

Z+T Studio: “The sea in the north, there were no mermaids, only tides on the sea, under the gloomy sky, the tides gnaw madly”.
曾经在北半球的滨海度假胜地 Cape Cod 工作生活过两年。夏季照样的热,但水很凉,游客很多。冬季的海只有浪涛和孤独。由“最孤独的图书馆”而红遍大江南北的阿那亚甲方找到我们的时候,我的第一反应就是“在海滨,谁需要一个公园?”
We worked and lived in Cape Cod, one of the famous seaside resort cities in the northern globe, for two years. The summers were hot as always, but the water was cool. During the winters, however, all that was left were tides and loneliness on the sea. When we were approached by Aranya, our client famous for their project “the loneliest museum”, my first instinct was “who needs a park at seaside anyway?”
的确,几个小时的长途跋涉,逃离现代都市到达海滨,最想要的是大海、海滩、沙丘、日出、日落……谁需要一个海滨的公园?曾经去拜访过 James Corner 在 LA 的公园,Tongva Park。公园设计的很好,但没有多少人使用,因为人都在海滩上。
记得刚刚到 Cape Cod 工作时,每天下班我们都会开车绕到海边,去走几步或者看一眼。后来有一天突然意识到居然已经好久没有去看海了。阿那亚是一个度假地,但超多一周时间的度假,并不会每天每时都去海滩。想到这些,我们觉得海滨的公园应该也有它存在的意义吧。
That was a valid concern. When tourists travel for hours escaping from modern cities, what they desire most will be the sea and the beach, sand dunes, sunsets and sunrises…… Who would need a park? We visited Tongva Park in LA by James Corner once. Well designed as it is, the visitors were few as most of them were on the beach.
I remember when we first came to Cape Cod, we would drive a few extra miles to the beach every day for a walk or a glimpse of the view after work. As time went by, one day we suddenly realized that we hadn’t been to the beach for a long time. It is true that Aranya is a great resort place. However, when visitors’ holiday extends for over a week, they might not want to be by the beach all the time. Considering that, we believe a seaside park may have its meaning after all.
沙丘之上|On the sand dune
场地永远都是我们设计的基础。场地上最显著的景观是一个巨大的沙丘,以及沙丘之上的刺槐林。秦皇岛沿海沙丘刺槐林在过去十年减少了大半。作为设计师,我们觉得非常可惜。恨不得所有的刺槐林都能完整地保留下来。不过,在进一步研究之后,我们发现,刺槐林的历史不过几十年而己。“刺槐原产地北美,1898 年有德国人首次从欧洲引入青岛”。“是 1949 年后滨海沙地主要人工造林树种”。
Site conditions have always been the cornerstone of our design proposals. One of the most prominent features on the site is a giant sand dune, covered by locust trees. During the past ten years, locust woods by the beach of Qinhuangdao were reduced by over a half, a fact we feel very sorry for as landscape designers. We would love for all the locust woods to be preserved in one piece, if it were up to us. However, after further research, we found that the history of locust woods only traces back for a few decades on our site. “Locusts were found originally in North America, and were brought to Qingdao from Europe in 1898 by the Germans.” ”It is one of the mainstream afforestation species on seaside sandy land after 1949”.
What is true nature? What is the real core of this site?
▼设计手稿 Design manuscript
As the old saying goes, time can change seas into fields. Change is omnipresent in the long history of the universe. When inner land culture meets marine culture, the unsettled sand wasteland could also be brought into its intriguing new life.
▼项目鸟瞰 Project bird’s eye view
Sand dunes can be changed into forests, wastelands can be changed into farm fields. For thousands of years Chinese culture has lived in harmony with nature. Its history is abundant with people striving for changes and a better life. “The Foolish Old Man Who Moved the Mountain”,”Jingwei Bird Fills the Ocean with Pebbles”, ”The Dogged Kuafu Chases after the Sun”, “Goddess Nvwa Mends the Sky”……The mythical tales in <the Tales of Mountains and Seas> inspired generations of people to challenge what seems impossible, and has become a wellspring of the unremitting self-improvement spirit in Chinese culture.
The changes in the environment dates back to ancient times. While some are pessimistic, there are always those who keep a positive mind. Chinese culture has persevered for thousands of years, there must be an underlying reason for this extensive time span. The core of the site, in our view, was not the locust woods, or the sand dunes, or the seaside beaches, but nature, its everlasting changes, and the small but perseverant vitality of human race.
