

The spotlight trip
Amico BJ 是一家入围米其林餐盘的 fine dining 餐厅。2021 年初,餐厅迁入北京三里屯新址,由一栋设计为其度身设计了全新的就餐空间。新的空间摒弃了过度的装饰雕琢,而聚焦于“光”的营造,建筑师通过将美术馆的艺术气息和环境氛围植入餐饮空间,诠释了这家意日融合料理的创意性和高级感,为顾客提供一个独特的、非日常性的就餐体验。
Amico BJ is a finalist for Michelin plates of fine dining restaurants. At the beginning of 2021, a new restaurant in sanlitun, for its body by a building design new dining space is designed. Abandoned the adornment of excessive carve a new space, and focus on the "light" construction, architects by putting a gallery of art and implanted into the dining space environment atmosphere, the interpretation of the meaning, creative and advanced feeling of fusion cuisine, to provide customers with a unique, daily dining experience.
△外立面,朝向写字楼内部街道 摄影:吴鉴泉
餐厅位于大厦一楼,面向内部街道,空间呈不规则的 L 形。建筑师将具有自然采光的 L 形一翼全数安排给就餐区域,更需要隐私性的包间及后厨则布置在了 L 形的另一翼。主厨与顾客交流的开放式吧台,作为餐厅的一大特色,则被布置在了 L 形转角处,吧台的一边方便与后厨往来,另一边又能使主厨照看到大堂的所有就餐位。
Restaurant is located in the first floor of the building, facing the internal street and irregular l-shaped space. Architects will have the L a wing for the entire quantity of natural lighting arrangement to repast area, need more privacy room and decorated in the kitchen after another wing of L. Chef’s communication with the customer’s open bar, as one of the features of the restaurant, were decorated on the corner of the l-shaped, on one side of the bar is convenient with the kitchen, on the other side and make the chef according to see the lobby all the meals.
Light as a prototype of space
对于一家 fine dining 餐厅,菜品是无疑的主角。设计概念从一开始便集中在如何更好地呈现美食。在这一议题主导下,“光”的作用胜过其它形态物质。这不免会令人想到美术馆:虽然所呈现的物品不同,但两者对光的运用本质却是相同的。
For a fine dining restaurant, food is undoubtedly the protagonist. Design concept from the beginning focused on how to better food. In this is dominated by the issue, "light" is better than other material form. This inevitably brings art gallery: although the presented items is different, but both the use of light is the same essence.
As a result, the architect to salute the classic djembe gallery, and concurrent exhibition restaurant alone is a prototype of light and space: the orbit of a vertical pole integrated all the restaurant need lighting, illuminated the linear light with light up in the middle of the arch, slightly diffuse form downy atmosphere. A narrow beam Angle of the lamp can be adjusted freely according to orbital position and Angle, make the light beam focus on the table and food.
△ 照明和空间概念原型©ArchUnits 一栋设计
△ 餐厅大堂空间摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 大包间内部摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 通向包间的大堂走道摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 入口玄关等候区摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 入口玄关细节摄影:ArchUnits 一栋设计
△ 墙面材质细节摄影:ArchUnits 一栋设计
The collocation with contrast
The restaurant’s plane is irregular, and there is no capacious big space, especially the entrance space is more cramped. Therefore, the continuous arch mesh direction of the smallpox is reversed, and it extends obliquely to the depths of the space, directly guiding the line of sight from the entrance to expand the size of the visitors.
△ 入口玄关摄影:吴鉴泉
这套天花斜向体系与地面正交体系呈 34 度的锐角,为了增强这种并置的空间张力,空间的上下体系互相独立,绝不粘连。所有墙面均不碰触天花,即使在有隔音需求的大小包间,设计师也是通过存在感近乎于零的超白透明玻璃来填补墙面与天花之间的缝隙。
This system of smallpox oblique orthogonal system is 34 degrees of acute Angle with the ground, in order to enhance the juxtaposition of space tension, space and system independent from each other, not adhesion. All are not touching the smallpox, metope is sound insulation demand even in the size of the room, stylist also is through the presence of near-zero ultra clear glass to fill the gap between metope and smallpox.
△ 餐厅大堂摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 餐厅大堂望向玄关 摄影:吴鉴泉
上下两重体系的衔接点在入口的接待台。它是进入餐厅的第一站,也是空间张力的引爆点。以异形 GRG 将“接待台—衣帽柜—玄关屏风”三种家具整合成一个连续形态,也是空间里唯一同时呼应了两个方向体系的地方。
Twofold system connecting points up and down in the entrance to the reception desk. It is the first leg of the entered the restaurant, it was a tipping point space tension. With special-shaped GRG will "reception, garment cap ark, porch screen" three different forms of furniture into a continuous, and space only echo the two direction system places at the same time.
△ 包间外侧走道摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 天花与墙面细节摄影:吴鉴泉
Space is the core of the bar by the matte stainless steel plate coated, compared with the same color around plain metope more luster. Bar setting metope is composed of scaly gradient to the size of the pine wood, with black and white ash chemistry and warm contrast of main space, but also highlights the stage in an important position in space.
△ 吧台近景细节摄影:ArchUnits 一栋设计
Toilet also add to contrast the effect of dramatic art. When customers open the bathroom door and through the darkness of the aisle, black and white contrast makes a person shine at the moment, corrugated stainless steel plate to form the light and shadow rich and romantic, is also in stark contrast to the external - the silence.
△ 卫生间走道摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 卫生间内部墙体与天花细节摄影:吴鉴泉
△ 洗手台细节摄影:ArchUnits 一栋设计
△ 轴测示意图©ArchUnits 一栋设计
△ 室内平面图©ArchUnits 一栋设计
关于 ArchUnits 一栋设计
ArchUnits 一栋设计工作室 2016 年由张朔炯在上海建立,致力于数字化设计在建筑、空间、装置展陈等全尺度领域的实践,以创新的设计去回应当代与传统、技术与艺术的融合。工作室如其名,将实践项目视作一个个设计研究小组(unit),通过理性的研究方式,激发起人与空间的感性连接。目前,工作室正在商业办公、文化艺术空间以及城市和乡村的建筑更新等方向积极探索。作品先后获得中国建筑学会、美国照明工程师学会(IES)等业内权威机构奖项。
ArchUnits, a design studio set up in Shanghai in 2016 by Zhang Shuo, is committed to digital design in architecture, space, and full-scale practice in the field of ZhanChen. The studio is dedicated to innovative design that responds to the fusion of contemporary and traditional elements, technology, and art. As the name implies, the practice project is designed as a design team (unit), and through a rational study approach, the studio seeks to defy the emotional connection with sponsors. Currently, the studio is exploring directions in commercial office spaces, cultural and art spaces, and the update of urban and rural construction. The studio’s works have been recognized with awards from industry authorities, including the Architectural Society of China and the United States Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).
170㎡极简私宅,一所房子两次设计 | 菲拉设计
建筑 | 室内| 设计| 艺术