

Zhuhai Lin State Plaza Art Center
设计方:邱春瑞事务所(Raynon Chui Design)
位置:广东 珠海
这是由邱春瑞事务所(Raynon Chui Design)设计的莲邦广场艺术中心,位于珠海横琴特区横琴岛东北端。场地东北端靠海,享有一线海景,景观资源丰富;与澳门仅一海之隔,可欣赏澳门塔、美高梅、新葡京等澳门地标建筑;东面距氹仔经200米,地理位置优越。建筑师为该项目提出了“绿色”、“生态”、“未来”三个设计原则。从建筑设计开始,就通过过对建筑的选址、布局、绿色节能等方面进行合理的规划设计,从而到达能耗低、能效高、污染少,最大程度的开发利用可再生资源,尽量减少不可再生资源的利用。与此同时,在建筑过程中更加注重建筑活动对环境的影响,利用新的建筑技术和建筑方法最大限度的挖掘建筑物自身的价值,从而达到人与自然和谐相处的目的。空间与形式的关系是建筑艺术和建筑科学的本质。建筑的整体造型以“鱼”为创意,采用覆土式建筑形式,令整个建筑与周边环境融为一体,外观像一条纵身跃起的鱼儿。中心区域通过通透屋顶的处理,建立室内外的灰空间,从视觉上形成室内外一体景观,做到了室内、室外的充分结合。
From the architect. The site is located at the North East corner of Hengqin Island in Zhuhai, within close proximity of the Shizimen Commercial District. The site’s North East is in close with the sea and enjoys excellent sea view and view resources. The site is only separated Macau by a river and enjoys the view of landmark of Macau such as the Macau Tower, MGM and the Grand Lisboa. Taipa is 200m to the north of the site and it is situated on an excellent location.
We came to scheme originally the overall program from the principle of green, ecology and future. Starting at the period of architecture plan, the designer arranged reasonably the site, layout and energy conservation of the building as to meet the demand of low power consumption, high efficiency and low level of pollution. Simultaneously to exploit renewable resources at most and decline the use of non-renewable resources to the least, dedicated to the impact of the procedure of constructing on surroundings in context. To utilize new construction technology and technique in the project to excavate the value of the architecture itself at maximum, end up with the consequence of harmonious relation between human and nature.
Inspired philosophy of the outline from fish, the building was constructed in earth-covering form to occupy the roof extending to the ground. Hypostatic union with the surroundings makes it hard to distinguish the demarcation line. The central area of the building was made translucent to develop grey space connecting interior and external in resulting to form integration visually.
Most of the surrounding landscape design including the installation of sculptures and artworks to work as transition to enhance artistic sense. Ideally result in developing a public recreation site with coast, art, humanity and nature.Important before all the designer took the architectural appearance and form into consideration. After that, extend materials and design conception inheriting from the entire architecture to the interior .To invite nature lighting and views into the interior and connect respective floors intensively. Maintain the interchange between human and environment acts as rhythm of interior space.
Rainwater Collection: collected rainwater on the roof and ground together to arrive at surface collection center goes through filtering system to meet the other purposes such as landscape and irrigation.Energy Conservation: The exposed walls are occupied with low-E glass capable of reflecting heat and lead to import natural lighting at most and reduce the use of artificial lighting. Earth-covering design with real grass brings out topical microclimate ending up with the reduction of heat island effect and perseverance of warmth.