山海乐园|The Wonderland of Mountains and Sea
"The spirit to make lemonade out of lemons can be seen in various aspects of Chinese culture. ""People live for no more than a hundred years, but they worry for millennial predicaments. When you feel the days are too short and nights too long, why not grab a candle and go on tours at night"".
▼自然的生态乐园 Natural ecological paradise
▼与环境统一的原木休闲座椅 Log leisure seats that are in harmony with the environment
The hard-knock life requires a lot of vacations to balance. What visitors to Aranya need is blankness, relaxation, and pure happiness.
▼找寻生活中的快乐源泉 Find the source of happiness in life
There are more to the world than mythical animals such as Taotie, Qiongqi, or Tri-tailed badgers…… When we combined the mythical fantasies in <the Tales of Mountains and Seas> with modern resort destinations, conceptions of the site came flooding in our mind: the Fish-bone Pavilion, Eel benches, the Starfish Garden, the Climbing Conch, and the Octopus Chute Slide. The long and narrow triangular strip between the sand dune and the road became a children’s farm, with farm fields and an amusement park.
▼农场鸟瞰 Farm bird’s eye view
▼自然毛石堆砌的 LOGO 景墙 LOGO scenery wall stacked with natural rubble
▼乐园与人行道自然过渡 Natural transition between paradise and sidewalk
▼农场雨水花园 Farmraingarden
▼海星花田手绘 Starfish flower field hand drawn
▼海星花田鸟瞰 Bird’s eye view of starfish flower field
▼海星花田(池塘收集的雨水通过互动提水装置流经水渠,为蔬菜提供灌溉)Starfish Flower Field (Rainwater collected in the pond flows through the canal through an interactive water lifting device to provide irrigation for vegetables)
▼花田间的鳗鱼长凳 Eel bench in the flower field
▼鱼骨亭手绘 Fish bone pavilion hand drawn
▼鱼骨亭 Fish bone pavilion
▼白色鱼骨细节以镂空鱼形设计 White fish bone details with hollow fish-shaped design
▼鱼骨亭内部设计戏水池喷泉&沙坑里的攀爬海螺 The internal design of the fishbone pavilion, the paddling pool fountain&Climbing conch in the sandpit
▼乐园鸟瞰 Aerial view of the park
▼章鱼滑梯手绘 Octopus slide hand drawn
▼章鱼滑梯 Octopus Slide
▼在林间滑翔 Glide in the forest
In addition to the regular functions, the various participatory facilities in the park have been given a unique form; they should only exist here and now.
▼用原木设计的儿童器械 Children’s equipment designed with logs
▼滑翔索道 Gliding ropeway
林中冥想|Woodland Meditation
The only weapon in modern society to combat against the confusing and impetuous city life is the quiet, longstanding, meaningful nature”(Hong Cheng <Priceless Serenity>). Seaside natural environment not only has everlasting waves, beaches, sunsets and clouds, also the locust woods planted decades ago.
▼场地原有的刺槐林 The original locust forest on the site
▼原有刺槐林的被保留和利用 The original Robinia pseudoacacia forest is retained and utilized
Only locusts can grow on the barren sand dunes due to their extraordinary vitality. Locust woods are thick and green during summers, but blasted and withered during winters. The rotation of seasons is amplified here. We kept our design of the locust woods to a minimalistic simplicity so that visitors can have a direct experience with nature. We want people to slow down their pace, or even come to a stop, to feel the flow of time.
▼林间栈道手绘&感受自然,放松身心 Hand-painted forest plank road & Feel the nature and relax
▼刺槐林荫下的架空栈道 Overhead plank road under the shade of locust tree
▼半透明的亚克力棒是光影捕捉器,似透非透,将真实与虚幻叠加在一起 The semi-transparent acrylic rod is a light and shadow catcher, which is transparent and impermeable, superimposing the real and the illusion.
▼总平面线稿 General Plan Line Draft
▼总平面图 Plan
▼施工过程 Construction process
面积:2.8 公顷
建成时间:2018 年 6 月
Project Name: Anaya Children’s Farm
Landscape design: Z+T Studio Landscape Architecture
Design team: Dong Zhang , Ziying Tang, Qing Zhang, Yifan Chen, Xinjun Gu, Qixi, Yupeng Yang, Qi Wang
Installation design: Z+T Art Studio
Design team: Liu Hongchao, Sun Chuan, Zheng Jialin, Fan Yanjie, Hu Yihao
Party A: Qinhuangdao Tianxing Jiuzhou Tourism Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Project location: Anaya Gold Coast Community, Beidaihe New District
Client: AranyaArea: 2.8ha
Completion time: June 2018
Photography: Zhang Hai
审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie