

最佳展示花园 – 金奖:广州花园 Best Show Garden – Gold medal winner: Guangzhou Garden
The garden highlights the benefits of responsible city planning and how planners must work in harmony with nature to better connect people with the natural world. Climate change, the growth of mega cities and potential mass extinction of species requires a re-evaluation of planning policy.
Inspired by the holistic landscape stewardship programme of environmental planners in Guangzhou, China, the garden features a woodland dell for cleaner air, a pool of water and shelters – the latter a social space for people to gather and homes for wildlife.
Characterful trees and shrubs including the dawn redwood, Scots pine, field maple and birch make up the woodland edge to capture particulate matter. Sedges, euphorbia and ferns provide a horizontal carpet punctuated with accent plants such as Rodgersia and Angelica, which help to clean water and air. The effect is an elegant and graceful drifting wave of green foliage, dotted with frothy perennials, in soft hues of white, blue and yellow.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Peter Chmiel with Chin-Jung Chen
▼广州花园 Guangzhou Garden
©RHS 最佳建设花园 – 金奖:Trailfinders50 周年纪念花园 Best Construction Award – Gold medal winner: The Trailfinders’ 0th Anniversary Garden
这个花园为庆祝英国旅游公司 Trailfinders 成立 50 周年而建,该公司于 1970 年出售了其首个到加德满都的陆路旅行产品。
The Trailfinders 50th Anniversary Garden celebrates the origins of the company, which sold its first overland trips to Kathmandu in 1970, and is inspired by the landscape, culture and plants of the Himalayan foothills. Key features include a shelter inspired by the vernacular architecture of the region, positioned at the fork of a stream, and paths criss-crossing the garden. The planting is representative of the temperate zone of the Himalayas. Statement plants include Pinus wallichiana and Dryopteris wallichiana, alongside flowering thalictrums, persicarias, actaeas and hedychiums.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Jonathan Snow
Trailfinders50 周年纪念花园 The Trailfinders’ 0th Anniversary Garden
最佳建设花园&最佳圣所花园 – 金奖:圣经公会:诗篇 23 花园 Best Construction Award&Best Sanctuary Garden-Gold medal winner: Bible Society: The Psalm 23 Garden
诗篇 23:“耶和华是我的牧者”本可以为我们度过新冠病毒大流行而写,该诗篇传递了希望、鼓励与慰藉。Sarah Eberle 将其诠释为一个花园,一个可以自由呼吸的地方,重新融入自然,感受精神与身体上的恢复。
花园的设计灵感来自 Sarah 的成长地——达特穆尔(Dartmoor),以庇护所的形式呈现。花园散发出的吸引力让人们愿意花时间享受这片令人心旷神怡的风景,它反映了诗篇 23 中的旅程和目的地。
在 RHS 切尔西花园展上,我们为这项全国性活动揭幕起动,期望看到诗篇 23 花园为社区花园的建立带来灵感。随着疫情形势的缓和,这将成为我们相聚一堂的一次机会,创造反映《诗篇》见解和主题的共享而美丽的空间,并为未来提供复愈和庇护的场所。
Psalm 23, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’, could have been written for us as we live through the Coronavirus pandemic. Its message is one of hope, encouragement and solace. Sarah Eberle’s interpretation of it is a garden that offers a place to breathe, re-engage with nature, and feel mentally, physically and spiritually restored.
The garden is inspired by the landscape of Dartmoor, where Sarah grew up, and takes the form of a place of sanctuary, a haven. It draws you in and allows you to spend time with the soothing character of the landscape. It reflects both the journey and the destination found in Psalm 23.
