宿迁天文台,SCSTUDIO Architecture and Design

2018/01/31 14:03:32
“The Gentle Giant”是宿迁天文台的竞标项目之一。此次竞标的所有项目需满足两点要求:
1. 天文台需与场地临近现有公共设施相连。 2.改变原有场地乏味的视觉景观,并通过打造独特的地域性符号吸引更多的游客。
The Gentle Giant is a proposal for an Observatory Tower in the Chinese city of Suqian.Two were the main goals of the competition:
1. To connect the Observatory Tower with the existing infrastructure / bridge that develops along the site.2. To alter the merely horizontal configuration of the context and to modify its skyline with an ironic landmark, which could constitute a visual magnet for tourists and visitors.
▼总平面图,master plan
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▼天文台与原有大桥相连,connecting to the existing bridge
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The Gentle Giant结合了中式塔楼和中国瓷器两种形态,并充分吸纳了中国长城的几何形态,将天文台适应场地地形进行布置。该项试图运用当代设计语言重新阐释两种传统的中式风格形态。
The conceptual origin of the project derives from the will to re-interpret two Chinese traditional typologies according to a contemporary syntax. The Gentle Giant combines the vertical presence of the so-called Pagodas and Porcelain Towers with the adaptive geometry of the famous Great Wall, whose formal configuration depends on its reaction to the specific topographical constraints.
▼如长城般盘旋, waving like the Great Wall
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“The Gentle Giant”由两条动感的坡道系统组合而成:其一平整且狭长,它回应周围景观以舒适和完整的视觉体验。而另一坡道则与之相反,它与地面采取直接的连接手段,以实现塔楼的高效可达性。循坡道缓缓移至塔楼顶端,来访者便抵达一处环形休息处,花卉花园景观在此处一览无遗。
The Gentle Giant is based on the dynamic superposition of two different systems of ramps: one, longer and smoother, which allows a complete and relaxed experience of the surrounding panorama. The second ramp, on the contrary, is a sort of direct connection with the ground, for those interested in a quicker visit of the building. Once the visitor will get to the highest point of the Tower, he / she will find a circular lounge area where to have a rest and enjoy the beautiful views of the Flower Farm.
▼全貌,full view
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“The Gentle Giant”坡道蜿蜒曲折又动感十足得向上延伸 ,其形态远远望去又像是一座巨塔。身临其境,来访者仿佛置身迷宫一般。循迹而上,柔缓的坡道又将他们带领到最高处。人自身的位移和对周围环境的感知变化,正是这一项目想要带给来访者的体验。“The Gentle Giant”是一个概念上的结构系统,但它并非静止,随着来访者的移动,它也为人带来了极具动感的独特体验。
The Gentle Giant’s geometry recalls the existing bridge: a sinuous, sensual and organic ramp that turns into a vertical tower. Visitors are trapped into a spiral labyrinth-like effect that will guide them from the ground up to the sky. Through a gradual and gentle promenade, they will climb this artificial mountain and will get on top of it. Perception and movement become keywords of this project. The Gentle Giant works as a conceptual and structural skeleton, whose aspect is not closed or static; on the contrary, it is constantly changing and evolving, depending on the interaction with its users.
▼身临其境的感知体验,the experience on the tower
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So a simple Observatory Tower can also become a real public space: a space for aggregation and socialization. At the same time, vegetation will progressively colonize its structure and little by little, will change its perception.
▼多角度视图,different view positions
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