

New hope D10 tianfu is located in the east street of chengdu, where the elite class of all dynasties live. It runs through the prosperity of ancient and modern times and gradually integrates into the leisure lifestyle with unique chengdu characteristics.
For designers, in the face of "left hand history, right hand prosperity" of chengdu, how to design the region, cultural memory and the status quo, integration of the present, through the concept and form of expression in space, respond to the prosperity and leisure of life in chengdu itself.
For the design of this space, we try to find the original heart with "craftsmanship", with subtle and detailed design aesthetics, into the luxury brand of flexible manual weaving, to shape the unique quality of the space to show life. Through the repeated deliberation on the material tone, texture, texture, with exquisite details and hierarchy, highlight the product's space atmosphere and quality sense.
推门而入,玄关以极简手法处理的石材墙面,配以精巧的木质软装配饰,整个空间尺度被拉长,更显大气典雅又不失细节。地面使用“工”字拼接的细腻手法进行设计,似是在地面铺上了BOTTEGA VENETA的精编地毯,从视觉上丰富了空间层次感,带来精致体验。
Push a door and enter, porch handles stone material metope with minimalist gimmick, match with exquisite woodiness soft assemble act the role of, whole dimensional scale is elongated, more show atmosphere elegance does not break detail again. The ground USES "work" the exquisite gimmick that word is joined together undertakes a design, the carpet that resembles the fine weave that went up BOTTEGA VENETA on the ground is spread, from the vision enriched dimensional stratify feeling, bring delicate experience.
Living room is used on the look and feel of planar space first tight the gimmick that loose after, the vision that passes entrance porch ark conceals will highlight the coherence of guest dining-room and atmosphere. The extreme height of the floor plus the unique historical and cultural atmosphere of chengdu, standing large floor-to-ceiling Windows, as far as the eye can see li taibai's "hands can be close to the moon, if there is no mountain forward" scene.
All material, furniture, act the role of article according to the detail of luxurious brand and exquisite simple sense will make, metope USES the stone of large area and wood face give attention to both details, with neat chunk face will highlight the modelling of wall of whole sitting room setting, detail adds visual surprise more.
Such as BV brand for manual cutting and delicate woven leather, decorative metal border, stone cutting use lines to highlight details of small scale, at the same time, the frame and lower level of smallpox modelling are closely relationship with facade mutual echo, plus a favourite exquisite furnishing articles, immediately become extremely whole space and rich content.
The design of advocate lie a space continued the style of sitting room atmosphere is exquisite, material of material of material of material of material of material of wood facing of material of material of material of material of the cloth art and wood is in the proportion in the space again will model detail, promote simple sense. The setting of the bed abides by the concise design philosophy that is much less namely, use chunk face splice, the rectangular modelling of ammon skin presents a multi-level look and feel below the projection of lamplight, dimensional feeling can be maximized rise.
Well versed in the way of luxury brand inheritance: to pass the value with exquisite craft and unique quality, prosperous tianfu, historic capital, thinking about the interaction between the design space and the residents, will be long history with craftsmanship and careful carving, give the space real vitality.
The floor plan
项目名称 | 成都新希望D10天府B户型
Project name: | chengdu new hope D10 tianfu B apartment type
开发建设 | 新希望地产
Development and construction of | new hope real estate
项目负责 | 李文静、黄程
Responsible for | li wenjing and yellow path
建筑设计 | 查普门泰勒事务所
Architectural design | chappelgate Taylor
硬装设计 | 深圳朴悦设计
Hard installation design | shenzhen park yue design
软装设计 | YLH · IDEAL
Soft outfit design
设计总监 | 张怀 张云 张浪
Design director | zhang huai zhang yun zhang lang
软装方案 | 叶惠子、郭华、张帆
Soft package | leaf huizi, guo hua, sail
设计材料 | 木饰面、石材、墙纸、不锈钢、木地板、皮革
Design materials | wood veneer, stone, wallpaper, stainless steel, wood floor, leather
摄影团队 | 三像摄 张静
The team shot three images of |
项目面积 | 183㎡
The project area is | 183㎡