At RHS Chelsea Flower Show we mark the launch of a nationwide campaign to see community gardens created and inspired by the Psalm 23 Garden. This will be an opportunity for us to come together, as pandemic conditions ease, to create shared, beautiful spaces that reflect the insights and themes of the psalm, and offer places of restoration and sanctuary for the future.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Sarah Eberle
诗篇 23 花园 The Psalm 23 Garden
©RHS 最佳技艺花园 – 银奖:蓝钻锻造园 Best Artisan Garden – Silver medal winner: The Blue Diamond Forge Garden
这座花园以一座茅草作坊为特色,其灵感来源于德文郡布兰斯科姆 (Branscombe, Devon) 一家国家信托所有的 15 世纪锻造厂,该锻造厂已经沿用了几个世纪。天然林地环境为锻造厂提供了背景,包括果树在内的树木一直延伸至花园边缘,为锻冶场提供了秋季的农产品。攀缘植物和树叶柔化了作坊硬质的边缘,使之几乎与大自然融为一体。花园中的金属制品结构由锻冶场打造,灵感来源于自然和周围的花园。在这个花园里,可食用的草本和药用植物与野花混合栽植,边缘沿着溪流向景观之中延伸,植物在鹅卵石铺地的缝隙之间向上生长。
This garden features a thatched working forge, inspired by a National Trust-owned, 15th-century forge in Branscombe, Devon, which has been in constant use over the centuries.
A natural woodland setting provides the backdrop to the forge, with trees, including fruit trees, pushing their way into the edges of the garden, providing autumnal produce for the smithy. Climbers and foliage soften the edges of the forge so that it becomes almost at one with nature. Metalwork structures feature in the garden, created by the smithy, inspired by nature and the surrounding garden.
In this garden edible herbs and medicinal plants are mixed with wildflowers and marginals along the stream that flows through the landscape together with plants pushing upwards between the gaps in a cobbled floor.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©The Blue Diamond Group Team
蓝钻锻造园 The Blue Diamond Forge Garden
©RHS 展示花园 – 金奖:M&G 花园 Show Gardens – Gold medal winner: The M&G Garden
身处繁忙都市环境中的 M&G 花园是人类和野生动物的共享绿色栖息地,它最初是为 2020 年 5 月的展览而设,目的是引发人们对城市绿地重要性的探讨——这些空间对城镇的基础设施至关重要,但却在城镇建设和发展的过程中渐渐衰退。自新冠疫情爆发 18 个月以来,人们对城市绿地重要性的认识比以往任何时候都更加有力和充满意义。
设计师 Charlotte 和 Hugo 想象了一座城市的工业历史,并展示了如何将已有的材料转变为特别的、可持续的、真实且美丽的东西。设计尽可能地将材料回收和再利用,一个与建筑事务所 Mcmullan Studio 合作设计的 100 多米长的再用金属管道雕塑小品,穿梭在植物、树木和水之间。触觉型的自然特征增强了与自然世界的联系,还有水池为野生动物提供生命支持。
树木的选择考虑到其对城市极端气候的耐受性,如雄壮的多花蓝果树 (Nyssa sylvatica)、自然形态的银叶沙棘 (Hippophae rhamnoides) 和胡颓子 (Elaeagnus umbellata)。
The M&G Garden is designed as a shared green haven for people and wildlife, set in a busy urban environment. It was originally designed for the May 2020 show, to stimulate conversations over the importance of urban green places – spaces that are vital to the infrastructure of towns and cities, but which are being lost in the push to build and develop. Eighteen months on from the start of the pandemic, the significance of urban green spaces is recognised as being more powerful and meaningful than ever.
Designers Charlotte and Hugo have imagined an urban industrial past, and show how found materials can be turned into something extraordinary and sustainable, authentic and beautiful. Wherever possible, materials are reclaimed and re-used, including a sculpture of more than 100 linear metres of repurposed metal pipes, weaving through plants, trees and water, and designed in collaboration with architecture and design studio Mcmullan Studio. Tactile natural features provide added connection to the natural world, and a pool of water encourages and supports wildlife.
Trees have been chosen for their tolerance to urban climate extremes, such as the majestic Nyssa sylvatica (black gum tree), and the naturalistic shapes and silvery leaves of Hippophae rhamnoides (sea buckthorn) and Elaeagnus umbellata (autumn olive).
