知末案例   /   商业空间   /   花店   /   Mur Mur Lab

BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州

2019/05/27 17:04:19
Joyce 找到我,想为 BY JOVE 在杭州的花店做一个特别的空间。
Joyce founded me someday with a request. She wanted to have a special florist space for her brand, BY JOVE, in Hangzhou.
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-2
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-3
White© Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-5
Blue© Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-7
Entrance© Arttteeezy
真是有趣的业主啊,浪漫隽永的永生花在她手中被赋予了另一种亲近可爱的温度。虽是花店,但又包含了咖啡,家居用品和花艺培训的复合功能。我决心这会是 Mur Mur Lab“现象”最丰富的一家未来商店,用温柔的弧线怀抱起十二首温暖的“情”诗。
Joyce is an interesting client. Such romantic and meaningful Preserved Flowers are endowed with a sense of intimacy and loveliness under her hands. It is rather a multifunctional space than a flower shop. It offers coffee, desserts, home accessories and floral curriculum. I felt determined that it would become the most phenomenon versatile future store design of Mur Mur Lab. We wrote twelve little poems threaded by a soft curve, in a warm and loving way.
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-11
the Wind © Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-13
filtered light © Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-15
© Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-17
dock © Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-19
looking back to the entrance © Arttteeezy
It is a design started from the parts. I tried to describe the phenomenon of every scene while leaving the consideration of overall structure behind. What would the space look like when light shed through the gauze curtain? Would the dark blue sky glitter with mellowing starry light? Is it possible to freeze the moment of raindrops falling down? Those beautiful imagination came to our mind before the existence of the actual space. Here, the summation of every parts is greater than the whole.
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-23
© Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-25
© Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-27
intersection © Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-29
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-30
stairs © Arttteeezy
The dramatic narrate begins before you enter. It is a piece of white and a splash of blue in the urban context. In the space, white is the ground color, which is the best color background for others. White of different textures are spread out along with the slightly curved path. All white, white gauze curtain, white cement, white terrazzo, white acrylic, become vibrant when they are rendered with the natural sunlight. Sunlight is the only light that makes architecture into a piece of art. The blue stays in-between white and white, like a pause, or a hint. Along with the spiral staircase, you seemed to leave the light behind. However, at the darkest point, you will see starry light upon you.
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-34
blue and white© Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-36
© Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-38
© left-Arttteeezy,right-Hanzhi
Initially, it is somewhere in nowhere.
Subsequently comes deeper nihility,
Beyond the nihility, is blue and darkness.
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-46
© Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-48
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-49
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-51
the rain © Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-53
the swing © Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-55
raindrops © Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-57
Shelves by the window © Arttteeezy
Please remember the daydream you walked through, as well as the enlightenment from the twelve little poems. As we ages, life would push us to become grown-ups, forgetting being naive and behaving like an adult. You will realize that there is no way to getting back. It is a matter of rejoice, we believe, to find childlike innocence in your inner world.
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-61
shelves © Hanzhi
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-63
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-64
gallery © Arttteeezy
If you are keen enough, you will see that.
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-68
washroom © Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-70
© Arttteeezy
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-72
farwell,my cactus © Hanzhi
项目名称 |
BY JOVEProject Name |
主创建筑师 | 夏慕蓉,李智
Chief Architect | XiaMurong, Li Zhi
设计团队 | 李信良,郑雅惠
Design Team | LiXinliang, Zheng Yahui
施工图设计 | 张志德
Construction Documents Design | Zhang Zhide
项目地点 | 杭州,凤起路 288 号
Project Location | Hangzhou, Fengqi Road No.288
摄影 | Arttteeezy,含之
Photography | Arttteeezy, Hanzhi
插画 |samoonIllustration |samoon
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-90
Section & Plan
BY JOVE 花店,浪漫永生花的温馨空间丨中国杭州-92
the scene set © samoon
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