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万科 宁波 沐拾 样板间丨中国宁波丨牧笛设计

2021/08/09 21:19:26
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Life is like a journey. 生活于城市,我们已习惯于快节奏地生活,同时享受着城市的繁华与便利。但与此同时,我们的内心深处,也从未停止过对更好的生活的追求。对于现代都市人而言,何谓更好的生活?带着对问题的思考出发,牧笛设计携手宁波万科沐拾,一起探索现代都市生活的理想场景。项目视频四明八百里物色甲东南。NING BO
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我们对未来生活的美好期待,回归感官场景中,沉浸优雅如一,实现理想生活的样子。我们也考量人体工程学的空间实用主义,进行全屋规划并细化到每个空间、每个人。提供体系化的全屋收纳设计,让居室井然有序,同时彰显认真、有品位的生活态度与质感。家庭氛围 FAMILY
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现代家庭成员的交流,总是围绕用餐相聚的时光展开,所以我们重视中西厨的打造,重视餐桌岛台和餐边柜设计,为家人的早餐时光预留场所。让大尺度的客厅、餐厅、厨房(LDK)处于相互打开、彼此互动的状态中,让居者尽可以在此享受其乐融融的家庭时光。贴近自然 NATURE
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The double-movement line to the home brings a VIP experience. From the north, you can directly enter the housekeeping room and kitchen. To enter the dining room directly, you should enter through the south door, which gives you the ritual of returning home. A vacation-style life experience for urbanites starts gracefully in Mushi.
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The layout of the living room emphasizes on social, blurring the conventional space boundaries, making the whole space full and smooth. The condensed and artistically appealing space language gives a sense of elegant and delicate vacation hotel.
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The color of the space is mainly black, white and gray with strong modern style, and warm brown is added at the same time. Soft sofas and carpets, and gentle lighting make large-scale spaces full of comfort and warmth.
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The sideboard of the restaurant displays the famous wine and wine glasses collected by the owner. The well-designed storage cabinet display presents a strong artistic visual effect, and inadvertently reveals the taste of high-end life.
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The super-scale master bedroom suite draws inspiration from the hotel’s suite space design, incorporating the cloakroom of the host and hostess, a single sofa, and the bathtub together in the space. You can enjoy the delicate life of the hotel without leaving home.
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Furniture is a perceptual bridge connecting people and space, and it is particularly important that people’s experience and the comfort of space fit together. Relying on the sofa lounger by the window, daze, read a book, drink tea, and enjoying a quiet time alone.
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The independent cloakroom space design of the host and hostess makes the storage and access of each other’s clothes not interfere with each other. Relying on each other and leaving a moderate amount of space for each other is the ideal life advocated by modern people.
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The boy’s room is dominated by simple and modern gray and white, with a calm and classic design style, which will witness the growth of a boy becoming a man.
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Lifeneeds romance and dream. The rounded furniture, the matte and pure colors, the unique animal decorations, the vibrant plants, nature and dreams, buildup a girl’s dream world.
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横卧的低矮沙发,大面积的地毯,重心贴近地面的空间设计,在这里可以自我沉淀,可以随时舒服地躺下,也可以分享、交流、游戏。在 X 空间,释放你对家的所有想象。
Recumbent low sofas, large area carpets, and a space design with the center of gravity close to the ground, here you can self-precipitate, you can lie down comfortably at any time, you can also share, communicate, and play. X space can be built as an ideal home for everyone.
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The ultra-scale integrated design of LDK completely makes home a space where you can live, study and play. The integrated space connects all the dreams of home together.
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The white velvet sofa seems like that it is always ready to give you a hug.
The deep blue makes you release the stress of life.
What a romantic and warm moment when you sit with the one you love!
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Home is also a storage place for memory. The partition on the background wall of the living room is placed with accessories and books that the hostess encountered during the journey. Collecting the heart-touching objects, weaving all the love for life.
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The dining room of the modern family is no longer just a place to eat. The rectangular dining table, connected to an open island at one end, has ample space for dining, work, sharing, hand-made and communication, releasing the infinite possibilities of family life.
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Food is not only about food, but an art of lifestyle and romance. The neatly arranged black and white ink porcelain plates are used as contemporary art decoration, creating a refined dining atmosphere full of art and ritual.
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The visually impactful Klein Blue, like the ocean and the sky, blurs the boundaries of space and makes people fall into the ocean of dreams. The green plants and the sunlight seamlessly connect the living space with the natural space.
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多功能的 X 空间里,选取为孩子量身配备的轻便家具与可调节隔板。灵巧自由的组合变化,使得空间可以伴随着孩子一同“成长”。
Accompanying is the most affectionate confession. In the multifunctional X space, there are light furniture and adjustable partitions tailored for children. The combination of dexterity and freedom allows the space to continuously ’grow’ with your kids.
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The boy’s room is equipped with geometric storage cabinets and partitions, stylish and comfortable sofa chairs, and a climbing wall made by effectively using half of the wall. Exercise, rest, and study can all be realized in this small space!
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The girl’s room is gentle and delicate. The lake blue and elegant white, the natural light through the floor-to-ceiling windows and the multiple light sources in the room, freely stretch in the delicate texture of life.
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The spacious desk and the staggered storage cabinets allow books and toys that you love to be stored safely. A simple and clean space is left for the children to embellish themselves slowly.
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The shades of green and white gradually spread in this space. Natural and gentle logs, graceful marbles, time flows slowly with light and shadow.
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The flowers and plants, the green decorations, and the fluttering of semi-transparent curtains integrate the natural landscape with the interior space, injecting the true meaning of natural life into the space.
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The cubist abstract bull sculpture injects contemporary aesthetic spirit into this natural and flexible space, convey the ideal living atmosphere of nature and art.
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The meaning of food is to please, not to fill your stomach. Green and solid wood dining chairs and patchwork green plants create a relaxed and lively dining atmosphere. The slow-spaced environment allows people to enjoy life.
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The design of the master bedroom extends the overall style of the living room, simple and casual, yet elegant and refined. You can wake up in the morning light and get the pleasure of breathing freely. Everything is so smooth, peaceful and serene.
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Black dots and lines are added to the design of the children’s room in a variety of geometric composition forms. This is a space for the little boy, full of vitality and playfulness.
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Pink, green, yellow, are the colors of a baby’s birth. The beautiful and practical lockers and drawers can easily store baby clothes and toys in an orderly manner, and give life the most comfortable sense of beauty and touch.
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由 X 空间打造而成的兴趣房,将女主人心爱的陶艺收藏陈列其中,创造美好生活的更多可能。
Art is a source of inspiration and a source of a better life. The hobby room displays the hostess’s beloved ceramic art collection, which provides more opportunities of a better life.
项目名称| 万科 宁波 沐拾 样板间
业主信息| 宁波万科
甲方团队|杨耀阳 吴东亚 徐曼 李谦 张鹏 朱信毅
田慧成 唐欣
地理位置| 中国·宁波
完成时间| 2021 年
设计面积| 245㎡、183、148
硬装设计| 牧笛设计
项目摄影| 鲁哈哈
项目摄像| 飞羽
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由毛明镜先生创立于 2011 年,坐落于中国上海,现有团队成员近 200 名,致力于为国际不同行业的一流企业提供国际化的室内、家居、商业、平面以及产品设计服务,并获得诸多国际权威设计奖项,是一家具备多元化设计经验的合伙人制设计师事务所。
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毛明镜 Wally Mau
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万科 常州 国宾道 体验中心
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