The changing of the seasons is represented in the planting of this garden. Beautiful species that are in their prime now sit alongside planting that has senesced, showing the beauty in seed heads and changing colours. This is a real garden, which reflects past, present and future. It will be relocated to a permanent pocket-park home after the show.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Harris Bugg Studio
M&G 花园 The M&G Garden
©RHS 最佳展示花园 – 金奖:Yeo Valley 有机花园 Best Show Garden – Gold medal winner: The Yeo Valley Organic Garden
Yeo Valley 有机花园为人们提供了充满自然感的游览体验,它将原本位于萨默塞特的 Yeo Valley 家庭经营式有机花园中的栖息地和植物融入其中,旨在培育土壤健康和生物多样性,并为传粉者和其他有益的野生动物提供支持。花园前面一片开阔的多年生草地上长满了开花植物,色彩缤纷,芳香四溢。墙体将场地分隔开来,场地中可见碳含量丰富的生物炭原木和夯土元素;土壤健康在视觉上得到了呈现,保持土壤含碳量的重要性也得以体现。
The Yeo Valley Organic Garden provides a nature-filled experience incorporating habitats and plants found at Yeo Valley’s family-run organic garden in Somerset. It is designed to nurture soil health and biodiversity and support pollinators and other beneficial wildlife. At the front of the garden, an open perennial meadow is brimming with flowering plants, full of colour and scent. Sweeping walls divide the site, formed of carbon-rich biochar logs and rammed earth; a visual representation of soil health and the importance of keeping carbon in the soil.
An egg-shaped, steam-bent oak hide, representing soil fertility and health, is suspended over the fast-flowing stream that runs through the whole garden. It provides a place to relax, unwind and observe the natural environment and visiting wildlife. The stream connects the different garden spaces and provides the calming sound of water. It begins at the top of a gentle hill flowing from a simple steel trough reflecting pool.
The woodland is full of fruiting and flowering trees such as medlar and quince alongside native species such as silver birch, hazel and hawthorn. This area represents land that could be used for woodland grazing.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Tom Massey in collaboration with Sarah Mead
Yeo Valley 有机花园 The Yeo Valley Organic Garden
圣所花园 – 镀金白银奖:芬兰心灵花园 – 北欧传统海滨花园
Sanctuary Gardens – Silver Gilt medal winner: Finnish Soul Garden – A Nordic Heritage Seaside Garden
芬兰心灵花园继续庆祝着由芬兰发起、联合国粮农组织 (UNFAO) 批准、联合国大会宣布的 2020 国际植物健康年 (IYPH)。
Finnish Soul Garden depicts a seaside garden intended to be used as a recreational facility by city dwellers. Situated near a public beach on a secluded peninsula, it features natural Baltic seaside vegetation, sauna, and cool-off area. The garden provides an open view to the sea and nearby islands. It is a haven with an atmosphere of relaxation, recuperation, and recreation.
The key features are a contemporary Finnish sauna with a vegetated roof and a water feature. The garden recreates the natural green seaside environment and, in the planted cool-off area, the flowers reflect the understated charm of autumn. This communal sanctuary reflects traditional seaside life in harmony with the surrounding nature. The Nordic tradition of seaside life has continued virtually unchanged for centuries.
Finnish Soul Garden continues to celebrate the International Year of Plant Health 2020 (IYPH), which was initiated by Finland and approved by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO) and declared by the UN General Assembly.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Taina Suonio
▼芬兰心灵花园 FinnishSoulGarden
圣所花园 – 镀金白银奖:Boodles 秘密花园 Sanctuary Gardens – Silver Gilt medal winner: The Boodles Secret Garden
Boodles 秘密花园的灵感来源于作家弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特 (Frances Hodgson-Burnett) 笔下深受人们喜爱的儿童故事,它诠释了去往迷人、改变生活的圣地之旅。
手工制作的墙壁由家具制造商 Jan Hendzel Studio 采用可持续橡木制成,花园强调了在人们经历不确定性和危机之后,寻找一个内部庇护所来复愈和改善生活的重要性。这是一个可以治愈创伤并鼓励继续前行的空间,不只是隐喻,同时也真实存在于我们的花园空间里。
The Boodles Secret Garden is inspired by the well-loved children’s story by Frances Hodgson-Burnett, and is an interpretation of the journey to an enchanted, life-changing sanctuary.
