

Chile Kupulwe of early childhood education concept
设计方:Etienne Lefranc + Gonzalo de La Parra
这栋建筑体量诞生于意大利、西班牙和丹麦的客户进行的一项调查,这是一个在智利实施Reggio Emilia教育方法论的机会,Reggio Emilia教育方法论的提议中包括了两个爆炸的概念,而这两个概念又会影响到幼儿教育的发展:孩子是主角,而空间则是另一位老师。这些原则是项目最终稿概念化的关键,也使得项目的最终稿得以成形。没有学会走路的孩子被称为“guaguas”,就像没有成熟的玉米一样。孩子们被他们的妈妈在Kupulwe运送着;要么是被包裹着,要么是自身站立着,拥有观察周围并沉思生活的选择。
从概念上讲,项目自身就像是一个进行激励和实验的手工艺品,而主角则是婴儿。为了达到这些目的,空间的设计就是为了突出婴儿们的主角地位,头顶上的灯光是与时间和太阳的轨迹相关的顾问。教室的配置则是根据孩子的数量、活动和老师在训练过程中将会使用的材料决定的。项目坐落在圣地亚哥的La Reina街区中,是对一栋原始住宅的改建,这里的围墙可以提高对热和光的利用。一些原始的砌体墙片成为了新的木结构上的痕迹,这个新的木结构合并了对热和光的要求,以创造出一个理想的、舒适的教育机构空间。
The building was born from an investigation made by the client in Italy, Spain and Denmark, that appears as an opportunity to implement the educational methodology "Reggio Emilia" (Italy 1945) in Chile, which in its proposal contains two detonating concepts that impact the development of early childhood: the child as protagonist, and space as a third teacher. These principles were the key to conceptualize and give shape to the final draft."(...) The children that haven’t learned to walk yet are called “guaguas”, and like corn, before maturity, they are transported by their mothers in the Kupulwe; always wrapped and standing, having the option to look all around so they can contemplate life.
Conceptually, the project propose it self as an artifact of Stimulation and Experimentation where the protagonist is the infant. To achieve these goals, spaces were design to make him the main character, where the overhead natural light acts as an advisor in relation to the time and path of the sun. The classrooms are configured according to the scale of the child, the activities and the materials to be used by the teachers in the development of the training process.The project was carried out on an existing home in the neighborhood La Reina, Santiago, where an enclosure capable of improving the thermal and light behavior of the enclosures is implemented. Some original masonry walls remain as massive traces on a new wooden structure incorporating thermal and lighting requirements needed to create spaces ideal comfort for developing educational institutions lands.