

This project is a rebuild of the Kikkoman research laboratory in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, northeast of Tokyo. Soy sauce production began there more than 200 years ago when over a dozen families started a brewing cooperative, which eventually evolved into today’s Kikkoman.
▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©雁光舍(野田东德)
The area around the site is dotted with traditional streets that reflect this history. Kikkoman’s former research laboratory, by contrast, was a concrete building over 60 years old. We felt that for research on soy sauce and food products, a site sensitive to the changes of seasons, time, the five senses and continuity with nature would be appropriate. In fact, our client requested a facility in which researchers could enjoy work while experiencing the nuanced shifts in the natural surroundings.
▼建筑与周边环境,architecture and the surrounding environment ©雁光舍(野田东德)
Input for this ‘inheritor design’ was drawn from the traditional soy sauce production landscape around the site. Originally, streets were connected to narrow alleyways, and several row houses were clustered together to form a series of breweries, stores and homes, with courtyard-like spaces scattered in between. In deferring to these attributes, maximizing horizontal (as opposed to vertical) expanse was deemed necessary. The 10,000m² building was thus accommodated in just two storeys, with a simple configuration of experimental areas on the first floor and offices and other open spaces on the second floor.
▼设计生成,design generation
The spacious first floor is designed for maximize flexibility. When viewed from above, workspaces on the second floor appear to be arranged in a checkerboard pattern of “open” quadrilaterals mixed with work areas. Atriums, courtyards, and terraces are featured in the adjacent “inverted” checkerboard area. The floor level shifts slightly with each “box” in the checkerboard, creating an unusual topography.
▼室内空间概览,overall view of the interior ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼大台阶,large steps ©雁光舍(野田东德)
Gabled roofs are partially “flipped upwards” where there is an atrium below, inviting in light and wind. The first and second floors offer a feel for the fluctuation of nature regardless of where the observer is — a comfort for those whose view of public health may have shifted due to the recent virus pandemic.
▼入口空间,entrance hall ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼走廊和大台阶,corridor and large steps ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼中庭,central courtyard ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼实验室,laboratories ©雁光舍(野田东德)
The 2F checkerboard floor level changes by 350mm per quadrilateral area, concealing the air conditioning ducts installed underneath. The first floor 4,950mm height ensures sufficient space for piping and ducting redundancy above the lab. The stairwell landing is some 1,000mm lower than the second floor, creating a maximum floor level difference of 1,700mm at the second floor. The basin-like topography of the building makes for a relaxing space, while the high sidelights, courtyard, and exterior terrace afford visitors a feel for nature from any vantage point.
▼结合不同功能空间的楼梯,staircase combined with different functional spaces ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼通高中庭和图书室,atrium and the library ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼咖啡厅,cafe ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼充满自然元素的休息空间,resting area full of natural elements ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼高低错落的二层办公区,office area on the second floor in different heights ©雁光舍(野田东德)
Selective use of glass and wall balustrades offer differing vantage points depending on the floor level, as well as different lines-of-sight between standing and sitting positions. In an area where floor levels change by some 700mm, a 1,100mm balustrade effectively serves as a 1,800mm (700mm+1,100mm) partition, creating a sense of “enclosed contiguity” fit for concentration-intensive work. Wall balustrade units also serve as air-conditioning inlets that work in harmony with the floor-mounted A/C outlets, facilitating air circulation. By adding features that control the line-of-sight to the simple checkered landscape, a variegated, inspiring space for company researchers was created.
▼墙壁和玻璃扶手,不同高度的空间之间形成视觉连接 glass and wall balustrades, visual connections among various levels ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼楼梯间与玻璃立面,staircase and the glass facade ©雁光舍(野田东德)
Manufacturing soy sauce is classic chemistry – a process once performed in a space contiguous with the cityscape and natural environment. The Kikkoman project was based on this traditional context, and subtly modified during the design process. Rather than whittling down and refining the constituent elements, each was, in a manner of speaking, “multiplied” and “fermented.” The final aim was to create an architecture both topographical and emotional, with a sense of natural change, along with an easy-to-grasp sense of harmony with nature and tradition.
▼坡屋顶下的露台,terrace under the sloping roof ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼夜景,night view ©雁光舍(野田东德)
▼总平面图,site plan ©日建设计
▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©日建设计
▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©日建设计
▼立面图,elevations ©日建设计
▼剖面图,sections ©日建设计
▼细部,details ©日建设计
项目名称:龟甲万中央研究所 项目位置:千叶县野田市 项目业主:龟甲万株式会社 主要用途:研究所 设计单位:日建设计(基本设计、设计监修)、鹿岛建设(实施设计) 用地面积:16,960m² 建筑面积:11,707m² 建筑层数:地上2层 建筑高度:GL+12.98m 主体结构:钢结构(隔震) 竣工日期:2019年 施工单位:鹿岛建设 项目摄影:雁光舍(野田东德)
Facility name: Kikkoman R&D Center Location: Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan Main use: Research institute Client: Kikkoman Corporation Schematic design and design development review: Nikken Sekkei Design development: KAJIMA CORPORATION Site area: 16,960m² Total floor area: 11,707m² Number of floors: Two floors above ground Maximum height: GL+12.98m Main structure:Steel structure (with seismic isolation) Construction period: July 2018 – August 2019 Construction: KAJIMA CORPORATION Photo credit: Gankosha (Harunori Noda)