From naturalistic planting of tree ferns, grasses and spires of Verbena hastata in a palette of muted greens and creams in the outer beds, the viewer is enticed to look through an intricately carved, louvred oak wall into an enchanted, secret garden brimming with jewel-like plants. Autumn snowflakes, Dahlia campanulata and Fuchsia magellanica var. molinae introduce droplet structures and soft pink, the corporate colour of the sponsor, into the planting in this safe space.
The hand-crafted wall has been created by furniture maker Jan Hendzel Studio from sustainably sourced oak. The garden highlights the importance of finding an inner sanctuary to restore and enhance life after uncertainty and crisis; a space in which to heal and move forward, metaphorically and in the real space of our own gardens.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Thomas Hoblyn
Boodles 秘密花园 The Boodles Secret Garden
©RHS 展示花园 – 银奖:弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔花园:现代护理的赞歌 Show Gardens – Silver medal winner: The Florence Nightingale Garden: A Celebration of Modern-Day Nursing
这是一个为新医院构想的庭院花园,以纪念近代护理事业的创始人弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔诞辰 200 周年。这座花园的设计旨在突出护士在现代医疗保健业中所起的关键作用,南丁格尔的许多原则支撑着当今护理事业的发展,所以借助该花园的建造颂扬其遗产和现今励志的护士群体。
An imagined courtyard garden for a new hospital. Marking 200 years since Florence Nightingale’s birth, the garden is designed to shine a spotlight on the critical role nurses play in modern-day healthcare. Many of Nightingale’s principles underpin nursing today, and the garden is an opportunity to celebrate both her legacy and today’s inspirational nurses.
The theme is ‘nurture through nature’, inspired by the idea that the shortest path to recovery leads through a garden. This restorative garden, surrounded by a sculptural timber pergola on three sides, is for viewing from inside the building, as well as for sitting in and strolling through, with shaded places to sit, naturalistic planting and water to engage the senses. Drifts of late-flowering perennials, grasses and bulbs create a calm, lush atmosphere, in which texture and foliage are equally as important as colour and flowers.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Robert Myers
▼弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔花园 The Florence Nightingale Garden
©RHS 展示花园 – 银奖:博德明监狱:东经 60° – 大陆之间的花园 Show Gardens – Silver medal winner: Bodmin Jail: 60° East – A Garden Between Continents
“东经 60° – 大陆之间的花园”利用东西方创造出独特的种植调色板,隐喻欧洲和亚洲风格的混合。花园植物以一种博大精深的自然主义构成形式汇聚起来,唤起了乌拉尔山脉无与伦比的美景:山峰、森林、河流和斜坡。受到叶卡捷琳堡都市中心花园的启迪,这座花园成为高耸建筑群中的一颗绿宝石。
在这里,游客可以发现--20°C 的最低温环境下或许还会生长出什么,并且可能会对一些熟悉的面孔感到惊讶。这个极具魅力的场所充满了活力,让人精神振奋,让人内心平静。它吸引着游客踏上前往飞瀑和池塘的旅程,在柳树、岩石和松树的优雅掩映之下,捕捉到乌拉尔山脉独特的魅力。
60° East: A Garden Between Continents at the border between continents, draws upon east and west to create a unique blend of European and Asian planting palettes, brought together in a sweeping naturalistic composition evocative of the unsurpassed beauty of the Ural Mountain landscapes; its peaks, forests, rivers and slopes. Inspired by a garden in the heart of the metropolis of Yekaterinburg, 60° East is a green jewel amid towering architecture.
Visitors can discover what might grow in a climate that sees annual lows of -20°C, and may be surprised by some familiar faces. Filled with joyous colour, this magnetically-inviting place invigorates the soul, calms the mind and draws visitors on a journey leading up to tumbling cascades and a pool, gracefully overshadowed by willow, rock and pine, capturing the magic of the Ural Mountains.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Ekaterina Zasukhina with Carly Kershaw
东经 60° – 大陆之间的花园 60° East – A Garden Between Continents
圣所花园 – 银奖:找到我们的路:NHS 纪念园 Sanctuary Gardens – Silver medal winner: Finding Our Way: An NHS Tribute Garden
这个花园纪念了英国国家医疗服务体系 (NHS) 在新冠疫情期间所做出的不懈努力,该体系不仅为医护人员提供了支持,还为包括理疗师、药剂师、搬运工、技术员和其他为保证卫生服务正常运行而默默奉献的人提供相应的支援。与此同时,英国各高校也正全力以赴地寻找治疗方法和研发疫苗。
进入花园,木质顶棚在垂直方向上显得尤为壮观,这隐喻了在疫情爆发初期人们突然陷入恐惧之中。在这里,一系列的涓涓细流和池塘开启了水的探索之旅,这代表着 NHS 和各高校人员的共同努力。花园带来了沉浸式的体验,柔和的水声随着串联了更大池塘的浅溪作响,温暖的色调和轻柔的种植肌理营造出一个可供冥想沉思的安全空间,带着乐观和希望奔赴更加光明的未来。
This garden celebrates the relentless work of the NHS to provide care and support during the Covid pandemic not just nurses and doctors, but also physiotherapists, pharmacists, porters, technicians and other unseen and unsung staff who keep the health service running. At the same time, the UK universities were working flat out to find treatments and vaccines.
Entering the garden, the sheer imposing verticals of the timber canopy represent the sharp descent into fear at the outset of the pandemic. Here, the water starts its exploration through a series of rills and pools, representing the collective efforts of those working together in the NHS and universities. From here, the garden provides an immersive experience, with the gentle sound of water running along shallow rills connecting larger pools and the warm palette and soft textures of the planting, providing a safe space for reflection and contemplation, bringing optimism and hope of a brighter future.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Naomi Ferrett-Cohen
NHS 纪念园 An NHS Tribute Garden
©RHS 最佳技艺/圣所花园 – 银奖:欧芹盒子花园 Best Artisan/Sanctuary Garden – Silver medal winner: The Parsley Box Garden
欧芹盒子花园旨在为 60 岁以上的人提供支持,并向有关老龄化的陈旧观念提出质疑。花园的设计现代、时尚和优雅,户外厨房毗邻由悬臂式凉棚遮蔽着的娱乐空间,两侧是层叠的花池,任何年龄段的人都可以使用。
The Parsley Box Garden seeks to champion and empower the over 60s and challenge the outdated stereotypes of ageing. The design is contemporary, sleek and elegant with an outdoor kitchen adjacent to an entertaining space sheltered by a cantilevered pergola and flanked by tiered planters, enabling accessibility for all generations.
Inspired by the philosophy of conserving nature’s bounty through fermentation and preservation, the borders are brimming with edibles to forage and bring flavour to dishes, all the while minimising food waste. Fragrant herbs, edible flowers and perennials also feature. Trees including Arbutus unedo, Malus ‘Evereste’, espalier fruit trees and Cornus kousa provide height and scale.
The materials have been carefully selected to subtly bring conversation around ageing to the fore. Aged brass planters allude to maturing with grace and beauty, contemporary smooth structures reference the stability of firm foundations and reclaimed wood hints at the fluidity of changes in identity throughout life.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Alan Williams
▼欧芹盒子花园 The Parsley Box Garden
技艺花园 – 银奖:导盲犬 90 周年纪念园 Artisan Gardens – Silver medal winner: Guide Dogs’ 0th Anniversary Garden
这个感性的野花花园为庆祝英国导盲犬 90 周年而建,它讲述了一个追溯到 20 世纪 30 年代的老故事。第一批导盲犬的品种是德国牧羊犬,它们的主人是在第一次世界大战中失明的老兵。
This garden celebrates 90 years of British guide dog partnerships with an emotive, wildflower garden. It tells a story with a look back to the 1930s. The first guide dogs were German Shepherds and their owners were veterans blinded in the First World War.
