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悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus

2022/01/19 09:00:21
Brookfield Place Sydney, designed for Brookfield Properties by Make Architects with Architectus as Executive Architect, is a mixed-use scheme which includes the revitalisation of the pedestrian Transit Hall on George Street for Wynyard Station.
▼建筑外观,Exterior view © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-3
The project demonstrates the true benefits and power of urban densification. Alongside 75,000m2 of premium office and retail space, it comprises upgraded multimodal transport links, new and renewed public connections that prioritise the pedestrian, and two restored and fully-integrated heritage buildings.
▼建筑与周边环境,The project in its urban context © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-7
▼设计示意:抬高中央核心区 Diagram: suspending the central core © Make Architects
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-10
Previously, passengers were funnelled down to Wynyard Station via concourse passageways that ran either side of a central core which felt dark and unwelcoming. From very early in the design process, Make unlocked the potential of the site by raising and suspending the central core, using mega-columns in the boundary walls to support the building’s shear load, much like the flying buttresses of a Gothic cathedral.
▼新的城市大厅,打通了一条从乔治街通往卡灵顿街的新步行路线 © Multiplex The ‘Urban Hall’ provides a new pedestrian route from George Street through to Carrington Street
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-13
▼剖面图,Section © Make Architects
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-16
This simple design execution of hanging the core has created a new triple-height ‘Urban Hall’ filled with daylight, transforming the arrival experience for visitors and commuters. This space now acts as a sweeping new front door for Sydney’s commuters on a scale commensurate with Wynyard Station’s status as one of the CBD’s busiest transit hubs. It also provides a new pedestrian route from George Street through to Carrington Street and Wynyard Park beyond, right underneath the offices as before, but this time across the full 25-metre width of the site.
▼大厅入口,Entrance to the main hall © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-19
The hanging core itself has been celebrated –clad in almond gold stainless steel with vertical glazing, it stands out against the GRC-coffered ceiling and provides views into the commercial lift lobby from below and vice versa.
▼核心空间内部,Interior view of the hanging core © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-23
▼电梯大厅,Lift lobby © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-25
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-26
▼贯通的视野,The open view © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-28
The Carrington Street elevation is home to the commercial office entrance. A calmer location away from the bustle of George Street, it provides a different perspective facing Wynyard Park with a nod to the street’s history as a prime location for large corporate headquarters in the 1920s, and to current aspirations to return the address to its former glory.
▼商业办公区大堂,Commercial office lobby © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-32
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-33
The tower is sculpted to respond to the rhythm of its city block, appearing as a series of interlocking orthogonal blocks of differing scales. This contextual approach gives the building a sense of permanency and belonging. At 133 metres high, the central and tallest block accentuates the overall height, while the other two-step down to reduce the overall volume, preserve sunlight and respond to the views from the various perspectives. Stepping the blocks also creates six roof terraces offering occupants 1,700m2 of outdoor space, alongside a further 280m2 of green roof.
▼从街道层望向塔楼,View to the tower from street level © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-37
▼立面细节,Facade detailed view © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-39
Each glazed panel of the tower’s facade is defined by bronze-coloured anodised aluminium fins to emphasise the verticality of the scheme. The fins vary in depth to respond to different solar shading requirements on each elevation.
▼立面夜间外观,Exterior view by night © Brett Boardman
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-43
▼场地平面图,Site plan © Make Architects
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-45
▼平面图,Plan © Make Architects
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▼立面图1,Elevation 1 © Make Architects
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▼立面图2,Elevation 2 © Make Architects
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▼剖面图 1,Section 1 © Make Architects
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-53
▼剖面图 2,Section 2 © Make Architects
悉尼 Brookfield Place 综合体丨澳大利亚悉尼丨Make 建筑事务所与 Architectus-55
Technical sheet
Area 74,000m²/796,000ft²
27 storeys
5.5 NABERS energy rated office tower
Make Architects
Instagram: @make_architects
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