2019) represented in white.
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-14
©Charles Emerson
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-16
©Charles Emerson
▽16.8 万个小数字组成的 120 个时间“切片” 68,000 small numbers composing 120“slices”of time
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-19
©Charles Emerson
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-21
©Charles Emerson
Emmanuelle Moureaux 一直在用她五彩缤纷的装置作品吸引着来自巴黎和东京的观众。复杂而令人愉悦的美学作品运用彩色剪纸装点空间,创造了一个可以欣赏经过精心设计的色彩世界。NOW 画廊作为其正在进行的设计任务的一部分,选择了 Moureaux 首次在英国展示一个大型装置。画廊位于靠近“子午线”的格林尼治半岛,装置的设计灵感也源于这个“标记时间”的独特位置,其由 100 种色彩和白色的数字层组成,体现了流动的时间。展览中,一个代表地球的圆形装置将漂浮在画廊空间中,每一层数字都反映了现在、过去和未来。
Emmanuelle Moureaux has been seducing audiences with her colourful installations from Paris to Tokyo. The complexity and delightful aesthetic fills space with cut out coloured paper to create a world where the essence of every carefully considered colour can be appreciated. NOW Gallery, as part of its on-going Design Commission, selected Moureaux to present a large-scale installation in the UK for the first time. Inspired by the gallery’s location on the Greenwich Peninsula, near to the Meridian, marking time and composed of layers of numbers in 100 shades of colours and white, the installation expresses the flow of time. Each layer of numbers reflects the now, the past and the future, the exhibition will be a round representation of the earth floating in the gallery space.
▽不同色彩的数字层 Digital layers of different colors
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-26
©Charles Emerson
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-28
©Charles Emerson
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-30
©Charles Emerson
The installation will offer its visitors the time to remember a significant date. Round paper will be available to write this chosen date on in coloured pen; and why it is important. This will be placed on the window of the gallery, along a timeline which will create a kaleidoscope of colour.
▽缤纷的数字细节 Colorful digital details
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-35
©Charles Emerson
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-37
©Charles Emerson
▽如万花筒般的色彩 A kaleidoscope of colour
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-40
©Charles Emerson
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-42
©Charles Emerson
NOW 画廊策展人 Jemima Burrill 说,“Moureaux 作品中的细节和平静的秩序似乎是对我们正在经历的政治混乱的完美喘息。本次展览将吸引人们在简单而又复杂的色彩和形式中去感受。两种元素将共同发挥作用,使展览愈发令人惊奇和丰富饱满,让人有机会在色彩缤纷的秩序中去思考他们人生中的重要日期。这对所有人而言都是一个沉思的时刻”。
Jemima Burrill, Curator at NOW Gallery, said: “The measured detail, and calm considered order of Moureaux’s work seemed the perfect respite from the political bedlam we are experiencing. This exhibition will include everyone, giving them the opportunity to have a moment to enjoy colour and form in all its simplicity and complexity. Both elements will work together to surprise and saturate, providing a moment to think about a date of significance within colourful order. A contemplative moment for all.”
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-46
©Charles Emerson
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-48
©Charles Emerson
100 色系列:100 色 32 号
设计:emmanuelle moureaux
摄影:Charles Emerson
工作室:emmanuelle moureaux 建筑++ 设计
展览日期:2020 年 2 月 5 日至 4 月 19 日 (延期至 2020 年 9 月 27 日)地点:NOW 画廊,英国伦敦格林威治半岛广场门户展馆
Installation title: Slices of Time
100 colors series: 100 colors no.32
Design: emmanuelle moureaux
Photograph: Charles Emerson
Studio: emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design
Materials: paper, thread
Date: February 5 – April 19, 2020 (extended September 27, 2020)Venue: NOW Gallery, The Gateway Pavilions, Peninsula Square, Greenwich Peninsula, London (UK)Exhibition details: http://nowgallery.co.uk/exhibitions/slices-of-time/
02 东京公共艺术装置 mirai
Tokyo Public Art mirai
Emmanuelle Moureaux 的首个公共艺术雕塑已在日本东京的新福利区揭幕。这座雕塑被命名为“mirai”,其在日语中意为“未来”。作为 Moureaux 正在进行的“100 种色彩”装置系列的一部分,“mirai”使用 100 种不同深浅的颜色可视化了未来的 100 年 (2020 年至 2119 年)。
Emmanuelle Moureaux’s first public art sculpture has been unveiled in the new well-being district in Tokyo, Japan. The sculpture is titled ‘mirai’, meaning ‘the future’ in Japanese. As part of Moureaux’s ongoing ‘100 colors’ installation series, ‘mirai’ visualizes the next 100 years to come (2020 to 2119) in 100 different shades of colors.
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-70
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-72
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-74
©Daisuke Shima
雕塑高 4 米,由 400 个分层的大数字组成,其结构提供了足够大的间隙,可以让孩子们与该作品互动。此外,当看向雕塑内部时,人们会留意到该雕塑中寓意多彩“未来”的部分由白色数字表示的“过去”部分结构支撑。
Standing at 4 meters in height, composed of 400 layered big numbers, the structure of the sculpture provides a big enough gap in between the years to allow children to interact with the piece. Furthermore, when looking inside the body of the sculpture, passersby will notice that the colorful future is in fact supported structurally by the past, which is represented by white numbers.
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-78
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-80
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-82
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-84
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-86
©Daisuke Shima
‘mirai’ is on permanent display in GREEN SPRINGS at the tachikawa stage garden entrance plaza.
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-90
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-92
©Daisuke Shima
“100 年浓缩在 mirai 里,将迎接众多梦想。城市会随着人们的变化而变化,2020 年将成为过去,梦想与岁月重叠,可以创造无限的色彩;梦想浓缩在百年间,也可以让人微笑畅想多彩的未来。”设计师 emmanuelle moureaux
"100 years condensed in mirai to welcome a lot of dreams.The city will change as people change and 2020 will become the past. Dreams overlapping with years creating an infinity of colors. Dreams condensed in condensed 100 years, smile and imagine colorful future"emmanuelle moureaux.
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-96
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-98
©Daisuke Shima
梦幻色彩空间——Emmanuelle Moureaux 的“时间切片”与“未来”雕塑-100
©Daisuke Shima
100 色系列:100 色 33 号
工作室:emmanuelle moureaux 建筑++ 设计
艺术设计:emmanuelle moureaux
时间:2020 年 (永久)尺寸:4m(高)x 1.9m(宽)x 1.6m(长)材料:不锈钢,油漆
地点:日本东京 立川舞台花园入口广场绿泉
Sculpture title: mirai
100 colors series: 100 colors no.33
Studio: emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design
Artist: emmanuelle moureaux
Year: 2020 (permanent)Size: 4m (height) x 1.9m (width) x 1.6m (depth)Materials: stainless steel, paintVenue: GREEN SPRINGS TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN entrance plaza Tachikawa, Tokyo (JAPAN)Venue details: https://greensprings.jp/en/
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/oBv44YfMogVYCBEA7
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