Using life-size metal sculptures and sensory elements, the garden illustrates the journey somebody with sight loss takes, from a place of darkness, fear and isolation into a world of enrichment, acceptance, joy, freedom and independence with the help of their guide dog.
Ferns and dark foliage plants feature and are contrasted with colourful meadow planting, predominantly of British native species. Bold blocks of contrasting colours are present here – an element partially-sighted people appreciate. Other plants add sensory elements. With its dog-friendly planting, this is a simple but striking and memorable garden.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Adam Woolcott and Jonathan Smith
导盲犬 90 周年纪念园 Guide Dogs’ 0th Anniversary Garden
特色花园:英国皇家园艺学会 COP26 花园 Feature Gardens: RHS COP26 Garden
为表彰 10 月和 11 月在英国格拉斯哥举行的第 26 届联合国气候变化大会 (COP26),RHS COP26 花园展示了花园、植物和绿地在保护地球和人类方面所发挥的不可或缺的作用,它们确保着全人类能拥有一个更绿色、更具韧性的未来。RHS COP26 花园包含着创新和前沿的元素,还具有我们可以在家或社区中实施的切实可行的理念。RHS 鼓励大家对自己的花园做出一些小的改变,这些改变可能会对我们的赖以生存的地球产生巨大的影响。例如,将雨水径流引入集雨桶中,播种栽培吸引传粉者的植物等。
In recognition of the UK hosting the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties in Glasgow in October and November, The RHS COP26 Garden demonstrates how gardens, plants and green spaces can play an integral part in protecting our planet and people and ensure a greener, more resilient future for us all. The RHS COP26 Garden contains innovative and cutting-edge elements. It also features achievable ideas that we can implement at home and in our communities. The RHS is encouraging everyone to make small changes to their own garden, and collectively those changes could make a big difference to our planet, for example, diverting water run-off into water butts and cultivating plants that attract pollinators, which can be grown from seed.
Four key themes: Decline, Adaptation, Mitigation and Balance are illustrated within different areas of the garden.
‘Decline’ is illustrated by flooding, drought and challenges including pests and diseases. It also shows negative gardening practices, such as paved-over gardens, lack of pollinating plants and chemical use.
‘Adaptation’ demonstrates how we can adapt to best manage the changing climate by becoming more environmentally aware in our gardens. Encouraging planting of drought-tolerant meadow provides a means to cope with hotter, drier summers and fast-drain terrain helps alleviate flash flooding.
The ‘mitigation’ area offers ideas that each of us could try to actively support the environment in our outside spaces. A wildlife garden, pollinators’ meadow, compost area and green front garden are a few of the garden initiatives contained within this space.
Finally, the ‘balance’ area shows how we can work with nature to create a beautiful environmentally-friendly garden. This modern cottage garden area incorporates a diverse range of plants as well as recycled materials.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Marie-Louise Agius
©Marie-Louise Agius
©Marie-Louise Agius
英国皇家园艺学会 COP26 花园 RHS COP26 Garden
特色花园:RHS“女王的绿色树冠”花园 Feature Gardens: RHS Queen’s Green Canopy Garden
在这个迷人花园的树冠之下,两条小路蜿蜒地穿过草坪和野花草甸。该花园由英国皇家园艺学会 (RHS) 和“女王的绿色树冠 (QGC) ”携手营建,QGC 是一项由英国王室发起的特殊植树计划,旨在庆祝 2022 年英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基 70 周年。该花园强调了林地资源和生物多样性的重要性。
由 David Dodd 设计的花园是各个阶段生物多样性再生的生动群像,分散在空间中的草地代表着草甸景观的典型多样性及其再生潜力。花园周围由 Jay Davey 编织而成的三个原尺寸干草捆雕塑让人联想起农业,这再次提醒人们农田拥有丰富林地的内在机遇。树木从花园地面上分枝生长,象征着植树的重要性及其加强生物多样性的能力。这是由林地和花园周围美丽的野花草甸创造的空间,代表了土地被充分利用的潜力,绽放出如万花筒般的生物多样性。
QGC 倡议的核心是借助植树的机会来做出改变和进行参与,鼓励国民参与到“为庆典植树”的倡议之中。QGC 致力于通过为女王政权下的国家创造一份遗产来鼓励可持续种植,目的是为了颂扬树木带来的无穷益处。树木构建了重要的野生动物栖息地,改善了人类的健康和福祉,净化了空气并有助于缓解气候变化的影响。
在花园展结束后,本项目作为 QGC 计划的一部分,花园中由 Majestic Trees 供应的树木将被移植到 RHS Garden Bridgewater 中。
Two paths weave their way through a tapestry of grassland and wildflower meadows, beneath a canopy of trees in this stunning garden. Created in partnership between the RHS and The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC), a unique tree-planting initiative to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, this garden delivers a powerful message on the importance of woodland and biodiversity.
