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孤独之窗 | 荷兰乌特勒支的 Monáx 公共艺术装置

2019/03/18 11:53:04
公司: Siba Sahabi
类型: 景观
地区: 荷兰
今年由于COVID-19的爆发,我们很多人的孤独感是不容易用语言表达的。能否用形式来表达?这个问题打动了德国-伊朗艺术家Siba Sahabi,他创作了一个巨大的户外装置,目前正在乌特勒支展出。Monáx,取自古希腊语 "孤独 "的意思,采用了比生命更重要的窗户形式。这件特定场地的作品由乌特勒支城市实验室和艺术团体RAUM委托创作,是 "共同生活在一起"(Living Apart Together)的一部分,该展览是在2020年3月荷兰第一次冠状病毒封锁期间开发的。
The loneliness many of us have felt this year due to the COVID-19 outbreak is not easily put into words. Could it be put into form? This question moved German-Iranian artist Siba Sahabi to create a monumental outdoor installation, currently on show in Utrecht. Monáx, after the Ancient Greek term for alone, takes the form of largerthan-life windows. The site-specific work, commissioned by the Utrecht urban laboratory and art collective RAUM, is part of Living Apart Together, an exhibition developed during the first Dutch coronavirus lockdown in March 2020.
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If the pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns have provided anything, it is the opportunity to reflect; and to focus on a human state that, while already commonplace, came to the forefront these past months: feeling lonely. In this context, Sahabi began a broad research into the state of loneliness, particularly its depictions in the spheres of art, literature and film. It soon struck her, how rarely loneliness was depicted in comparison to, for instance, love or death – while surely just as acutely familiar in human experience.
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The result of Sahabi’s research – and part of it – is a monumental sculpture, which measures 2,5 meters in height and comprises an audiovisual installation. The physical part consists of three geometric elements that allow viewers to take a seat; their mirrored exterior contrasting with the interior’s wood finish. ‘I chose to finish the sculptures with mirrors to stimulate an interaction between the visitors and the sculpture,’ the artist explains. ‘Furthermore, I wanted to reflect, literally, on a rather invisible issue of our society. Loneliness is a theme we don’t feel comfortable talking about. And indeed, it is a complex theme. Fortunately, one of the positive outcomes of the current pandemic is, that the problem of loneliness in our society has become the focus of more attention.’
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孤独之窗 | 荷兰乌特勒支的 Monáx 公共艺术装置-15
窗户象征着我们对接触的渴望:我们向窗外望去,当我们对自己四壁之外发生的事情感到好奇。这些雕塑还具有长椅的功能,当参观者在那里坐下来时,他们会听到讲述个人孤独故事的声音。为此,Chris Rijksen创作了一个完整的播客系列,也被命名为Monáx。播客中包含了一些与孤独有过 "实践 "的人的经历,如心理学家、修女、探险家和哲学家。
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▽施工过程 Process
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Project: Monáx
Design firm: Siba Sahabi
Location: Netherlands
Production of Installation: Schaalwerk
Photo credit: MWA Hart Nibbrig
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