

The Les reshape the palm beach style
设计师:Les Ensembliers
位置:美国 佛罗里达
图片来源:André Rider
项目的挑战是在不压抑空间的情况下,还能充分利用别墅的丰富历史特点。为了赋予空间现代感,并在某种程度上减轻历史的重量感,Les Ensembliers在过多使用的热带色彩中提供了一种平衡感,以此定义传统棕榈滩的室内设计。设计师决定将房子的所有表面都变成白色,弱化细节的展现形式。这个具有统治地位的单色画布使凸显特定家具和当代艺术品成为可能,同时将现代触感融入到古典环境中。
每个房间都是围绕一个艺术品建造的,这些艺术品展现出Les Ensembliers想要在一个古典画布背景上创造出现代感的愿望。门廊中的艺术品是画家Riopelle的作品。在主卧室内,Russel Young的丝网印刷品在空间内渗透出作品中痛苦的感情。在客厅内,设计师在金树叶和红色,黑色的油漆面板上打造出几何图形的组成物,而这些面板是一位法国艺术家使用古老的方法制成的。
译者: 蝈蝈
A blank canvas on a historical background
The challenge of the project was to capitalize on the historical richness of the villa without stifling the space.To give the space a contemporary feel and somewhat lighten the weight of history, Les Ensembliers provided a counterbalance to the overabundance of tropical colours that define traditional Palm Beach interior design. The designers decided to turn all the surfaces of the house white, attenuating the presence of details. This dominantly monochrome canvas made it possible to highlight certain furniture pieces and contemporary artworks and to bring a touch of modernity into a classic environment.
Between classic and contemporary
“From this blank canvas, we were able to build several environments around the shapes and colours of the elements and arrangements that make up the house’s interior design,” the designers noted. Each room is thus created from the juxtaposition of elements of different styles and histories. In the loggia, a Riopelle print complements classic Porta Romana lamps, a modernized version of a chesterfield, and a low cube-shaped table made of lacquered wood the interior of which is gold-leafed.
Plays on connections
Each room is built around an artwork that displays the desire of Les Ensembliers to design a contemporary feeling on a classic canvas. In the loggia, it’s a work by Riopelle. In the master bedroom, a silkscreen by Russel Young imbues the space with the painful emotion of a Marilyn in tears. In the living room, the designer created a geometric composition from gold leaf and red- and black-lacquered panels made by a French artisan using ancient methods.
美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格外部实景图
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美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格外部门口实景图
美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格室内客厅实景图
美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格室内客厅局部实景图
美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格室内局部实景图
美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格室内实景图
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美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格室内卧室实景图
美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格室内细节实景图
美国 Les重塑棕榈滩风格外部夜景实景图