Designed by David Dodd, the garden is a tableau vivant of biodiverse regeneration in its various phases. The grassland that scatters the space signifies the poor diversity typical of grass landscapes and the potential they present for regeneration. Woven by Jay Davey, the three full-scale hay-bale sculptures spotted around the garden conjure thoughts of agriculture, another reminder of the inherent opportunity farmland possesses to become rich with woodland. Branching upward from the garden floor, the garden’s trees signify the cruciality of planting trees and their capacity for strengthening biodiversity. It is the space created by woodlands and the beautiful wildflower meadows around the garden that represent land used to its fullest potential, blooming into kaleidoscopic diversity.
This opportunity for change and engagement through tree planting is at the heart of the QGC initiative, which is encouraging the nation to ‘Plant a tree for the Jubilee’. Focusing on encouraging sustainable planting by creating a legacy in honour of Her Majesty’s leadership of the nation, the QGC seeks to celebrate the innumerable benefits of trees, which create vital wildlife habitats, improve our health and wellbeing, clean our air and help mitigate the effects of climate change.
Following the show, the trees from this garden, supplied by Majestic Trees, are being replanted at RHS Garden Bridgewater as part of the QGC initiative.
▼“女王的绿色树冠”花园 RHS Queen’s Green Canopy Garden
©RHS 特色花园:BBC One Show 和 RHS 希望花园 Feature Gardens: The BBC One Show and RHS Garden of Hope
这个花园向我们展示了园艺和植物如何为我们带来希望和欢乐,因为我们在植物蓬勃生长的过程中享受着自己的劳动成果。花园的核心是 Charlie Whinney 设计的一个美丽的蒸汽曲木雕塑,在花园里扭曲流动,包括座位区和儿童秋千,营造出一种拥抱感。
展览结束后,花园将迁至 Rosewood 母婴部,它是肯特和梅德韦 NHS 社会关怀合伙信托的一部分,为妇女及其孩子提供了一个充满希望的、安全而美丽的庇护所。
The BBC One Show and RHS Garden of Hope illustrates how gardening and growing plants provides hope and joy as we enjoy the fruits of our labour as our plants flourish and grow.
Central to the design is a beautiful steam-bent wooden sculpture by Charlie Whinney, which twists and flows through the garden, incorporating seating areas, a child’s swing and creating the feeling of a big hug.
After the show, the garden will be relocated to the Mother and Baby Unit Rosewood, part of Kent and Medway NHS Social Care Partnership Trust, to provide a safe, beautiful sanctuary and a place of hope for the women and their babies to spend time in.
The planting has a natural feel, with a number of trees, some turning with autumnal colours, and areas of dense rich green planting at the front of the garden, becoming more colourful further back.
As a symbol of how a garden both feeds the soul and our bodies, a selection of edible plants are also included.
The BBC One Show and RHS Garden of Hope illustrates how growing plants helps provide hope for the future and makes the world a greener and more beautiful place.
▼场景效果 Design sketch
©Rachel Sampson Design
The BBC One Show and RHS Garden of Hope
"2021 切尔西花园展获奖作品共包含 16 个花园,多个作品紧扣时代热点,强调生态环境的可持续发展,以及功能与景观、艺术的融合。"